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Show V FAhjl Paralysis Follows Bite Jlsssnsss and lieivous Prostration. GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST AGRICULTURISTS, A PATIENT WOMAN AFFLICTED FOR YEARS. Zoui I' - rrm Honk-altar- . TO to- - Da tloa of th Talla How ( UM fluWu UMitlj Cared. Fro keirei, N.-- York CUj. For more than fifteen yexrs, Mr. A. Mathor, who lire. at No. Cl East One Street, No York, iru a sufferer from antenna, which, in spite of the traatmeut of phyxietau. gradually into nerrou prostration ynlil floeUy tnnrkod pamlysi set in. Mrs. Mother glad y gave i AND t II Ini. About Callin' Sail and 1 lePIt Iharaol titlialtnre and I'turl-tulta- r. . QW LONG SEEDS will retain their Vitality to aa to germinate and grow Into plant is a disputed question e. among men of herexperiei.ee. For mauy years," Mr Mather said, I persona Many wrns n constout sufferer from nervousness. stilt believe that It wns about fifteen rears ago that iny condition began to grow worse, boou I bewbpat has been came so affected that 1 was prostrated and, grown from seed . nntil about two years ate, was s part of found In' Efytlan the time unable to leave my bed 1 employed several physicians from time to mummy cases, nd that grain could time, my bills at the drug store lor pre- be made to sprout from seed found scriptions, sometimes, amounting to as la Pompeii and Herculaneum, An : much as A Ola month, but all the dec tor did for me did not seem to help me st all. elaborate and interesting series of Professor My blood became greatly impoverished and experiments made by after years of suffering 1 was threatened Halo Giglioli of the royal bigh with paralysis. When 1 walked I could scarcely drag school of agriculture, at Portlcl, near my feet along and at times my knees would Naples,, as communicated to Nature, to that would almost fall down. throws considerable light on the matfive awaythat Ooctors could not help me I had little hope of recovery, until one day I ter. The seeds used were put away In read In a newspaper how a person, afflicted the fall of 1877 and spring of 1873 and almost the same as I was, had been cured were tested in August, 1894, the longlillg for Pale Peo- est time that any had been kept being by I)rI illiams Pink purchased a Xio and began taking ple. the pills. The effect of this first box pleased a few days less than seventeen years, me to much that I bought another. Ilefore and the shortest fifteen years, nine 1 had taken all the pills Id the first box I months and a few days; the average began to experience relief and, after tho was about sixteen years and a half. 4L third box had been used, I was It was really surprisingpractically lwired. and what a Lucerne seed was chiefly used and the pronounced effect the medicine results really apply only to that plant, wan me, A Vin"v keep Dr. Williams Pink Pills for the wheat, vetch, corinder and othin the houxq mw, and when I feel any er seeds tried happened to be put Into symptoms of nervousness find Ihifl they solutions that proved fatal to lucerne too. The seeds were put Into small give me ert in reliof.il Mrs. Mather s daughter, Miss Anna, eor- - j roborated her mothers account, and told bulbed tubes, into which dry grass how she herself bad been cured of chronio was passed, and the tubes were then indigestion by these pills; and. too, how scaled and kept in the dark; others her cousin had been cured of anamua m were put into alcohol, ether, chloroform same ' the alcoholic wo- lT- - W-i-iPink Pill, contain, in a couaeDsed form, aU the elements necessarv lutions alone could be tested, as the to give now life and richness io the blood other liquids evaporated. ana restore shattered nerves. They are Out of 820 $eed3 kept in nitrogen, also a specific for troubles peculiar to 181 germinated; of 502 kept In arsenl-urette- d females, such as suppressions, irregularihydrogen, 351 germinated, as ties and all forms of weakness. 