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Show Restaurants' Problem Not So Much Food As a Series of Strange - Whys" ! NEW YORK, Jan. 31. How nianyl j.us of butler do you use for your "petit pain" at luncheon, or dinner ." How niHrfy mils do you eat ol destroy? If you are ihe average testa urunt-goer. urunt-goer. statistics show that you will -on- sume one and five-tenths rolls and1 destroy or waste five-tenths of a roll.; You win USe thiec and two-t.-ntbs patal ol butter In this operation, and in verj rar- InfetaUCCS, whi n Jrou have flnhshAd your meal, will any portion of Ihe butter but-ter ou have been served', remain on the small butler dish KMprxn s c ot -vi n 1 s. With the advent of prohibition; restaurant res-taurant nien have made thorough re-s--an hes' Int.. the profit and I08S sl.il. - ment of then- business Tb.- old days '"hen my genial host c.i red not whether wheth-er you puid cash or signed the check, have gon.? by. Among reataurahteurs, j accordinp to Andre Pustanoln. the jyoungeat man (n th. business in New 'ork, says It is a cuee of thv Mirvivill of (he fittest ! Buktanoby, w ho has not y. t passed 'his 24lh birthday. was the first restaurant keeper in New JTork to m-ploy m-ploy a public accountant to ferre! out ihe reasons for ins profits and losses.' Por since prohibition the restaurant j business iia.s ha.) ii.e, ,.1 operating bn.1 ;an entlreb now basis: "I am putting up no plen for the restaurant keeper.' sai.l I ;usi a m.by . 1 'but 1 sometimes wonder if the res'- taurapt gOSr has any IdeS Of what seemingly far-fetched problems we bays to deal with.' SOM1 l III) 'WHYS Here are a few of the matti rs the public accountants ere puzzling their, heads over Why will eminently rich and respectable re-spectable ladies .,uite frequently ' Pinch" napkins and towels; Why should waiter, on threat of strike, insist on having hi iar-coffee tor their personal consumption instead ol real coffee? Whv .I., women like l.-- .,u jn' Ineir food than men Why do patrons prefer to drink water wa-ter oul of goblets rather than nrdin-1 try glosses" j Why- do patrons think thai flowers PAT '3 0h a 4P JMK eWPLOY BUTTER IB WcOUNTANTS i Jl "i ll f-X patron Matrons think fess- fliuteTF.ii' WiLL- PrNCiT- TA3LE FLOWGR3 ILli, , '"'l-7 NAPKINS ARB THEIRS W ' CONSTANCY "B1NMEY or nil the 1 1 1 i 1 iz tlio restaurant mnn likes to sec you order, ooffce, to or enroll e( ii.in the greatest .!. placed on restaurant tables are intended in-tended for their personal hdornment? "The list Is a mile long, these 'whys' we are trying to solve." aid Buatano-by. Buatano-by. "and few of them have to do with food." P"or the sixty out of one hundred peops who order meats, twenty will ,0111.1 poultiv and the other twenty I will order fish. I f all the things the restaurant man likes to see you order, coffee, tea or cocoa. give him the greatest Joy. There 1 lies the largest percentage of profit Soaks, chops, etc.. yield the smallest ! percentage of profit |