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Show 4 SUMMIT COUNTY ONYX, at the Jepot. The baggy wt badly wrecked, bnt no one waa injured. a 14 b Ik Evrr Ttkta t Following arts the ore shipments frm COALVILLE. FRIDAY. FEB. H. 1M6, Lk, the for present the McIntosh Sampler The Tim La ia iu :nJu jnb .f week: Silver King, p,360; Anchor onyx taken from the bltwk that wa sent e mm Dintivn 4ifN( concentrate, 320,670; Daily Wet by Coalville parties to Balt Lake lor 150,340, Varroe tailing, uuu mi 11, t raow (tuituf And polishing. The p ece in our t Oiigh.cure, the nn t You want full value for your money in , carving at 1 Ha. IV U fm C'ty .Total, 1,41 3, twO. Record. window does not do jusuie to the aveF-- ' effective remedy fnf tl,e , 1 Jfs U I ho The interest in the Third Hooe of the sge quality of this onyx, as it i only a throat and lurg, f Avtr's icrrv aiv ml oir.it rauw n 10 Goods. Youths and Gents Clothing, and Deetorai. A an nni rgr ni v medi. I. etil! or.tne iwrease, lab broken off while the workmen were I. Ho.S,t so that large the attendence is getting U&V i Ho 1, Hr cHie, feu tJie cure of Wducing the "large piece. M P IN No 4, Eat the building will not accommodate j rnat, v,,r However, if the opinions of workers in t'rmip, . Ho. S fart. ihem all. No new bill, a yet, have this rock count for anything, the heuer ung Ftver at d len passed, tiovernor Ial inon took onyx promises to lead a1! the other thus loojii.g Cough, Ladies. MenYand Children's Shoes. AoUiorlittl Corr.HBdBto ood I is seat Monday n.gbt and iwued hi far discovered in Flab. The workmen , I" f.,r Tko Timn. ! . . message Tliursdav. , . (Hljrgr ay it is a good, If not sujiertor t tne Him. N IN uat . t Uallr) the o f Lyot.. J. 11. Hall has completed repairs Mexican srtule; that it is the hardest IVrtoral Cherrv rm . Himr Aaeaprn-- ' oe hi moving and of finer quahty than any they have ( w jr mUkjii, snd SVaa-ln- y, Goods. II . W V in the bar and fiituroe. The build- yet worked on in ait Like snd that it ( F. M. Kiia w Lt y, Hats. Gloves and Mens HnyUVl It Joim ( lark rpu stands I the test sverhauled, weather D. A II Hr mm admirably. , Dis. cc. of a?. ing has been thoroughly rWo -W ilium fircwer This is good news to be Con! v rile boy Heeler the Amer.can Rap.-tis- t and painted, and makes a very H Hill IN repaired Jtwfh k mU who own tiie quarrv, as well ns to H c f P9W XheJjfiau.lat.-l- A ijilLAlUl'U'A'i H attractive-rooJlitdislimg v,Mietv. IVterRifrg, k--T A l Adi, anItrd( injoh.Hro Fummit county, jor it mean another j V i , ndorte t, ak a cure for violent ojien and ready for business Bee Hay, Grain and Flour, lucrative industry for our people, and 'tdf.s, t .i iiit h tis, etc. J)r. llraw ley this issue. in nouncement Cburcti Direct c.rv aWo .olds: To all of a ministers the investment suffering great Thecresmerv question uattrscting the undoubtedly from throat truMe, 1 recommend IN IaTTEB-PAJLAlwii. j attention of our citweoe throughout the deal of capital. The the at out quarryTs now already seems piece Bundijr Nlmlvcry banday ronnty.andthe main question as. in the 8 take House. Sacrament to lie as to which will lie the best loca- estimated to be worth hundreds of dolY Fancy Staple Groceries. 