1 hey build up tbe blood, and restore the glovr of health did 224 out of 265 kept in carbon monto pale and aailow cheeks. In men they oxide; 40 out of GO lived that had been effect a radical cure In all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses kept In strong alcohol, originally absoof whatever naturo. Pink Pills are sold In n lute. Seeds kept In chloroform, In byboxes (never In loose bulk) st 60a s box or f drogen, in alcoholic solution of phenol, six boxes for (2.60, and may be had of all and in carbon dioxide all died. With druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Wilother gases and solutions the results liams Schenectady, New York. were not so decisive; only 2 out of 293 Romance Marr in oxygen lived; 33 out of 509 In chloMary Jane Holder of Lonaconing, rine and acid; 1 out of is heroine of a romance. 101 lucernehydrochloric the Mil., out of 50 none and seeds Nineteen years ago Abram Laird, then seeds In wheat hydrogen; sulphuretted aged 29, rode from Lonaconing into the 5 out of 609 la nitric oxide. In alcowest to seek his fortune, vowing some day to return to wed Mary Jane, then holic solutions, 16 seeds out of 79 kept in a solution of corrosive sublimate a baby of 2 years. lie settled near Eureka, where he be- germinated; 1 out of 645 in that of sulcame one of the owners of a lead and phur dloxlde;41 out of 583 In that of sulsilver mine About two weeks ago he phuretted hydrogen, and 13 out of 288 determined to go back and visit his old in that of nltro oxide. home. Among the first upon whom he were -- Many of the gerralnattng'plants Here called were tee Holders. he again saw Mary Jane, who had become put into flower pots, where they grew and seeded normally. well, flowered a beautiful young woman. . Laird was cordially welcomed and When the seeds were put aoy Proat once to fall in love, Tho fessor GigVloll was not aware of th evil courtship was short and vigorous. effect of even smill proportions of They were married and left for their moisture; he thinks If be bad taken western home. more care In excluding moisture from The Pilgrim. the seeds and from the gases, a much (Holiday Number.) Full of bright larger number of seeds would have resketches prose, poetry and illustratained their vitality. There Is ne reations by bright writers and artists son apparent why the seeds planted Entirely original, new and entertaininot have been could indefinitely ng. Mailed free to any addresa on re- In the solutions withoutkept further change. ceipt of six (6) cents in postage stamps. He has established that, for some seeds, Write to Gso. IL lleafford. Publisher, at least, respiration or exchange with 415 Old Colony building, Chicago, UL the surrounding medium to not necesElectric Weldlef. sary for tbe preservation of germ life. At thegun works in Perm. Russia, There Is reason for believing that some renatkable operations in electric living matter may exist in a completeweldinghave recently been ly passive state, without any chemical in six A out feet, carrid bell, ly and may maintain its special change, across the feet month, height nd six that ws cracked from top to bottom, properties for an Indefinite time, as is was mde quite solid again and it the case with mineral and all lifeless original tone completely restored. matter. In experimenting with seeds This wald have been quit impossible from Pompeii and Herculaneum, he before e electric welding process was has not yet found any living grain; perfect!. they are too much carbonized to admit of much hope, especially those Comfort to California. Yes at economy, too, if you patronize from Pompeii, which have been extbe Burxgton Route's Personally Conduct- posed to the alow action of moisture. k excursions which leave ed If the seeds found in the granaries of Omaha ery Thursday morning. Throm tourist sleepers Omaha to Baa the Casa dArgo at Herculaneum in Frsnclw and Lee Angeles. Becond-clas- s 1828 had been planted at once,. a fair ticket repted. aa they hsd Bee tl local agent and arrange about test might have been had, been preserved nnder favorable conditickets sd berths. Or, write to J. FasxCTS, tions; it to too late now, as they hare G. P. & T. A., Omaha, NsU been so long exposed to light and air. aci-enc- X t K Ll - Jmi V "1! onee-wee- be Utnt Slot Maeblna. has made b appearance in the Berlin railroad Stiona. A city directory can be consult by tbe outgoing and arriving passesby