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Show its Darsat rioglarUfc MILITARY PUNISHMENTS. tb cr.m.na of Important command, called upoa Lee THE TOUGHEST TOWN. Theodor Durant, VETERANS What do! you think of !a Aid a plagiarist for advice. the century, They Warm Trrtbt Tartar ru a murderer. In literature pla Whiting?" asked Davla. Lee answered WAS NEWTON, KANSAS. IN THE Tin. Soo crime. is n Cowravv. recommending hesitation, capital without Tb Tixn Pobusbixq GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THE Tbe'tnltiyry punishments of that had been sentenced be said-- be had EARLY SEVENTIES. r. ML Whiting as sue of the ablest men In were terrible, . saya Chamber day SOLDIERS. OLD written a poem. The Examiner soured Z UTA1L the army, well Qualified lnetery way Journal. The duke of Cumberland's and published it a a literary COALVILLE, for even the most responsible position. A BoapactabU fla fadty Bot ! lu general orders contain on three con- - now turns out that the "P " TUU at ary tag One of the officers present wss greatly Rl-Cwa Kcat4 Breaker A Becutlve days sentences of 800, 500 and stolen almost bodily from Ad Leones, U Wath Holme i going 'soon, but b don't A a rengion g flnatloaa SVhlrU Ara Cnma Wfcaa la surprised, and at the first opportunity Haiti lb lav 800 lasbea for thieving, mutinous ex- previously published la know just when. The deadly parallel nearam U takoa Dont you know whaT drew Lee aside. Maltla Hrithh ro behavior." j magazine. Insolent and Um tail tb law Abiding e pressions," snows th fraud of the prisoner. to unkind things Whiting haa been saying Am Aatcdairbl Three days afterward a sentence of ly Only the. esrly bird hv thu tor original th merely adapted about you he Inquired.here aua lo o b u b y rg, n&T3is.iwr .& md an " Li HE toughest, ua- - I.wy iasuefe" la recorded: Jt4 the be.t. T'uhders'tobd'," he" J was" i( death but to man die; deserved U1L the San Francisco Examiner. there. say w U4. nest edest E FOLLOWED th said, that the president desired town I ever knew," would have been a merciful punishpath my opinion of Whiting, cot Vhlt Fir? Fir! That Dreadfai Lire rfi tha Another chicken hM been dUcor a Bill ment. A martinet of that day might be said Buffalo And walked for wtlh'lmnorraoubly of me." U men. fraught In Ing's his opinion to a waa with In terrible tyrant gold nugget Indian red hlsdwe.l, ne or while togethonce, wag Newton, and unhapoy man who behold, ele punishments It glzsard. It Strange, In was as er waiehouse feeding the devouring . Im Kansas, hi. n.blnmUo were Infljcted for trifling offenses, with- j n ent uninsured. Happily moat people Turkey. The Aalnt bills the seventies. early Through thj. n Never before tn Europe or In the out adding onelota to the efficiency o.f ran. of u. The European power are still dividn of hope and Dodge City and 1' tenth, ill-i- n nepuM hlJeopardy, politlco-militabe a either been Ottoman to act world there soldier bae The ed on the Question; the might of hen palpable vale army. Junction used to the ; coinulaiut. a (ii'jen tner as that "wooden indigestion, such the of or to ride combination made AbduTHamid doe.?' magnitude a picketed" fears, figure in the newsnet mu of Ihe kidneys aod bladOrr have which by llutellri the culprit's Inria are all rounteracted In "picketing, Sunned by laugh- of the six Christian powers papers as the typi- horse. stoma h Bitten Tur- A proposal of marriage are now In cal rough towns On naked heel rested on a sharpened stake ter and wash- taken joint action In the case of was ara or we 1815 wrist before Uls Alliance The not bo'loiTg Holy Three clever shop ifters have been own right key. vogue, it may ed by tears. the border, but Newton could give driven Into the ground. nt Kranton, Pa, upon their rested In comparison with It. The as feeble high drawn up and weather. hare the electric divorce court. thing leg worst' being of on right wholesale cards and spades deprav la the best and the as they could be to a hook fixed In an tou'efrfcton powers now acting together for a spe- ity and recklessness. Gensr.M- - .re whl-k- y 1 more under soldier fcjMcuw-- xu Abtists cial purpose have A Kebraka farmer making w cam to n gloomy wood. Iro- lie- for Nevton today is wide awake, enter- adjoining poBt. The whole weight of ever . Hron-hia- ! Till Brown ol inhabof his beets and thereby bents th and peaceable, and the citizens the body rested on the sharpened stake, FrcrccncsL, and Throat 1 roubles they Where our steps