Show i Theres There's Seldom Water Wafer in This River but When There Is Wow M. M t r i r fr Y d Py rr A 5 n 0 6 e cr kP P ask a ti M sa u S r 3 y f r 2 N T y rw 4 j. j u ti j 2 s 1 j t y e y PP 4 a N N W n Associated Press DAYS BAYS AND DAYS AND DAYS OF RAIN CAUSE COLLAPSE OF 01 CALIFORNIA RAILWAY BRIDGE foot section of Santa Fe span topples into Los Angeles river as abutment gives way STORM RESPITE SEEN FOR COAST LOS ANGELES March 5 UP UP Rl It was mighty good news to southern Californians drenched and disgusted by eight major storms in 25 days when the weather bureau announced No further Pacific storms are in evidence which might bring more rain within the next several days The most recent storm which since Monday night brought two Inches of rain to Los Angeles and four Inches and more in suburban communities broke a rainfall record record record rec rec- ord dating back 48 years The seasons season's figure here js 2520 inches wettest since 3 1892 when the fall r totaled 2628 inches Nearly four months of the current weather year remain to eclipse that mark Los Angeles' Angeles time all-time record is inches in 1883 4 The heavily traveled coast highway highway highway high high- way to San an Francisco was r re reopened reopened re- re opened to single-lane single use Tuesday night near Santa Barbara but slides at many other points made motoring tedious Several less less im important im- im roads remained closed Southern Pacific trains were moving moving ing ingall all along the coast line to San Francisco but slowly in many places Santa Fe travel east was rerouted after a bridge abutment collapsed Into the seething Los Angeles Angeles Angeles An An- geles river Generally dropping river lev levels ls were reported from throughout the state and barring further heavy rain flood threats were considered past Several narrow narrow escapes were reported as cars overturned in rushing creeks five traffic deaths here were blamed indirectly on the rain and 2 year old Robert Wayne Sherwood drowned drown d in a puddle Snow blanketed mountains and high waves at Redondo Beach threatened new damages to several several several sev sev- eral coastal towns during the winter win win- ter |