depositing a penny in 'the slot Upon insertion of the coin the bosiolding the directory opens autoiea-ally- , and is held open by a lever p&i which the .depositor of the coin his foot Upon walking away ,1 little lever is released, and the boacloses, only to be opened by ' the ii (a jenny. - jp-e- s I P of tbs Catted States.' The W map issued by tbe Burlington Route iree leet wide by four feet long; - is printen seven 'colors; is mounted on roherst sws every state, county. Important tewuui railroad in the Lnionand forms m ry desirable and useful adjunct to any hseho-- or business estab hhment. lurcshi,j in urge quantities, th mar cost the riingtoa Route more tbaa fifteen rents m but on receipt of that amount undersigned wUl be pleased to send I one tne sffppiy- -i Wnw Miiedialely, J. FaAVus, limited.. P. A T. A. Burlington Route, , Omaha, Neh and honey milk with Evefr'.j aowiag lasts!) - t he gi2 a tt WOMAN. A alster of living, at the Mrj irott Embden, tbe rYeine, age oft . El Dm stj- - I to eUU paselonately fond of 'childrsn(j flight In telling them V Ellst fairy f an Anstralton girl, Sjgy has e,j u Mendelssohn echoUrhip & Le!plg conservatory. founded - iifg, Agassi have $8,00t Warship at Radcllffe college, to be I (jjg E;!xa.beth Carey Achola At! Fall Plowing Sod Ground. Where there to a heavy old sod of natural grasses the soil beneath it to to a great extent protected from freezing. When once frozen It Is equally protected from thawing until warm weather cornea In In thla condition tbe grass spring. root remain uninjured, and when th rod to turned under In spring they are ready ts grow. But if the sod to fall plowed with an open soil surface it freezes and thaws with the slightest change in tbe weather. Before spring lime the eoll to the depth of the furrow will be thoroughly mellowed and many of tbe grass root will be destroyed. It makes a great deal of difference to the cultivation whether the sod 1 turned under in fail or spring. There may be gome loss from blowing or washing tbe sod, but thia to surface of more than balanced by tbe ease of cultivation and the greater availability ef What fertility AuO soil pot-s- s.sea. Ex. fall-plow- ed Orrberd. Startle The ground for an orchard should be well and deeply cultivated, and free from weeds, well drained, if tbe soil requires It, and most soils re better for drslnlng.except sandy or light gravelly soils with a light subsoil Such land, may not regulre draining, but in very esse It should be well worked and pulverized and enriched before planting. The work of preparation must be done during the summer, so ts to be ready for fall or spring planting. Planting in tbe spring Is preferred. which will enable the trees to take Arm hold of the earth and to resist the frost of next winter, but planting may be done successfully ln th autumn by protecting the trees so as to prevent the frost from heaving or misplacing them. Select young, healthy and vlglroua trees, and from a reliable nurseryman, sslbls from a well similar ts tndlfpi that in which you Intend to plant spur orchard. The different kinds of apples will depend upon your own choice and the Suitability of soil and climate. I Should advise that the selection be made from the old, tried and reliable : kinds. The distance apart should not be less than thirty feet, so as to allow the trees room to spread their branches and to form a low and spreading head. CIobo planting has a tendency to force the trees to run up, and preventing the fruit from obtaining Its proper coloring from the sun, and making it more difficult to gather the fruit. At the distance of thirty feet apart It will require twenty-nin- e trees to the acre. Before planting the tree, remove all bruised and broken roots by cutting clean with a sharp knife. Lay out your ground in straight lines, so that your trees will be in line each way and at equal distances, thirty feet apart. Wm. Gray. Berry UvUetlo. For December, 1S95. Any Intelligent farmer can grow ripe, luscious strawberries, ready for picking, at two cents per quart. With good cultivation, at least 100 bushels per acre should be grown. Two hundred bushels per acre is not an unusual yield and 300 is often