2 at Sunday. ni. every p. weet.ng lar in ths and The Tints is inII. M. I. A. every wands at 7 30 p. m tion for it. Borne favor Coalville, some formed thatrough, COME TO THE a reoresentativeof a wealthy ia Make House. lloytiville, WansLip, and vanoua other location will the wnh a firm soon visit plsies. It is a settled fact, however, of IHU. a creamery will lie established at or view to making a purchase the claims. that Awarded Medal st Worlds Fair deserve a'l tiiev The owners present Preaching wrvue every stwwnlNun-danear here. for this ptoperty, lor they have AVER S PILLS Cut tber and Slorach T can evening Snrulav Y hool . every get tAics, . I C. N fieorgeand Ted Wilde on Wednesday labored hard and undei many dilticlu Ktjmlay at 2 30 p u. after Sunday m iinni. succeeded in killing another cougar near The Tiwt-- . hoes iiaoat.i H. Pesky, Pwttor, iiortsYille that ha Iwen committing uesindevelopu.gr !i out of it. r all Ma, E4ta ht., Ogden. may get riKtllVAL. tuck depredations around that neighbor- they if hood aa running of with sheep and like BUKIEN S AKVMMlVt tjomer Thomas has returned from his animals for some time past. While the The tasst salve in the world for Cuts, to 8alt Lake. trip animal killed waa not unusually large Bruises, Nore. Ulcers, halt Rheum, 8. Salmon is aga.n able to at'eiui to J. i lur a cougar, it was a verv strong and Fever Sores. Tetter. Climped Hands, Chi- - hia official duties. all I Crng, snd Eruptions, a to was sold and handsome specimen, blams, and poettively cures llle, or Line of Spring and Summer Frank Hopkin wa np from Biiioke tie LEADER party in Salt Lake. no pay required. It is guaranteed to give n bumiess bent. None better Tug Times was in hopes that it would nerfet t satisfaction or money refunded. Wednesday CIGAR. 1'rne 25 cents per Ixix. hor sale Jby J. 8, was in Coalville shaking first term of the Hopkin have the proceedings iot the money. ManuJohn Boy den A Son hands with the boys Monday of the District court in Summit county factured by the leader J. II. Ball made a trip to Salt Lake to report this weekbut it got slipped np Will ContpromU Cigar Factory, fij tom-u.e- r on it, for the reason that on Tuesday r. II. Wright and A. Bmlian.vn, who Monday for goods and furnishings for bait ial street, last, the date of the netting, all the bum-nes- e were appointed bv lhe Coalville city his new bar. that was done was the calling of council at their last meeting to go to N. B. Baapp and Alex Evans of Oakley Lake City. FROM WANA MAKER & BROWN. ike court by County Clerk Northcott and alt Lake in the interest of Coalville on i auie down yesterday for a lead of coal Satur- the Clawson-Coalvill- e The finest line of Clothing ever displayed in Coalville. case, returned the and on other business. adjourning it until day. at 10 a. m. Fashion plates showing all the new and correct styles. Ixtterpartof the week, having accomJ, F. Taylor, (colored; editor of the LOCAL BRlViTtES. Balt Lake Hroad Ax, was in Coalville Joseph Johnson tin week moved hu plished the object of their mission. Everything bright and new. Ho oM goods to peddle off. We understand the law) ere in the barber fixture into the office Jformerly Tuesday soliciting business for his paper. Full line of Mens, Womens and Childrens Hosiery, Leap Year ball occupied by Dr. J J. Chamber. The case were interviewed, also Mr. ClawWanamaker & Brown's goods. Also everything in John Spriggs returned from Deep effico is used conjointly by Attorney J. son, and the latter made the following Read change in Co-o- p ad. Creek and Salt Lake Saturday. John Home Made Stockings. Full line of Gents' Furn1. Joust as a law office and Joseph John- proposition . fet. Valentine day we got one. Did his locations in Ieep Creek are all says ishing Goods, Mens, Ladies and Childrens Shoes, son a a barber shop. Tlii is a pretty . Mr. Clawson informed the cemmittee . right. jou? but as both occupants that for the sum of (125 he would withhard combination, W, J, Wright ha an announcement in are J. Carroll, with several other gentle My goods are the best the market affords, Prices tbe Lowest joval and goed nature