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Show Hi COVERS EXTENDED RANGE Tintic Standard is Stronger;' Eureka Bullion Heaviest Trader on Board Trading In mining stocks on the Bait I-Tke Stock A- Mining oxehange covered a wide range, but was rather slack this morning. Tintle Standard wo Mtronp-r than vo. , terday. brlnt-lng 13 20 and $3 22 for 100 I "hares. Walker 1 old 600 share" ai 3 10 I Silver King COS was strong, trading 200 I shares at tl PO and Si ... with CuMlff j -elllng at J1.I6. Eureka Bullion wa th heaviest trader amnng the eheafier stocks, selling 14 000 at 13Vj and 14 - Alhl.-n bmuciit 13'Ac. j with Prince Con. Strong at 2?L,e. 'Quotttlons turnlhed over orivate wirs Of J. A. Hoo'c &. Co Eerie- Bldol . , Bid Ask Alta Con j .02 J 09 Albion n ?,v. American Con 02 02s Alta Tunnel 1 07 1., 08i Alta Michigan . !oi Beaver Copper .0014 Big Hill ;0r,'. 03S Big Cottonwood Coal. 0", 04, Bullion 02-W .03 Black Metals .. . -. .. 08 0314 Colmbus Rexall s3-i .34 Crown Point o2'I .05 t'olorado Con 031.. ..-, "e(,trni Eureka ,01 " n"u.. ''nrdlff 1 10 LS5 Dragon Con .nni os Daly West 3.60 r 4.10 'ast Crown Point 01 a; 03 Easl Tin. Coal no- , East Tin. Con o ' .09 Eureka Mines . ,07'-i .09 Fluroka Lllv 'o Eureka Bullion inn .H'ifc Kmma Silver 02Z .02 Empire Mines 03' Gold Chain " 10 ' IT,W",,,, 09 .09", Iron Blosaom 20 .'' Iron King t "Jo Tjidge Mining 3 00 3.85 Kennel.ec of. .10 Keystone .50 !75 Leonora 01 'i Ol--.; Lehl Tintic nS'. 09 May Dav . oi'i 02 Miller Hill m -02 Mammoth 55 '5 Michigan-Utah !02i ni North Standard 06s!i 07 N.w Qulnqy 04 .04, 1 e , Knn(0 . . 1 00' 00l4 Nalldriver .. t r.O Plutus .. .. A. 25 29 t'rlnee ("on, 291 so Provd 03' .07 Paloma ai Bf'-r Argentine 01 Rlcn tVrillngton 01 03 Sells .04 .06 Sll. King Coal . J 931- 1 95 III. King Con 9a " ,gs BloUX Con 9 08V South Hecln . no s.i South Standard irj 17 Silver Shield .21 '.9VA T..r Baby . 00 ,nl'4 Tintb Central rjj 1 ,01'-, Tintle Standard 3 1714 3.22v Tlali Cons 01 01 I'nclo Sam .. . . f. 00i .0ti Victor Con. ,04 Union Chief 03-i .10 West Toledo 044 05 Walker 2.40 2. 43 Wood lawn 08 .08; Yankee 04 unia osa 09 empire oppcr . n.i- t 117 Daly . . 1 .60 2 . 50 Opcnlnn Sales. Albion 600 at 181 ,,-Howell ,,-Howell 1000 at 9V4c. Bureka Mine at 7c. Burexa Lily 2"i00 at 7'.ic. Prince Con. 4500 at 13Uo, Silver King Cool 100 at $1.90. Silver shield 500 m 33 Tintic Standard 200 nl 3 20 Cloelng Sales. Fureka Lily 1000 at 7'.c. Bay State loon at 9' " Cardiff 100 at $1 16. Lehl Tintle 2500 at 9c Miehlgnn-l'tath 600 at 2o New Cjulncv 100O at 44e. Eureka Bullion 900ij nt 14.' Prince Con. 1500 at 29V-Silver 29V-Silver King COal. 100 at 31.02'A. Slnnx Ctn 1 170 at 2c. Tar Baby 2000 at 1c. Tintic Standard 100 at $1 22''. West Toledo 2000 at 4e Walker 500 at $2.10 LOCAL SECURITIES. Bid Ask Amal Sugar $ $ j 00 Amal Sugar pfd .. . 35 00 97. 50 Con. Wagon 9S.50 100.00 I Cement Securities llR.oo 1 Utah-Idaho Sugar ..... 5.90 5. 924 Lion Coal Ponds ... SC 00 West Cachp Sugar lOt'.CO .01 0Q Wyoming Sugar s 00 Ogden-Portland Cement sr o Ogden Packing 25 00 BactgroWers' Sugar 4 jf, People's Sugar ...-:. 4 G Royal Cool pfd 100.00 Security State Bank 130 00 First National Bank 320.00 CHICAGO FUTURES. CHICAGO Feb 2 Oepn High Low Close W heal March $1.57 $1.69 81.66 El.Bifi May i 4": i p.. i ir, i.ir,u Corn . Ma' 66 U CI--; ,65W Jul.v o'-'-j 67'-, ,r,r,', r,7 Oats May 4i'4 .415, .4i; ,4li IV.rk- Al '42 -41''8 12 May 22 10 22.30 22 10 22 30 Lard March 12.65 12 SO IS. 85 12 0 13 00 13.22 13.00 13 "2 Bibs May 11.85 18.10 11. S2 12 03 - MONEY AND EXCHANGE. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. Prime mercantile mercan-tile paper 7s; per ccnL KTohan;:o strong Sterling: Demand $3 S4S; cables 3.