produced. Fruit that can be grown so cheaply and will yield eo much, should be considered a necessity in every family. No one can so well afford to have strawberries, every day in the season, as the farmer. No one can have them so fresh from the vines, so ripe, so delicious, ami at so little post, as the farmer, and yet as a class none have ao few. The cost of placing berries on tbe market depends somewhat on locations and the manner in which it is done. For good berries, carefully picked In clean new boxes, well packed and honestly measured. It may bo estimated by the quart aa follow: Cents per Qt. Cost of growing ready for picking.. 2 Picking ' Boxes Cases, packing and delivery Freight or express charges Commission for selling.. 7.".. 1 1 .71 8 Actual coat on market Tbe commercial grower must receive his profit, after all these expenses are paid. The farmer may have his berries at first cost. He saves expense of picking and provides a pleasure for bis wife and children. He saves boxes, cases, packing, freight, exnrees and commission. Every farmer in the country and every owner of a bouse ia the village should grow big berries and lota of them for family use. He may thu have them fresh from the vines in summer, and canned, dried or preserved for winter. There to no better food than ripe fruIL There is none more healthful, and at two or three cents per quart there is none cheaper. A berry gardea for next season should be decided upon at once. The best preparation for it is the reading of good books and paper. Subscribe for them now and thug pro vide the greatest pleasure for long win' ter evenings. M. A. Thayer Sparta, Wis. Georgia Peach Orchard. The foun dation of the orchard of tbe Hale, Georgia, Orchard Co., Fort Valley, Ga, waa an old cotton plantation of 906 acres, purchased in the summer of 1396, and 606 acres were planted with a little over 109,000 peach trees in tbe winter of 1891-9It Is ail laid out in blocks 1,000 feet long, and 500 feet wide, with avenues running north and south .named after the peach growing states of the union, and streets running east and west, named after leading fiortlculturlsts of tbe country. A resident superintendent, thirty or forty negro assistants and sixteen mules have kept up most thorough culture for th There was a, full past three year bloom on the orchard in tho spring of 1894, but a heavy frost tho tost of March destroyed ail tho fruit prospects, This year, the fourth summer after planting, til tho trees set a full amount of fruit, and during April and May feriy thinning out tbe surplus. Ex. SWlne Improvement in Texas. The hog bree(!c?ofTeiis are entitled to a great deal of the credit for tbe improved character of our Texas swine. They have educated the farmers to appreciate good hog. I have seen quite a stir made in the neighborhood by the advent of a pair of fine pigs. It to a disgusting sight to see a Texas farmer go to the grocery store and give up hi good cotton money for a slug of tolerably hard looking bacon, and I am sorry to say that it Is sight altogether too common. But eyen in Western Texas the numbers who do not raise their own bacoq are growing gradually less. Clarldge Stock Farmer. Bws Thai ANTAGONISM. f - The Modern nether Ha found that her little ones are Improved more by the pleasant laxative, hyrnp ef Figs, when is need of tbe laxative effect of a ten lie remedy, than by any other, and that It is more acceptable to llicm. . LhlL . dren enjoy it and it bmeflta them. Th Duo remedy, byrup of Firs, ia mauufao. lured by the California e'lg Syrup U.. - Ws offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any esse of Catarrh that cannot be I It. cured by Hall's 'tarrh Cure. F. J. CHENET A CO Toledo, O. I ever feud heard of," Teid.queerest We, the undersigned, have known F. n C. Allen, the J. Cheney for th last 15 yearn. anl said him perfectly honorable in all sportsman, is one that I encountered business transactions, and financially while camping and hunting in southern able to carry out any obligations mad Humboldt county a short time ago. 1 by their firm, WALD1NG, KINNAN A MARVIN. noticed that our guide carried a reWholesale Druggist. Tolelo, Ohio. peating rifle, a big revolver tnd a knife HnU's Catarrh Cure i taken Internalhalf aa long aa bis leg. He proceeded ly. acting directly upon the blood end along the mountain trail vUtfi the mucoua surface of the system. Testisent free. Piles, 75c per bottle. greatest caution, and appeared to be on monials Bold by ail druggists. guard continually. 