Show Planes for S. S America Amend I They Cant Can't Get Them Because of Aid to By PETER EDSON W WASHINGTON A A few new angles on an United States relations with South America have bobbed up as the European European Euro Euro- rc and Oriental Oriental Ori Ori- comets of cris crises e s m move 0 v e W along the their i r orbits with a blazing tails Principally 11 y there Is puzzlement puzzle- puzzle m ment e n t as to where the lease lend lease lend bill will leave the South Ameri Amen cans If hemisphere hemisphere hemisphere hemi hemi- sphere defense is to be the big thing and Edson Edsona a large part of the United States defense effort is intended to prevent prevent prevent pre pre- vent the nazis from taking over South America then where the South Americans wonder will help come for them Argentina for instance not so very long ago decided to abandon abandon abandon aban aban- don German French and British British Brit Brit- British ish planes for its and standardize on American aircraft b because e c a use the United States would be able to make deliveries But the Argentine republic has had an order on file with U. U S. S plane makers for months and hasn't been able to get deliveries To the charge that South America Is being dominated by bythe bythe bythe the nazis now the Sud Americanos Americanos Ameri Amen canos reply that they have more fear of what the fifth column will do in the United States than they have in Latin-American Latin re re- re- re publics BRAZILIANS SAY THEY TIlEY CHECK NAZIS There has been particular concern concern concern con con- cern about nazi penetration in Brazil but the Brazilians claim that they have a much better stranglehold on the German menace than have the people of the United States German pamphleteering and newspapers in the United States go practically practically practically cally unchecked but whenever a German language newspaper in Brazil prints foreign news it is required to print in the next column column col cal uma a literal translation in Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese Por Por- Brazilian national lan Ian guage Similarly all radio broadcasts in Portuguese or German to the German people of Brazil are restricted restricted restricted re re- re- re almost entirely to music and entertainment News bulletins bulletins bulle bulle- tins are limited to simple statements statements state state- ments of fact No comments Efforts to improve commercial relations with the South America republics are just about where they always were Every discussion discussion discus discus- sion Sian on this subject sooner or later comes to the stone wall waIl argument that we cant can't trade with South Smith America because the raw materials that they formerly sold to Europe wheat meat cotton corn and sugar are the commodities which the U. U S. S al already already al- al already ready has in abundance LAMOUR LA WILLING WILLINGTO TO DO HER IIER BIT What has perhaps been overlooked overlooked overlooked over over- looked is the possibility that the southern sister republics might try a little more selling of their excess groceries to each other Travelers who come back drooling drooling drooling drool drool- ing about the tenderness and juiciness of Argentine steaks will tell you in the same breath that the best filet mignon in the other South American countries is obtainable obtainable ob ob- ob- ob tamable by slicing off the sole of your own shoe Recently anair an anair anair air express shipment of steaks was sent over the Andes as a publicity stunt It was front page news and it did result in an effort effort ef ef- ef- ef fort to drive cattle herds from Argentina into Chile for ter Spreading Yankee culture is still much on the trial and error basis with emphasis on the error Grapes of Wrath which was to educate South America about American life was a terrible The people people- just would not believe it was a true picture of life in the U. U S. S A. A Mistakes in m staging such as putting palm trees in the Andes or Argentine cowboys s 's jn ja in Brazil lea leave e the cousins very but with experts on every lot in Holly Holly- I wood now that may become be 14 OV 4 come ome I 1 Best idea far so seems to fc be send a string of stars on penni appearance tours Dorothy t i mour is dying to gL go at gover gove ment meat cultural relations and should fix dand dandy everything s j L BRITISH ASSETS j j 1 MAY BE POOLED 1 How much good the goye gOvert ment meat loans renS will vill do remains be seen Palms hands n trees trees are are supposed to be all along the line One bi big o Ou pr pu lem lern will be to keep the gj An An i can loans from helping foreign competitors the British whose trade in iS America has always been out in front of U. U S. S conCern One plan which you win will hea w i. more of and which will viii Z gi you an idea of how some Z 1 in m Washington are areto 1 thinking to take all the British asse l Latin America and have tt pooled under some joint 2 like the Havana co coS ence of 21 American u already organized to take oy over administration of British te tetory terr tory in the western jn should Britain falter j Secretary has haj J J o these British asse ra j j South America as currents worth or nw nor than double his department estimate of British holdings fi fj i the United States Its It's a nci nj jackpot and the South Amen cans wouldn't mind having Ji themselves so that they coi nationalize their railroads abel minei and other assets and so drive oi oct i foreign competition 1 j |