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Show I LION COAL COMPANY ATTAINS I NEW PRODUCTION RECORD FOR II UTAH AND WYOWIING HINTS Larger Output From Properties Toward Final Months of Year, Following Many Improvements Made to Properties: Attention Given to Equipment Necessary for Both Mining, Preparation and Shipment of Fuel From Rock Springs and Rock Springs and Carbon County Properties. PPPJ iJtirinc the year. 180, tho Lion Coal IIIJ company from It I'tah and Hock PPPJ Bprinx, Wyo,, mines produced and PPPJ shipped wr-ll over onr-liolf million tons PPPJ f coal a monthly sTerafe output of PPJ practically sixty thousand tons or PH iwfnty-four hnndred tons per worlc-PPJ worlc-PPJ Ing day PH At the Ltonkol mines, the i ompany PPJ erected a now steam nested hvink- PH house to Comfortably take care of one PPJ hundred additional miners. The COBI- PPJ panv h:is alvo Installed B modern, first PPJ rlaa9 bath-house for the use of the PPJ men which Insures sanitation and Hit- PPJ isfled wm-kmon. During the year, ths PH Kink-Belt company of ChicaKo, III., PH declared tho foremost manufacturer PPJ of screening plants in America, com- PH jileted a new, up-to-date screening PPJ plant, at cost of over 60,000. Thin, PPJ .screening plant is said to he the Inst I PB word in preparing coal, and, in addi-i PPJ tlon to the most improved. up-tO'dsitS PPJ screens, they have provided boom i PH loaders for open top cars cans- PH 1ng the coal to go Into the car with a j PPJ minimum amount of breakage and for; PB loading closed cars, have put In two PB oC the Jatest Improved IfanlerTfl Box I PB Car Loaders Injuring the finest of j PH preparation when the coal IBSYSS the PH MODERN POWER PL M . PPJ At the Blalrtown mine, the most PPJ modern power plant in the entire (11s- PPJ trlct. has been fully completed by" the' PPJ company, having a battery of 4 8S0-I PPJ pound steam -pressure Babcock & W1I-1 PPJ ox latest return tubular boilers and i PPJ to generate electricity the company PPJ has InetexRled two of the latest types PPJ .of 600-ktlowatt tJcneral Klectrlc com - ! PPJ pany generators. This power plant sup. PPJ 1'iies the company's power at til f i's PPJ mines in Bock Springs. PPJ At tho Watlls. Utah mine, great . PPJ strides have been made the produc- PPJ Hon at the start of 1120 was around IliiH 500 tons of coal per day at the dose I of 1920, they were putUng out normal-ly normal-ly under elcht hours' working time, -well over 1600 tons of oai per day. Extensive work has been done in the. nunc until many declare, it can well! be said that the Wattle mine of the Lion Coal company Is the model mine of the Utah mining district. On the' mile and a quarter tramvay, necessary to conduct the coal from the mine mouth to the tipple a real trans-FormaUOn trans-FormaUOn has taken place the grades having been cut down wherever possible, pos-sible, the entire track relied with sixty-pound stijel. j OTHER BETTERMENTS, Kxtenslvo Improvements having been made to the very large thirty thou-' sand-horsepower winding engine, man-ufhetursd man-ufhetursd by the Denver Engineering Works which propels the coal from : the mln mouth to the lipple, one and a quarter miles distant, until at the I present time, tho entire tramway works with the perfection of a clock. In :i renvir.',' the production man,'-' nlflclently during the year, It was found the tipple worked perfectly and! handled the large Increase In produc- tlon without any delays or loss of time. The company. In order to take care I of the inc reased tonnage at the Wat-tls Wat-tls mine, hns been called upon to build steam-heated bunkhouses which' take care of obout one hundred addl-1 flonal miners. Due to a shortage ofi labor, which affected nil lines of Indus-1 try. the company suffered very ma-1 terially In reaching their maximum production earlier In tho year, how-1 ever, that has been eliminated and at the present time the Lion Coal com-' pany'e mines are easily capable of developing de-veloping a dally production of thirty! five hundred tons of coal All In nil, I the company had a very good year, and with their operating and other difficulties behind them, look confidently confi-dently to the tutors through optlm-i Isi ic eyes. OO |