they will un- draw the suit from eourt, and relinquish men from Heber, thieiitue. ere in Coalville doubtedly get along well together and do all claims to the franchise granted him. are The remain of John Hartley reached well iu their They Wednesdiy. going through Cite me a call, now erected He agreed to leave the poles respective callings. Coalville from JYovo Saturday, nd were Bill are ordered for the Calico ball to to the city, but ia to take the wires now the county buying up cattle. E. M. West, advance agent for bariedl'vaturday. m. be given by Mrs. Mark Hopkins and stretched upon them. John Bhefman This proposition, we understand, was Glassmann, the grand organizer of the cigar Mis Lillian Ciuff. Irize will be given was in Coalville attachment to hi barber ehop and hie for the costume best' representing the submitted to the lawyers, who stated Silver Knights, lock will oon arrive. dree of the 17th, 18th or I9th century. that while they were confident of win- Wednesday and Thursday porting bills ning the case for Coalville, the cost of and securing signatures for the organJohnBprigg left to our care nice The data will be the eve of Washington lab of the Weber onyx that 1e attracting birthday, Friday nightr February 21st, the action would in all likelihood ex- ization. Mr. I Jiuig Post of Fark City, who ia M much attention in Bait Lake at pre-en- f. at ClufiT hall, instead of Saturday, a ceed the aum asked bv Mr. Clawon, announced in last week's Tikes. There and thought the compromise the cheap- petitioning for the changing of his R , are two prize, one for the best lady cos- est way out ofH. name froin Tostuw a'eki to Pom, lrns Captain Ikvnovan of law bait Lake Clawson told been in Coaville for some days. He is Mr. and was acain one for thebcst gentleman tume and en, and itood erreeted was force who police costume The prizes will be on exhibi- by the committee that Jus projuvsitUn waiting for the District c nrt ioeonvene. e, trial for being found in a housed Oi-eeli-u. Co-o- p be accepted, and that upon the wnto hisca-- e will come lijta or in would a window the in tion day hat been acquitted. ' withdrawal of the suit and forfeiture of two. If by accident loot should be dropped Attempted Suicide VYilliaua Johnson, Jr., wn arrested his claim to the frttncttiie, ( warrant for m.tb carpet, cover thicklv with salt Hosea be would stated forwarded Marshal Wilkins, the Burton, well know n in Coalville, ssui, 125, and both may be wept up clean and dry Tuesday evening by who upon (hatching him found a couple to him. i attempted stneide in Salt Lake Tuesday without soiling the carpet. This action will without doubt meet The following report of the afiair is harmonica which had been taken , The firat of the ene of pai tie of the irom W. J. V rights store, in Ins pocket. w ith the approv at of all,' as it w ill throw taken from the TribuneCoalville Social club wa given lat F Hosea Burton attempted uicide in He admitted taking the harmonicas and all cost ou the complainant, and save and wa in every way a nucea. aa taken to the jail and locked up but much in time Rnd tuonevpby stopping the city jail uhoutll o'clcak last night. The next rrly come off Friday, the released the next night on the applica- all litigation. Beside this, the poles, The weapon used was a jagged", triangular niece of glass, broken from his 28th int. Good wheat or oats taken in exchange for cal. tion of hi parents. William Johnson we learn, are in moet pajl sound, and ce 1 window with a fire shovel. With Stabling The New West schoolnouee i under- wa let out of the Reform 8c bool will undoubtedly serve for iho telephone this rnde instrument he made