Show Obituaries Dorothy E. E Johnson EJohnson Mrs Yr Dorothy Elizabeth Johnson Johns 32 32 wife of Ross L. L Johnson 1427 Browning avenue u died unexpectedly at her home Tuesday at 4 p. p ni m. of a heart hea ament ailment t Mrs Johnson wu was born la in Bozeman Mont Ye Y hay 2 24 1908 a br daughter of Clar ence IL I. I and d Bertha J George 1950 fe CW She came to Salt Lake City tD lii hay Yay 1930 Cit Ce t as aw Ste was a of St St. Pauls Paul's J pal fb church aa and of Lynda Lynds chapter ZO c 1 1 Order of Eastern Eter Star addition to her husband she Is In survived by a son cheW Douglas I J Johnsoa hn on of residing Salt Lake City It her parents now nw In Opheim Mont fl five fin slat sisters era Mrs Yrs Fred Fr and Itt s. Laverne Lavre Lea of ot 0 em Mrs r Lyle a rd and Mrs George Wolf OI of KevIn e re 1 Mrs Edward a of Moot Mot and ad a brother Jerry Jerr I George Gere of Opet I I Gary Dean Elmer Dean Elmer month oW 1 son soa t of ot Gary td Dean can Gar and Dan Afton Atton Emer Huff Huft Elmer of 2453 Sev Sev- nth eats East street died le Tuesday at dl p. p K m. m t In a Salt et Lake of a at Infection Th The Infant was wa born bom at Lake Le Shore Utah tan county April 16 1940 Surviving besides Apri the parents parent are ae the maternal and belea paternal grandparents Mr and nd Mr Itt s. rs Ernest Eret James Huff of ot Lake LakeShore Shore hor and Itt Mr and Mrs Mr John Elmer Elme of friends may call ca at the Deseret mortuary at t Pay Payson IOn James ames Maxwell Maxwel Final rites for James Jamea Maxwell 88 68 prominent L hI D S church worker for more than nan 40 years year and former bishop of the seventh Twenty ward who died Monday at atIs athis his hi Is home 1126 Fourth avenue will wl be conducted Thursday at 1215 p p. m. m In the seventh wenty-seventh ward chapel 1615 P teel street Zeniff D. D Harrison ward capel counselor will 11 off te Burial will 1 b be b In Salt Sal Lake CI City eeme- eeme Friends may call cn at t Fourth East Eat treet street Wednesday from 5 to 8 p. p I m. m J and Thursday at the residence from 10 to 1145 a. a a m. m Sarah A. A M. M Drury Funeral services for Sirs Mrs Mr Sarah Sarab Ann Morris Drury 88 American m r avenue w who g ho died Sunday n were c conducted 0 n nd d U C er t e d Wednesday J at 1 I. p. p m. m In the Fifth L D B S Sf Sward ward Lake Louis ard ke f City chapel C C. C al Jacobsen cemetery c under direction Burial rr on was vu of in Bishop Salt Herbert TerrY erry Young PRICE PRICK Herbert Herbert Terry Young Young 11 son on sont ot of t Silas Stanley and Elsie EIle Potter Young Youn of Price died Sunday at 4 p. p m. m m In Price city Ity hospital of carcinoma n of the lungs li e Wo Irl following an Illness e of two weeks e The child wa was born In Price September 16 6 1929 and had bad lived Ind here ever since Ince He was WI a student In the sixth grade at t the th larding Harding school In Price Hal He Is survived by his hI parents ant two brothers brother Clarence and Brigham Young Yount a sister Mary Young and his grandparents grand grand- parents arents Mr and Mrs Itt Mr Ellas Silas Young and Sir Mr Ir and Sirs Mrs Mr Noah Potter Poter all al of ot Price Mary A. A H. H Holliday Holiday PAYSON PATSON PAYSON Mrs Mary Ann Hamilton Hamon Holliday 68 of West Neat Second North street treet Payson died at her home bomB early Tuesday She was WI born April 9 9 1872 at Hooper Hooper- t-Ille t tile Utah Utah a daughter of ot Henry and Janet Jane Johnston Johston Hamilton She was the wife of hIt hIt- A. A F. F Holliday who died 38 35 years ear ago go Surviving are four brothers brother brother and 10 sis sis' sisters ter Helaman Hamilton Mrs Mr Ellia Elisa Richmond Rich Rich- mond Sirs Mr Sarah Grant Mrs Mf Jane Vla- Vla well and Mrs Janet Tanner of Payson wel Henry J. J Hamilton ot of Salem Mrs Mr Start Marie Duke Mrs Euphamia Aldrich and Sirs Mrs l Christina Foster Fostr ui of Salt Lake City Mrs Ruts Ruth Hunter Mrs Manna Hannah Hanna an and Peter Hamilton ot of Sacramento Cal Cal Mrs Moroni a Hamilton Bradford of Rigby of Jg Franklin n Idaho rl oida idaho and three and one great grand child Jean lean A. A Orison LOGAN LOGAN Funeral LOGAN Funeral services for tor Mrs Mr r. r Jean JeanAnn JeanAnn JeanAnn Ann McNeil Orison 62 62 who died lat late Sunday will wi be conducted Thursday at 2 p. p m. m in Logan Fourth 1 D S ward chapel chape C by v Bishop I O O. O A. A 03 Sonne e Burial u l ar In Logan Loga ait City cemetery will wi be directed by Lind quint 8 Sons Son mortuary Friends Friend may call at the Orison home East Eat Fourth North street treet Wednesday Ices Icu evening and Thursday until time tie for tor sen- sen ler Dr Weston Vernon LOGAN Funeral rites for tor Dr Weston Vernon Logan civic and business bustnes leader were ere conducted Tuesday noon In the Logan 1 Lo Logan gan L D S ward chapel bert Among B. B Maw the and speakers a Joseph p were J. J g Cannon Governor r rp p pres Herbert Herbert Her Her- t dent of the Temple Square L D S mIl mission Ion O 0 A Sonne tt bishop o presided t |