Show A CURIOUS ANTAGONISM Two Ittoilitell ainarrel and A toul There to a VVnimn In II The queetesl feud I ever heard of said M C Allen the wellknown sportsmen Is I one that I encountered while camping and bunting In southern llumboldt county a short time ago I noticed that our guide carried n repeating re-peating rifle n big revolver and a knife half as long ns his leg He proceeded along the mountain trail with the greatest caution and appeared be on guard continually I knew there were no hostile Indians In that toutiirj and my curlnnlty was nrouied rin1l > after af-ter I ba had slopped the pirk mules for Ihe twentieth lime to creep ahead und peer around n point of rocks to gain oft neroM tho ration at tile opposite hlllitde I nuked him Hint the trouble Wall 11 Oh I east look out for some fellow fel-low be replied In his Swedish dialect dia-lect Whats the trouble nnjwo I Imiutied 1 11 Oh nuttln nutli Msybe a pig inn u mlt a goon watch me pretty clone too 11 Who ls her Oh bo In my brndder 13A time I fix him plenty yen bel lie I comeback come-back now und maybe he fix me Inquiry dcvelop the fuel that the brothers had settled In HumbolJt loan ty Paine years KRO and our guide who I was married hud led n pretty enter Inlaw In Sweden The brothers talked the matter over and finally agreed flint tbo married one Should send for the girl and when the reached this count ho would give 1119 old wife to tile brother broth-er and take tits ililerlnlaw I Tho girl ft rrh M In due time but I she wnA to ninth prettier than tbo unman un-man Inl brother had expected that he was loth to neeept his brother enttort I wife Finally he married the rlrl and then refused to compromise the breach of contract by paying what hla brother broth-er had expended In gelling her to this coast A quarrel followed and the guide pinked the brother In tile shoulder shoul-der with n rifle ball anti landed him In tile hospital for three months The oilier VOed vcniesnce anti they do little lit-tle now but watch iho mountain trails fully prepared llo renew hotlllltles at n tcconds notIceSart rrancl ro Post I |