a gash, and bunk house furnished freeA three in hes inc tbttn-ne- y the r ght ide jn length, several months ago on parole, and we wire soon to be trelcht here, thus of going extennve repan. A new his neck. At one place the wound will ie constructed, the house understand Superintendent Allison will making another saving to fie eitv. its length in depth. After being and other Decennary improve- arrive ia Coalville to return the temporarily cared for in the jail and a tight-fitin- g and ment made. . bov to the ( howl. The community will couple of stitches taken to hold together hat that constrict th blood-vessthe gaping sides of the wound, Burton The many friend of J. A. hmith will sympathize with the boya parent, for Of Uotc Hall's ibiir Renew er was taken to St. Marks hospital, where the scalp. feel are the and be pleased to learn that be itoed the they disgrace deeply, his wound were dresed. will pot lie bald. Burton has ben drinking heavily for aurgical operation performed upon- - him honorable, hard working, industrious six days past. Last Allison arrived itirens. Latch.-Mr- . in Balt Lake very well, and at the presevening some oi his The rtrst Wotbbb Otfi relative had him locked up to keep him this morning and took both Johnson and ent writing ia getting along nicely. The lrovo Board of Education ha from getting liquor. He had enlv been ha finished hii contract Albert Bowah back with him. The lat- been reorganized, with Ci 1. t).ier, m the jail three or four hours w lien he also out on parole. made tiie attempt on ms life. He was president; Thomas John, at thecourthoue,thefurniturehaa Uen ter was J. M. Jeusen, lerk; Jotyi R. Twelve, at one time a guard in the jail and of put in, and everything ianow in readme A young mao in Lowell, Mass., treasurer; Joseph T. MaEwan, James late has been running a restaurant at " for the brat term of the District court tronbled for with A constant suc- Hardy, and Mrs. Cornelia Clayton, Bingham, whe-- e hia family is at presyear inembeis. It is lielteved here that Mrs. ent. He is a son of Gen. Burton, and for Summit county, at 10 if. w. tomor- cession of boils n his neck, was HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRE STATIONERY COALVILLE. Clayton is the fir- -t woman to be given is widely know n about town. row. cured by taking only three tattles office in the Mate of Utah, bhe was At the hospital Dr Rehle, assisted bv William (ilaMuian, grand organiser of Avers haraparilla. Another result ele ted at the last session id the board to Dr. Bt era, peformed tracheotomy and at filLilit aoaiH v, ureated by tfceresigna-tio- n 3 oV lock Burton was reatingfiaaiiy. of the trefUment ue gre My He nprovel of E. O. lron. Tig- resignation will recover unless some unexpected apeak here on the money question togeslion with tncreteed avoirdupois. would iiav been effected variior but for complication arises. morrow night, A meeting wasbeUl In the fact that Judge Wtlsoa has tarn ill l.it of Lottor Park City Tuesday, at w hit hover BOO be first piece at 8alt Lake for so long. Location notices for sale at The Times e Remaining uncalled for at the of busim lie transacted an his ainval office. joined. in Coalville on Feu 13, lofl. horn- - was to write out his resignation as We return thank to E. M. Allison, KSTR4V NOTICE When calling for Hny of the-- e letters, president of the board. This resignaSr for tin? fifth report of the please say advertised: tion was accepted, which left the board I h.re la !HWesion the following ue trustee d the Territorial Reform Notuiot. free to enrganize. This done, the elec- scribed property A Harm it I T P'irsM. .e-- i red Tearliu I'irht One te, r. tun diamond a of tion Tic report I exteniive and include perou to fill the vacancy in the shaped brand on left rtl crop and allt in right wa in ryder. was Mrs. Av livl vfiirlil ear; Clayton t thv taurj Bis. s( rt uggeationeon .U t ult ire and other InIf not e.attned the a'mVe dewttied electe end tl e pubic generally are wiUhe-aot- d U the hwh.l ea-- li ImM.