- .V'-H. Francs: Demand 7 20c; cables 7.22n. Belgian francs. Demand 7,56c; cables i 6 C tJullders: Demand 3.1.80c: cables 33.90c Lire: Demand 3.63c; cables 3.67 -Marks: Demand J.aie; cable- I 02c Greece Demand 7 30c Argentine: Demand 35.27c. Brazilian Demand 16 Montreal 10,, per eent iliscounf. Time loans firmer; 60 days, 90 days and Q months per crnt Call money firm high 9 per i ent low S per cent; ruling rate s per cent; offered at 9 per c. nt; last loan 9 per cenl METAL MARKET. NEW yoke, peb, 2. Copper dull; elefltr01ytl(j spot and first quarter 121 Iron unchanged. Tin easy; spot and noarl ? .: mi-.. -.2 -50; futures 83800033. 60. Antimony spot 6.0006 62c. Lead dull; .spot 4 76c. JJInc easy; East St. Louis spot 5.000 NEW YORK STOCK LIST. U-ast Sale) Allis-Chalmers 34 Amerkan Beet Sugar !.!.!!! 42 American Can 29S American C.ir Foundry ...121 American Hide & Leather pfd 41-, American International Corp 46 1 American Locomotive i,l-4 Amerkan Smelting. Kef American Sugar '..y., American Sumatra Tohacco 79 American T. Ac T. 999, American Woolen COS AjMusonds Copper 3,Vs Atchison 14 AU-, Gulf V Indies fis Baldwin LoCOmOtlVC SSS Baltimore A: uhlo 33' Bethlehem Steel "B" . 56 Canadian Pacific 11c Chandler Motors 70 Cr.csapeake 4ft Ohio 5s I Chicago, Mil and St. Paul 37 ft I Chicago, R, . 4 pac ;ijy, Chlno 'upper 22j'a Colorado Fuel .v- iron 39 ys Corn Products 7o Crucil le 8tci 1 . . . 92 Cuba t'ane Sugar 22 Erie uy neral Electric 12," General Motors . .' 14H Goodrich Co 4gi Great Northern pfd 77 W Great Northern or.- ctts 2S',S Illinois Central , . ssfc, Inspiration Copper J4t tat Mer. Marine ptU. . r.l International Paper '' Kennecott Copper ). Louisville A: Nashville Maxwell Motors 5vs Mexican Petroleum b'.','4 Miami Cupper 18 Middle States on 134 Mid vale Steel 30 Missouri Pacific I8n New York Central 71 N y . n h. & Hartford 2o-i Norfolk & Western 98 Oklahoma Pr-i .v ltef 3fc Pan American Petroleum 74v Pennsylvania 40" People s Gas uc It Pittsburg and West Ya Kay Consolidated Copper Heading 8b Ue). Iron A- Steel 65Vj Royal Dutch N. Y. 62K Shell Tran... & Trad 40V Sinclair Con. Oil .' v.ti Southern Pacific 8outhem Hallway ....22 Standard (dl of N. J pfd 108 Stpdebaker Corporation b6V Tennessee Copper 8Vi Texas Co 43 Texas Pacific 21 Tobacco Products .. .. ..: oi Transcontinental Oil ui Cnlon Paclfl.- 119 1 . S. FochI Products 2334 L'. S. Hotall Stores 54 U, S Ind Alcohol 674 United smtus Rubber t... . 'oy United States Steel .. !2 L'tah Copper 56 vVestinghouse Blectrle . 45 Willy m overland S American Zinc, Lead and Sin 8 Butte and Superior 13B 1 Ma, Petroh iint 34 ' Montana Power 62ViB Shnttuck Arizona 6B I'ure Oil '. 34 Invincible OH 24'i General Asphalt 60S CHICAGO GRAIN. CHICAGO, I-eb. B.--Wheat advanced in price today largely a a reaitlt of belief that bearish conditions had been .111 -counted, at least for tho time being Bulls contended also fiat ;he main factor fac-tor was not underselling from Argen.ina hut the question whether the United State exportable rurplus liad already 'een disposed of. Initial uuotatlona Which ranged from 1 to l0 higher, with March $1.57 to l.6S and May $1.46 to 1.46. were followed by a modem. o reaction. re-action. Corn hardened with wheat. After opening open-ing to lc higher. Including May at 64 to 65c, the market kepi for a time within this range nnd then relaxed a trifle. Oat.s were firm owing to tho strength of oili.-i cereals Marling ' '" '3c h.f. o r. May 4H to 41HV41c, and later gaining a little more. Provisions lacked any afsgresslve support sup-port and displayed a tendency to sag. Subsequently, the wheat market took a fresh upward swin. and there was an estimate current that the United S'at. . carry-over would be only 16.000.000 bush- Is if not nr.oihor hURhel were Hold for export the next flvo months. Prices ed unsettled l'-s to IVg net higher, With March 81,66 to 1.57 and May $1.