Show STRIKE BALLOTS I 1 SENT RAil MEN Distribution of strike ballots to determine whether Utah members I of 14 national railroad labor organizations organ organ- would go on strike t to 1 obtain obtain ob ob- ob- ob tam tain yearly vacations with pay be began an Wednesday Edward G. G Eklund division chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man of the Brotherhood of Railway Railway Railway Rail Rail- way and Steamship Clerks Freight Handlers Express and Station Em Em- of the Denver and Rio Grande Western railroad company said the wide nation-wide strike threat is made under full authorization of the railway labor act The strike would affect clerical workers signal men maintenance men telegraphers shop craftsmen and others Mr Eklund said who want a guaranteed annual vacation with pay of six working days das for of one year service and 12 working days with pay for em em- holding two or more years service Railroad dispatchers already are guaranteed annual vacations with pay while the transportation brotherhoods brotherhoods broth broth- Including engineers firemen firemen fire fire- men conductors brakemen and switchmen would not be affected by the strike Mr Eklund noted Karl S. S Little secretary of the Union Pacific systems system's board of the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks Freight Handlers Handlers Han Han- Express and Station Em Em- explained in the event em em- vote in favor of the strike President Roosevelt will be asked to name a finding fact-finding committee within 30 days The committee would then investigate the strike claims and make recommendations to the president within another 30 days Results of the poll should be known shortly after March 20 Mr Little said |