Show Tilt toCII end Illl Parrot I A Magplo who was Chattering Away nt A Lively rntn was Aproached by a Parrot who Snruliigly mull What on Awful awful Howl Arc you trying to Score all tbo Children to Death tOO You are 1 nine Specimen to Sneer at my Muilc replied the Indignant Magpie Mag-pie < < It I had our Voice Id go hang niaelf And If I had your Id Sing to a PoleCat Pole-Cat Thin I little Matter canbo Badly Hetlled obtenod tho Parrot after n momenta Thought Let ua go Into the Harden ot tbo Musician and Sing for him nail Itavo If t for him to Decide It IHnj 10 Agreed tho two lllrda perched Ihemtelvca on n Limb near the Mitatclann window and began their Songs Itach was trying hla Heat to Hxcel the other when the Alarmed mod Knraged 1 llefrrto ruahod out with a Club and exclaimed l treat Qoaeral Bcollt but If you dont Clear Out of Ihla Ill have your IIv on If Worn than Ilnrao Fiddler Morn Vanity Donating are but a Thin Cover over Dna VoaknccH |