-401" $1.-401" to 1 4Ct. Falling off In the volume of corn receipts re-ceipts had a stimulating influence later and so. loo. did grsslp t hut tho country was not selling. Prices closed nervous. to Tie net higher, with May 115 to 65 c. OGDEN LIVESTOCK M P K ET. Cattle Receipts 27; choice heavy steers $7.60ifs.5u, good steers $6 00'd 7 00. fair steers 55.00 : r. 00: choice feed, r steers 6jS.4M07.QQ; Choice cows and heifers heif-ers ff, 5-i 6 20. lair to good . ..wa and heifers JLOO'aO.oo. cu'ters $3.00'ff'4 00; canners $2.0U-. 2 50. h"lce fder .-ows $3.60-71 4 50 fat bulli $4. 004. 60; bologna bulls $3.00ft400; veal calves $s.009 00. Hogs Receipts 73; choice fat hogs. 176 to 250 lbs.. $9.70: bulk of pales $9.20 9.70; feeder hogs $8.00fg;9.00. Sheep Receipts 644 ; choice lambs $9 OO'ii 10 00. wethers 15.0006.50; fat ewes 3.0O'7j 4 .00, feeder lambs $8 00'o 9.00. Arrivals. M. P.. Hampton. Ogden, 2 cars lambs J. A. Ma bey, Bancroft, Ida.. 2 cars of sheep. Fast Side Market Bupcrt, Ida , 1 car of cattle M Whltwort'n. Bancroft. Ida., 1 car of hogs T. D. Rvan, Hurley. Ida.. 1 car of hogs. Sales. Olden Packing company, 1 car sheep. Fred Miller, ogden, 1 car of cattle. Fox Ai Keller, 2 cars of cattle. 1 car of lambs. CHICAOO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Feb 2 --'Unit.-.! states Bureau Bu-reau of Markets. 1 Cattle Receipts 11. -000; beef steers slow; little early trading about steady with yesterday's close, few choice loads held at $9.60 and higher; bulk around $7.008.60; all other classes weak to lower, bulk butcher cows and heifers $4-60((f.6.00; canners and cutters Uirgely $3.004.25; best heavy bologna bulls $5.60; few 260 pound weight abovo $x 00 Hogs ' .Receipts 2R.O00. market slow, itsady to 10c higher, butchers up most; top $10.20: hulk 200 pounds and down 19.10010.15: bulk 220 pounds and up 19.8009.80; pigs 10 to 16c Lower; bulk desirable de-sirable 90 to 120 pounds $9.76itflO.OO. Sheen Receipts 1500. killing classes generally steady; tOP lambs $10 00. bulk fat lam'hs $H.50!i 9 50; bulk fat ewes SI .00 '( 4.00. NEW YORK SUGAR NKW YORK, Feb. 2 The raw subar was unsettled today. Prices were easier with Culms offered at 3c cost and I freight, equal to 4.64c. for eontrlfugul ; without finding buyers Further reductions or 15 points were made i four of the leading reflnera to the basis nf 6.85e for fine granulated, the quotation established by one refiner yesterday. Tho continued easiness in raws caused further celling in sugar futures fu-tures and at noon prh .; were 13 to 15 points nei lower for active positions, isobar futures do. 1 .1 eus , t.ales 4400 ! tons; March ,1.76c, May 3.90c, July 4.1 o; eptember i.soc. OMAHA LIVESTOCK OMAHA. Neb, peb 2 (United States I Bureau of Markets.) Hogs He, eipts 22.-1100; 22.-1100; market active mostly In'-i 15c IiLImv, bulk medium aud llglit butchers 9.00h 9.20: top $9.30. bulk strong weight and packing grades 65'u -i 90. Cattle Receipts 5SO0; beef steer. and .he-stock generally steady: top steers $8.10; bulls weak; veal calves 2ril60c low. r: top 110.26; slockets and feeders dull, fully 2oc lower. Sheep Receipts 6000; lambs j"2bc higher: bulk 18. 6000.85; top 18.40; rear-lings rear-lings and .heop steidy; yearllngn $6 50; wethers $3 00; ewes $4 50; feeJecs s1r:mg; feeding lambs averaging 71 PQJIU)J $S 60, CASH PRICES CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Wheat No. 2 hard $1.6601. 60; No. 2 mixed $1.67. 1 urn No 3 mixed OsV;'-! 09'4c. No. 2 yellow 61440. o.its No. 2 white 4Q04OC; No. 3 whlto 38Ht'?39.ic. Rye No. 2 $1.46. Barley 604J 72c Timothy seed $4 50fi)6.00. Cl. ver seed $16. 00120. 00. Pork nominal. Lard $12.57. Ribs $11. 251312. 25. 1 |