-r- , Ayer MrapttrtHaenynfothp cvra-dustrie. iiihT poaeed at thT s.ime time Ty property at puhiie auction, according to law, a' vie oily i nary of having let u the Dr, J. E. lltmer' handsome new only tiUhnl purifier allowed an exhibit the act. Mrs. Clavton i k bniliant sol- ctitray pound, t mi, ile. on WFehruarj 14th, at u o ( lock, m. Hot ua in- -, Mamhat. .residence i almost completed. W. II. the Wort Us Fair, thuaco. Manu- ium imi will make an f effiennt officer Bramhisnov eng wed" in doing the facturer of ruber mrsHpanlU- - ongtir Tiie a m e t fiotn tiie Aall Ijike Tnie ' bv everv means to obtain f tl e Awafuiu while 15. Wilkin shoingof nth, hut The Pints will hae doing their g vxl. but thev m Honors weto urned AVorld5 F&lr. Highest with the cortepondeut on the finishing (oochi-sothe outride. It swav under tiie application of the rule to take the t.rt woman office fiolder in the ia one of the handsomest residence in forbidding the entiv ot pm tent me lh- immit county, a far as wc can tiie county. deniion of the i tte Worlds Isrr authorities in favor of learn, i t in this rrml'er, and Mrs. The HovPviUe Dramatic Club weie tver an in e;1, l av fui, vt';,nrilll m m amli-n- ce nt5T "vt-rt- i grccif i w,;7i a g ,uaparil)a i not a InMr. sh trustee elected it doe not twi rng to light, when they preeted thy ptenyniedieme h- -t ..f hereon its j by the Kama hoard of trastees on Jan-- j lti drama Tbe -- pv of (aettysburg. Those the merits.' ' uarv vMi. who attended iaak wed of theixunpany e o. lh and wire well SAtisfied with their evenALL FKLK. Uti m unt of tie ciiauge in tuneotj Tic . Ih. King's New woo ing's enb'ru mm .it. have d , , , k the ''"I- - D-L know its value, and those who A very ruuawaw tacorred tuey no have now the orportrfnfv to on Mam street. Two lark city ,rv !t free- - Call on the sever tie.l drug- vilte offi.e p w tWd men had jusk nd Mgt am! free, gnted from their irvioit i j ,11 It the tut1 frwm ne the and a i ires to H. E. Buck- JeiU";rt,10e' wi.tn eng up hngv 1 2!. ?! Si1 1: fit .1 cs" e along, jat which their team to k fr ght and s'arted otf at a lively train, C. I. iikado.x. Agent. Health and to of (unde MOST PERFECT MADE. nipv cir-e. . gait. They made a ihree-quart-et HoueiiolJ Inutrui tor .'fret. Alofwhieh Deed . short Warranty i anda form, r'-1 and of the blocr, and CrrCreru cf Ta tar f . von ,1,, cot good only stopped ce of jmtice blanfcv I r Tiiv i Alum or any oths. aJulleranL kora at Son Ammcnu, A roij nothing, John Boydcu when they rau np against a pile of intu- - fivns office. 40 YEARS THE STAXLAF.D. .irngstore. COALVILLE TIMES. her THE OLOEST tt AHO THE BEST 43,-t1- 0, lta. - Dry Leg-eLtir- . t V Furnishing ! , -- ' at-if- ia, AYERS Cherry Pectoral and Mer. Co. People's ALMA ELDREDGE, Manager. J - Just Receive LEADER. Clothing Samples J. WRIGHTBest Weber Coal. OLD GHORCH & CDLEEiqilHES Grass u 2100 lb Cullen Mine lump $2.00 2100 lbs Old Church lurrjp 1.75 2100 lbs Stove Coal - ht V WAV. CLUFFjProp. to-d- 0YDENS)RU6Sr0RE; e i; Prescriptions Fillel. com-etel- y -- Iost-offic- Always On Hand at;he 1 stir-prio- .il fCH d -- i i vhn-termg, n Da tn-in- f ' DINE tal-urda- Lump, Stove, v $2.00 L25. no-tru- m. j tf i mB n1uT,,",e.r veL tt Z ci-v I Td'ni W4 1 vt-ul- 'i PATRONIZE HOME 'WiiAliisI ow-At- fre-sal- IpSTRY e Weber Coal Dept. 6.;. m. Co |