1 knew there were Hall's Family Pilla. Ttc. no hostile Indians in that country, afid Sioeel Car Crib, my curiosity as aroused. Finally, afA novel portable corti crib to that ter. bq had Stopped the pack mules for by V. J, Adam, of Joliet, the twentieth time to &eep ahead and It would seem to commend tucll peer around a point of rocks to gaze to tho corn The main points off across the canyon at 'the opposite Claimed forgrower. are extreme simplicity it hillside, I asked him what the trouble and cheapness. It is mads simply from was.. slats wired together at top. bottom and jf " Oh; I yooet look out for some felcenter. It is shipped in rolls, is set up low, he replied, in his Swedish dia- round, and the points of meeting hooked together, and there you are, lect. " What's the trouble, an) way? 1 all ready to shove) in the corn. The purchaser can regulate the six of the Inquired. the length of tho original roll, crib Oh. nutting much,. Maybe a plf and by iu U ly the length of the man mit a goon yatch me pretty close, elate Itheight easily transported to any too part of the field and can be rolled up and packed away under khelter when Who la her Oh, he is my brudder. Las time not in use, I fix him plenty, you bet. - llo come A TTbota Family Rtaraed, backjoow, und maybe he fix me.' 0. It North Huron. Nr Inquiry developed th fact that the Sum of this city had nearly become a brothers had settled in Humboldt coun- physical wreck through excessive nee w ty come years ago, and our guide, who of tobacco, and hta hrucher-ln-taand father-!- i law were also in was married, had left a pretty alster-In-lain Sweden. The brothers talked III heal'h from the same catu. The the matter over, and finally agreed that fourtuen all began taking and though icpio-eentithe married one should send forthe at the eame time, differences of age great ehe when and reached thia country girl, they have not ontr been ea'.iul be would give his old wife to hi brothcured of the tobacco habit, but are now er and take bis sister-in-lain tbe beat poaalble physical condition. The girl arrived in due time, but Tbe quartette are proud of tbe result with the she was so much prettier than the un- and recommend married brother had expected that he greatest enthusiasm. Hundreds of toare bacco users following the example of was loth to accept hia brother's cast-o- ff Sum family. wife. ' Finally he married the girl, and the - - Canned then refused to compromise the breach l.gg. of contract by paying what hto broth- Egg are now imported from Russia er had expended In getting her to this into England in sealed tin cans. Eggs coast. A quarrel followed and the in thia country are-us- ed by pastry advantages claimed for gutde pinked the brother in the shoul- cooks, and the freedom from are the damage der with a rifle ball and landed him in in system and long keeping qualithe hospital for three months. The ties.transport contents can contains the inch other vowed vengeance, and they do lit- of one thousand to one thousand five now watch but tle the mountain trails, hundred shells. Great care to necessafully prepared to renew hostilities at a ry in selecting the egg to be preservsecond's notice. San Francisco Fost. ed, aa one bad one will epoll the whole Two luottai QerrlrTkm It e Wo - u 4, be-ile- ve well-know- Contract for new mail pouches here been aa anled to the firm of (pula A Co. of Cincinnati Fieo'e Cure for Consumption bss no equal a a cough medicine F, U. Abbott, bener bt., Buffalo. N. Y-- , May 9, aJ Whrn a yartv. her that night. - in Chicago which wilt eewt stout (JJO.OUO. FITS afiPH stoppsd tie ty Dr.FII sOr hnsHvr Uu tmasys is Mris HssursH Trrailwas.i wsilrfrs-t- s tisrssns. Hsud to Ur. K uasUSli Sr. a si., T uus., Ts, Fortuuo rsnnot rbn j us. it can only briny out what to in ns ' . I, SfKffl W tofuj) ton-in-la- Whip a poorly nourished horse when he is thoroughly tired. He may go faster for a few rods, but his condition Is soorrthe worse for It. Better stop and give him food. Food gives force, If you are thin, without appetite; pale, because of thin blood; and1 easily exhausted ; why further weaken the body by applying the whip. Better begin on a more permanent basis. Take something which will build up the tissues and supply force to the muscular, digestive, and nervous systems.