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Show G. 0. P. ATTEMPT TO END DEBATE ON MEASURE FAILS WASHINGTON". Fob. 2. The Republican attempt to enforce cloture for consideration of the emergen, y tariff hill was defeated today in the senate. The vote was thirty-six for adoption of cloture to thlrtv-five against; far less than the neces- I sary two-thirds majority. Republicans voted against tho cloture rule were Senators Borah. Colt, Oronna. Johnson California Califor-nia i. Keye, 1,-ifollette and Towr.s- end 7 Democrats voting for the cloture clo-ture rule were Senators Ashurst, Henderson, Johnson South Dako-ta); Dako-ta); Jone iN-w MMco. Ken-drlck; Ken-drlck; Myers Randsell. Shepi.id and Smith (Georgia) 9. 1 The cloture petition was sup-ported sup-ported by 1-7 Republican! and nine Democrat! mid was oppo.- ep bj f-even Republicans and it democrats .Many on both ld. wc-rt paired |