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Show STREETS COST CITY $72,6811 Annual Report of Commissioner Commission-er Flygare Presented to City Commission The annual report of the city street ' department, submitted to the board of I city commissioners this morning by Commissioner Chrli BHygare, shows the I t-jtal expenditures foi the year totaled $72 613.0$, wlrlch leaves a bnlance of I $16.97 above the authorized budget for the- twalve months The largest single Item for the year was the cleaning of paved streets, 'which reached a sum of $16,401.06. A portion of the report signed by '. H. Martin, supervisor of streets, follows: We have endeavored to maintain the standard of efficiency heretofore worked for but have not been abb tc i do all thut had been required, or that we should have liked to do, on ai 1 punt of financial conditions. 'The last three or fo;ir months of the year from ten lo fifteen men wc-te laid off. cutting the expense of our department de-partment but making it impossible to do much necessary' work on the streets of the cfty. The work In this departme.it. for 1920. consisted principally of ihe oleanlng of paved streets, general re i irair and maintenance of bridges, cul-,',tK cul-,',tK and waterways; keeping canall and drain ditches in good condition, : cutting WSeOe'. grading, graveling and rolling various streets f the city, and ( during the wlntf-r season. keeping nn els and walks b ar of snow and ice land In the summer. keeping them j sprinkled each day. Tools belonging to the various de-patimeni de-patimeni of the tit- have been uept I in repair and read) for use-, at tin-city tin-city blacksmith shop, and during ih-t.asons. ih-t.asons. when not in ue, gpriAklefs, street washers, flushero, grdderi ano drags have ben cleaned and re-paired. re-paired. ihe winter of 191f-J.920i being vers severe and lasting longer than usual, sprinklers were i 1 nut -.a nioitli-bt nioitli-bt lasi yea:, Slay, June, Jub. August. September and October, making the amount expended for this work considerably consid-erably less than for the previous .. -.u ." |