Show 27 Would-Be Would Barbers Get Tests Hope Shear Luck Will Help Shave and a hair cut without the six bits was the order at the state capitol Wednesday Under the watchful eyes of three licensed barbers 27 candidates for professional barber licenses practiced practiced practiced their skill upon capitol building buildIng building build- build Ing legislators and newspaper newspaper newspaper news news- paper men On the basis of their performances perform perform- I ances the they may mayor or may not receive receive re re- cehe their practicing licenses so guinea pigs the would-be would barbers were practically assured of f a smooth shave and a clean hair cut cutA A. A L. L Simkins Provo W. W W. W Johnson Ogden Oden and John Burt Salt Lake City served as ns the ex eX- The class of 27 was was' the largest seeking licenses since 1935 when 37 took tests G. G V V. Billings state department of registration tor said aid examinations for beauty operators would be given March 24 24 with nurses nurses' tests slated April 1 and 2 |