Show Woman oman Starts ar s st 1 t Year ear Mrs Carrie C. C Harmon Platt widow of Franklin B. B Platt former former former for for- mer bishop of the Twelfth Thir ward was observing observing observing ob ob- serving her birthday anniversary anni annl- anniversary I W We Wednesday Wed Wed- e d- d I by receiving re re- F i frIends I n nat at the home of a ason ason son Edward O. O I Platt 1408 East Ninth South street A family family fam fam- ily By party was to tobe tobe tobe be held during the afternoon Mrs Platt was born March 5 S Pavil- Pavil V. V 1856 at Mrs 1 Its P Platt tat t lion N. N Y a daughter of Norton and Thankful Loretta Tanner Harmon She came to Utah with her parents when she was 6 years old Active in LD S church affairs she was secretary and treasurer of the old Thirteenth ward Relief society and later held the same position in the Twelfth-Thirteenth Twelfth ward She was also a former president president president dent of the Thirteenth ward Primary Primary Primary mary association Mrs Platt has four sons Franklin Frank Frank- lin B. B Francis H. H Norton and Edward Edward Edward Ed Ed- ward O. O Platt and a daughter Mrs Cora Taylor and 28 grandchildren |