-- -- ng 7SU. AN ILLINOIS SENATOR. Conductor ia Washington Had Had a Remarkable Career. Washington Star: I learned by accident that one of tbe street car conducar tors in Washington was formerly known to me as a member of the state senate of Illinois. I bunted until I found him and he begged so bard not to have tho matter made known, as It would injure him in his old I promised, and then he told me his experiences, which could be made into a column or more of very Interesting reading. He came to Washington soon after the inauguration of President Cleveland in 1893. Supplied with strong letters of Indorsement, he first applied for a consulate, believing that he would enjoy foreign travel. Possessed of a littio money and a sanguine temperahotel ment, ho stopped at a first-claand made himself popular, as he believed, with everyone supposed to have political influence. It took several months for him to realize that he was not going to obtain a consulate', and then he concluded to accept a position in one of the departments. The only one obtainable was that of messenger. But too many of his old friends visited tbe department, and he reslgned, obtaining a position as street car conductor, it took several months to learfi how to save anything out of hto small wages, but now he has nearly enough to buy a suit of clothes and return to Illinois, when he will resign his and open a law office at his old home, trying to tell no more .to his friends than that he has had a position in Washington without going into particulars. ss Si-t- nUsMss Magic Cora OalT." Wsrrontod to si or mssy Mssdsi Ask fs draanst fur M. rnsoUsssta w ,DNC Ha WmuwpeoriiasrrrfarChtidNsTtMhta- - Th Chicago Bib so ietv f Chicago wUl soon roiumeuc th r action of a building -- kireet-C- - It th llaliy la Cat Us a Toot. Sssvrs ssdw thstold sad trtod rsmsdy, Uli-noi- a. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. Trll other ef jnv snecens Fifteen year faroilnr ml hudling disco unurrd me. My cousin insdo 3 WO last ytar ptslln tableware, jewelry, eto 1 ordered an out lit from uray A Co., Plaiin Work Dept , IS, Columbus. O. It a a complete, all materials, formulas, trade eecretaaml Instructions THej nlie at track axents fre Goods easy Dialed, Vlads 121 first sew. guaranteed ten year second. BH a first moalb. ct all work a eetr, I i an do; brother mad tn srlllnr outfits. It F. bliAW. Writ firm lor sample. Mu Kmrou: tl Scots emulators of Cochliver The mand. with meets every Oil, es, hypo-phosphit- de- a oil Is cod-liv- er food of great value. It produces muscular, digestive, and Great Britain manufacture every year of of iron and A.uut.uoo steel. nervous force without the aid Every gain is a The man who sits down and waits for a of any whip. go den opt ortnnity to nock at his door The one. substantial unhion bis 1 hypo-phosphi- tes en t hair. Carta Uragh Balaam up ACoMoufcefe bt. It will breM fwnW, u Uiiatm r Try It j Ik department of Lot in Franca, a totacco with nearly 8 for tent of nicotia. 1 he leading rrain rrop la Qeen'and is maize; the leading mineral product U tool. will need a thick its-- pro-du- te Billiard table, (heap, Apply to or address, til B, ltth for H. C. sale strength and stability to' the nervous system. The improved appetite, richer blood, and better, flesh come to, stay. juat aa Sood ia never aa good aa give ScetEsSmufsteru Axrt, BL, Omaha, Kv BEWARE IN TOE. UIib first acuta twinge cf 18 THE TO use ST. JACOBS OIL. OCLSV, TWIST SNO THOSE TWINOta MV 008 LtO OUT Of kHAFC. V Timely ofWarning. the chocolate preparations of & Co. (established the house of Walter Baker on the market in 1780) has led to the placing misleading and unscrupulous Imitations 'many of their name, , labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker & Co. are the oldeet and largest manue Cocoas and facturers of pure and are-uschemicals i Chocolates on this continent.No in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that fc they get, the genuine Walter Baker Co.e goods. The great success Why, Ok, Why? I have given heh up. Heh fathaw dislikes me. Friend Tut! He is probably only bluffing, so as to make you keener to win her. Cholly If he wath only bluffing why did he weah hts heaviest boots the lawst time I called? Truth. Cholly high-grad- ed WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. k Great Prize Contest. - j hold that the public are bound to assist the police t in the execution of ' . their duty, I asked- - for proof spirits, but this whisky you sent to me is diluted to it You ore in error, very large extent. sir. What I sent was proof. "If so, it He I've been engaged In a desperate flirtation, but I'm tired of it, end I wish tbe girl would drop ft. She Then hy don't you propose to her? Young Husband Didn't I telegraph you not to bring your mother with you? Young Wife Thats what she wants to see yon about. She read the dispatch. Two men are ia love with the am girt.. Good! Now, tt seem strange that they should quarrel with each other for being of the, some mind. It is usually difference of opinion that invites conflict , Tbe new pail or of a country church said to one of his deacons I find that Brother I.inkum hae very liberal re"Ye." replied the dealigious views. con, Brother IJnkum is more liberal la his views than in his contributions. K K a $ a P $800 KK pi 1st Prize, KNABE PIANO, style -a 2d Prize, Cash, 100 a 3d Prize Cash, - - 50 K a 200 10 each $20 Cash Prizes, pi st ISO N pJ 15 Cash Prizes, each $10, K a $1300 Dl . 28 Prizes, will be riven to the person who constructs th shortest The first 2. The New Hampshire Agricultural college has devised a plan for diffusing agricultural Inf or mation that to worthy of notice as a step la the onward march of farm education. The faculty representing the sciences related to agriculture have or ganlzed a kind of lecture bureau to give addresses before granges, farmers club, horticultural societies and ether similar organizations, the organization extending the Invitation paying mileage, meals and lodgings, no charge being made for time or service of the lecturer. About thirty titles of lectures already prepared are given in the cir eular announcing the plan, the inviting organization making its own selection as to topic and lecturer, of whom there Shakespeare mentions perfnmcs as in common ore in his time. art ten on the list. Ex. Farm Teaching. A CURIOUS D a prize sentence, In English, containing all th letters In the alphabet Th other will go in regular order to those competitors whose sentences stand & prizes next in point of brevity, 0 . la pi ki $. q 3 3 CONDITIONS. WV"liWjsgItteH The length of a RpntrtirtlJAJtaJaJ6eM.ii red by contains, and each contestant must indicate by figure at th close of hi sentence just how Jong it Is. The sentence must have some meaning. of persons cannot be used. The context Geographical name and names closes February 15th, 1SU0. and tbe results will be published on week g sentence are equally short th later. In case two or more one first received will 1 given preference. Ever competitor whose sentence ia less than 116 letter in length will receive Wilkie Collins work p in paper cover, including twelve complete novels, whether he win a prize p or not No contestant can enter more than one sentence nor combine with to tak any h Resident of Omah are not other competitor part, directly or indirectly, in thi lacontest. Wokld-HeiuuTills remarkably liberal offer made by tbe Weeklx , of which the distinguished ex congressman, prize-winnin- j, ' YILLIIU J. .... BBYM, Is Editor, be enclosed wits one dollar and it required that each eomneting sentence YVorlD-HehalI issued in for a veer' aubscriptioo. Tbe a good as a daily. It b the western section, and hence to nearlyand th leading family newspaper of champion or free sitaer coinage Address, Nebraska. Is T Weekiu World d Herald. oniala-Keb- . 2SZSZSZSZSZSZS2SZSZSZSZZSZSZSZ5ZSZIZSZSZS2SZSZSZZS2SZSZSi5d, |