Show SI UI anal lIuI The numbers have been chanted luce College Ilaco IIna become part of Vt Ilroidwny und persona who know only Iho old numbers have dlulculty In finding place under Ibo new A reekrr for Information on title point made Inquiries In-quiries tho other day of a postman who tout In In Iho act of opening n Idler box < Tho postman In plico of answering ntioved the luqulier akliln When lha Inquiry woe repeated the pottmnn put his finger on file IIlld nnd gavo another shove The Inquirer thought time postman deaf and dumb If not crazy but tho poittmnn after cloning the letter box In which ho had mado change In the mavnhlo numerals giving the hours of collection Mild Wo are not allowed la speak what the box Is I open I would ho discharged If I were econ to ipeak then What It I It you wont Ho then gave the desired Information Now York Hun |