Show I a TOTECUM A llihcjmpb ten company hM I t > Mn I formcil at Sprlngfllle Capital l 151 1 000Th Th rentennl l8ureli Mining Coo IWlty n Iml aiurH y paid another dotibl ilindcod oltMUorrtl l per 1 Lair Biaklig the rand total tuduW tlMu 11IOOTIIIII i 5Hiir 1 I The boll e ging rmcliad Sell tbi i wok heal work ha commenced on the I I lluilg > < which if I to span this Hevler riser When thl1 I romnltiletliu rot will hire i free wlhtin to Illenfleld Sallna Im j JHIH Karrell o hrlrkmaker who bes reeltlnl aMiv on Urn corner uf Miilh Wmt ont Third HMth streets l tor ems ye sn anil to 50 fniind dead In hlo bed at oclock i > un < Uy afternoon Tribune 9 Suow recent dlecovarle ol Roldbeiln ore hw mently lean I made l 0Oet of Koo hamu ami on Hot seek HlYtn I I mil need ol that pIseet A numlwr of hxmtlan have been nude und conldero1 bit dlYtlIIII work done fallim trees I JI l U I Ifulph returned tail week from an MiUndi trip down In uuibern ttah lie rrtnrts s new mui lni > oriaiit gold dUcuvrry in the wvetern purl uf 1 Iron county who u U I aitritctliit boils itivu I tlon and 1 where the Suit 11 Iw mining dittrict hit ut been orjanited Ml IlttJtant Irramid lied 1 bah There I such o 1 cry to ril I > bc < ti for I thu factory Ihl xedMii that the maniiKiT Mr I Cutler hardly know t whut to do to keep goal fiwllnit among tow ralwr list rould tti enouih l > eeti to run two fuctorlen and IliU fart should lit olloll h In cause the dlreutom to think the mailer over of how they nn cnlir o thecacllyof the f < etory ai raon a po + tllJltII101 lUnner j I 1 Itilithiim Is I the levcntll city In site In j the new hue The iopulatlon Uluh j I even 14111el l tow m for ISIS 1 is I Of N I InI I halt Uke ISllTil 1 linden I I IS rtW lrovo 1M4 Ixigan A5UO talk I City 1Oil gnrlngvllh1103llrlihuiti 27J Thlf do < not luclude Mantua while would pUce llrlxhnm at 1107 iUliam lIDI lee I W II Wnlker 1 whoa ildeiplltllni joke mid violin minlc tire to well known from Cache valley to St lieornc I > Jll llelwrn vhlt tIo fore uarloftle week 110 says that the 10001 living ott tho river from the 1Jtk City bridge up are doillt their portion toward the Increaio In thaKipulatloti of Ulili and that women wo-men In th it lection an not In It unleM they give birth to twin Not let tlniii llitof par luto torn 1 born up thererltuu statehood was proclaimed Wautch Wave IltiiChanii tjilviidld I tabvinacle now stand a ghostly man of ruin It wu completely deilrnjed Ilil uflernoon by fire It Ie I tbuworit conllaitratlun In tin history Ills clip It Will vuliiwl nt AM1 nnd Ihcworit feature of ullthere wet no inxirunce 1 I on the bulldlngor con tend tn ftuu his urfjn nver icia > ment service took l etc all were de IroynJ Duly a fmv UlicliDt and chair well lived Tho flra started by poor h aterilnllieha emeiit IKrild 10 Trellis llaiiien tow LI year old dough tol Mr I KIIIIIII i lnnln was 111nr1501 l away from her homo three lilies south vf I Murrsyon bttunliy by two women i 11 nun who lrollllI1 l to buy her n tab witeh K the would l nccumpjiiy them ID the I cltv Wllli ihildlh ilelte of iidoiiimnit I tin accepted the offer mid I lnc < tarn Ii it not been hard of You I lonliv Mr Iliitnon Wled polite head iViarteri to muio tht < old of Ihv 1111 I In reeuveriin lur lojt child but M yet no lric ol the girl haI bleu oundTrlb une 11 rt Isar been l tor much talk iiUm lllliiiliaiiitwllivatiw I > iiradi I > iMiiip Wliet i thus eouea which hued UriClv Iel up I to I the rUIltltlll art tratrll out It will 10 H > found that they do I not coii htiiltofi1 r of lariwi rock This writer lu wen t155 of minlnu cutup nnd add hH iMiimony to the lung llnihm for yIn y-In f IUIIUM ttulfunuitya111 viability i of whiiantioiu md this < hums 1 r of pru Iwrllss from which pud pay ore can be ttxtrucinl the Old Uelluli H 101 of 1111 l if them nil Itinijhiiii lUtllelln |