Show fATE ATE SENATE SHELVES HELVES I BILLS SENT BY HOUSE I I Chamber Studies t. t Own Issues on I Reorganization G G. G ROBINSON The rne state senate Wednesday pending p n d. d ru rules J es requiring con con- of house bills worked Its Is own state government measures while Re e efforts on reorganization I isted sted chiefly of committee iii- iii lon ion Che he senate besides passing a 1 providing partial refund to plane pane ane companies of aviation oline taxes collected from fromm i m passed the bill setting up J z state stale health commission jed ed another the 4 and began consideration on Important measure to establish I ew W department of engineering Cje house committee on state organization voted to report out S S. B B. which creates state department of publicity development while power Jower house voted more pow- pow t p 10 the working wives ion committee and passed the theol theOl K ool ol Ol traffic patrol bill S. S B. B 25 igram grain Bo Bogs Down n jen en with two meetings s Wednes- Wednes y the house hous c on re- re this program appears engulfed in the time ment The regular session ends v ek from Thursday and the thee tre e rules require that it pass no no house bills within three days adjournment Thus the house Thursday and the last three threeS three'S S 'S 1 ot of the tho session session to pass on sen- sen C Ire reorganization bills of which lID iut 75 are to come under con- con ration enate nate rules require that it pass passo fro o senate bills within the last days before adjournment Claud Cloud Hirschi R R. Iron- Iron moved that the Len sen- the rules and work on onale onate one ate ale e reorganization bills th Commission fter some controversy the sen- sen passed assed S S. S B B. setting up the thet t health commission Debate DebateS S rover over wh-ther wh to limit the com com- ners gloner's salary to a year was amended to retain the thet it- it t but to provide that federal it state funds may go toward If salary alary answering an objection t federal funds might be zed by the limit Similar discussion arose rose over a 00 oo salary limit for the director the he state sanatorium in S. S B B. 1 It- It which would place the sana- sana ho on Pice Pae Seven Seen Column Six Lix I I State Senate Shelves House Issues ITo To Work on Reorganization Reorganization Continued from Pit Pal On One under control of ot the proposed pro pro- posed public welfare commission An amendment was put through h however wever requiring health commission commission commis commis- sion and the governors governor's approval I of the director The senate passed S. S B. B by i Senator Grant Macfarlane CD D. D Salt I Lake and others refunding to airplane airplane airplane air- air plane companies 3 cents of ot the 4 cents per gallon tax they pay on aviation gasoline S Senator Macfarlane Macfarlane Macfarlane Mac Mac- farlane said this would enable Salt Lake City to build hangars with rental revenue from United Air AirLines AirLines AirLines Lines and Western Air Express through an agreement the city could make He said such a definite definite definite nite revenue would enable the city to float revenue bonds where It could not on the strength of gasoline gasoline gaso gaso- line tax receipts The senate passed also S S. S B B. B which calls for the thel th state laws The laws were codified last time In 1933 Representative Royal B B. B Garff D D. Salt SaIt Lake chairman of the house committee on state reorganization reorganization said the committee voted to report out favorably S S. S B B. providing for a state department department department depart depart- ment of publicity and industrial I development The committee held helda a morning meeting and another 1 before the afternoon session of the house in an effort to report out more reorganization bills report The chairman of the house siftIng siftIng sifting sift- sift Ing committee Representative J. J JI Henry McGean D D. D Salt SaIt Lake said the reorganization bills would be placed on the house calendar Thursday On the motion of Representative tive Ray P. P Lund R. R Sanpete the house voted to give a committee committee committee com com- headed by Representative Parnell Hinckley D D. Salt Lake authority to witnesses to investigate compliance with the 1939 legislative resolution against working wives The resolution frowns upon government employment employment employment employ employ- ment of persons whose spouses are gainfully employed The house passed S. S B. B 25 25 providing providing providing pro pro- viding for establishment of Junior traffic patrols at schools without responsibility to school directors The bill was amended to remove a senate provision requiring the student patrolmen to work from sidewalks It was pointed out that such was the understanding anyway and that such a provision would only create confusion In areas where there are no side side- walks |