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Show WOODROW WILSON mT THE THEATRE At the theatre In Washington on Tuesday night. President Wilon ip H pearcd lor the tirsl lime since he ttst stricken in the sum mar of 1919. The president, as ?oon as he entered ih H box. was recognized and tho audim i J rose and cheered. BH At the end of the plav . :hr preidni a sain was cheered BBB How fickle the public seems to be! BBB Six months ago the presides was be ing held accountable for all the at I dictions of mankind and coals of fire in the form of criticism were being l eaped upon bis bead As the man ap-broaches ap-broaches (he end or his career, and the intense feeling of partisan rivalry BBVI passes, he is being restored in the es- 1 BBa teem of his fellow countrymen. When BBVl he is dead and nn longer capable of ' BBBJ being comforted by words of cheer ( BBJ he will be praised in the highest BaaaaaaV BBJ The play on Tuesday night, which was witnessed by President Wilson as 'Abraham Lincoln ." No man re ceived more abuse In life than the martyred president Abraham Lincoln was pictured b his enemies as coarse, vulgai and unprincipled. To iay Abraham Lincoln if ih inona tlon of more lofty sentiment than BBVJ flows from the example of an other (man in American hlstorj What will history imparl id. (air history say of Wood row Wilson? We all are too m,ucb a pari ol rhe man s I history to express an unprejudiced opinion, but the prospect! are his death will enshrine Mm by glorifying his greatest achievements while hit mistakes will be dealt with in a kindly spirit. 00 1 1 |