Show Army Orders WASHINGTON AP AP Army Army orders Colonels Archibald D. D Cowley ley Int Lincoln Neb to Washington Milo P. P Fox C. C of ot C. C Wilmington Wil Wilmington Del to Panama Canal department depart depart- ment David H. H Cowles hot Akron kron Ohio to Washington Lieutenant Colonels Harry C. C Barnes Jr C A C C. C Fort McArthur Mc Mc- Arthur to Presidio of ot Monterey Otis Porter Cay Chic Chicago alto to Camp Edwards Edward Winnie L L. Bartley Q QUO M H C. C Fort Sam Houston Houlton to Panama Canal department William H. H Hammond mt I de department department de- de Ig tHio to Camp Forrest rTe kramer Kramer Thom Thomas Thoman bO as an as Cay Philadelphia to Fort Beaning George Geore P. P Seneff F. F A. A Barre WIlkes to Gap Edmond J. J McMurray chaplain aKi Randolph dO field to Tampa George S el fa rf J. J McMurray r chaplain p Moffett field to Fort George Geore Wright Charles W. W Dietz Q M C C. C Presidio of San Francisco to home retired Harry C C. Q M H C C. C Fort I Sam Sem Houston Houton to Camp Polk Majors Sanford J. J Goodman C A C C. C Camp Haan to Brownwood Texas Frederick F F. ler C A C C. C Fort Warren to Fort Lewis Ralph J. J Bauereisen Q M H C C. C Fort Bral Bragg to Sandusky William C. C Lewis A C Sa vannah Ga to Oklahoma City Michael J. J Gilmore Glimore U US USA S A. A retired San to Fort Mason James Jamea P. P Hulley lot Ha Hawaiian ha la wallan department to Fort Knox Percival J. J MacNaughton Q M It C. C Philadelphia d to Boston o Kle Kie hb Doty y In c ja Panama Canal d department de to Fort Monmouth Joseph Belmont Bel hId mont o s A A. C. C r res ren Petersburg r III Ill to Chicago hl S Snowden w n nr Lea special pe 1 res rca New York to Wright field Captains Russell B B. Bramble M. M C. C Fort George Geore Wright to Fort Lewis Frank KowalskI Jr Jr Q M H C Jacksonville o I to Fort Knox x George GeorgeA A Jurray U USA S A retired tI r San Antonio te fo ioor to Washington Clyde J. J Cranston K H. C. C U t W Fort Hayes to H department i Anton ii A Tots A. A C. C McChord field to Boise Frederick P P. Dickerson A. A C C. March Held to Albuquerque James A. A Moore A. A C. C March field to Tucson David C. C Wallace C of E. E B Berkeley Cal to Fort Peck c Bernard er J. J Kotte M f A C. C St St. Louts Louis to t Atlanta William l L L. taJ Sapper Q M C C. C Wash Wash- io to St AL Louis David E Gross Grons o i. i Ka D. D C. C Fort Monmouth to Panama Canal department department depart depart- ment meat Charles Charies De Be Witt Gibbs C C. of E. E res rea Des Moines to Middletown Iowa Jowa John Edmund Ed mund Foley Chap res rea Idaho to McChord field Manning David Sell Sli A A. A C C. res Tea res Urbana Ill to Randolph field Slim Ellis Uriel chap res Chicago nha to Fort Sheridan William John Manby res rea South Bend to Fort Riley Douglas to Savannah i Mackenzie n Charles a C. C Of of R E E. b res dP Pasadena Bennett n tt Int res ren to Fort Henning John Fan Earl Albert A A. A C. C res Columbus Columbu Ohio to Tampa Joseph Joeph E K James Jr Q M H C C. C Langley Lang Lang- ley Icy field to Fort ort Knox |