w ere forced asunder arms than there are prising government out of tent revenue. He By the twisted, tangled trees that itants In the Ottoman empire. The know only by tradition of the scenes which though It did not break the skin. afford in tant re'ief. army of Sennacherib the Assyrian, or of blood lu the early days. It has a Inflicted exquisite torture; the only albaa been arretted. stood. nlwv rr ui k o t nc on the i c Alexander the Macedonian, or Caesar handsome opera house, arkef it ti hood, Unuifv. Meeting above like a frowning costly and Im- leviation was to resettle weight .dh. . I tor aiu. ekne fcuu look - Philadelphia la indeed an old small would became alongside posing county buildings, hundreds ot wrist, the pain of which soon the Homan, With a world of darkness under. the millions who march under the flag Bhe ha begun to fine coal Sheriff Cannon of El Reno, Old pretty homes. wide avenues of resi- unendurable. Soldiers were frequently without tet.tnj, of the powers that confront the dences, .dealers who give short weight, and she And whenever by chance we met commercial streets, and sentenced to stand on the "picket" for 7. ml es iu one direction long Turk. The armies of the middle ages, prosperous wholesale and manufactur- a quarter of an hour, and In the cavalry outside bw juriwIuUon. Is going to keep It up. In the woodland' open apace, and or ot later centuries, the armies of Na ing concerns. l It was often Inflicted by order ot the taar if aram X w I Ik W - werebrulaeLand . tattered ' IflrtA em u II ttb Uln Vir Several towns In Ruia have elected loC. poleon Bonaparte, me armies that oiled aod wet. dr am In the spring of 1871 the terminus colonel without authority of your f i be tt tv cvu.turi that were th far on own women as mayors ground great war, fought in our The hack of the "horse was much to pity, forgive, forget, With of the Santa Ke railroad was at Em roCtnl l Inferior lu numbers to the armies aa to Doing ood w ill I e found more ; they are beat fitted to be Intrusted la our scarred and dusty faces. porla. It waa determined to build to formed of planks so arranged In the end than oiggiu; go-to the of draw at thla time community. Intereats the stand which with ready a point seventyTTve' miles further west. form a sharp ridge eight or nine feet the sword against the sultan. It wss long ago, . Well! The object waa to catch the Texas cat- long. The legB (six or seven feet in Out of 10,000 Jewish wedding In No military combination ever before tle trade. Two men went and And the leaves In the woods are fallcainpcd length) rested on a stand moving upon within the last forty years existed upon the earth the magnitude on the 1871. There was wheels; to complete the resemblance a ing. In spot April, In of which cun be compared with that of not a foot of lumber then In what Is rough wooden head and tail were 'have come' only three divorce suits. As we wander wearily to and fro, each case the wife was the complainWith many a change in our hearts, I the' six Christian powers recently now Harvey county. Kan. These men added. The offender was placed ou the formed. The thing Is not likely to last were the ant. know; pioneers of the town that back with his hands tied behind him. of rheumatism can be cured, long, but, while It lasts, it la a pectacle Captain John Sebastian afterwards and to Increase the punishment," a heavy And pains the can hear you calling. But still I cause, lactic acid in the removing by In New J. a James Actor without history. parallel Let It be said for Arthur J. Legge. named Newton. Six week later there musket was not Infrequently tied to his blood. Hood Sarsaparilla cures rheuYork Bun. Corbett that be is the only pugilist was a population of nearly 2.000. The legs. This punishment, which might be matism by neutralizing this ac:V Gt l, champion who ever had enough sen history of the town tor the first eight Inflicted by sentence of to get out of pugilism without being Not TYhat th Nam Wmild hdirst. I should think there Is scarcely more months Is a story of lawlessness and or by order of the colonel of a regiment, knocked ouL Gen. Miles told a story to a few bloodshed that has probably never been wrought so much Injury to those subthan on man in thousand W'ho can he has never known friends the other day on a Scotchman equaled on this continent, that say truthfully although jected to Its discipline, that It had to The Chicago Judgei have resolved not remarked a gigantic whom he had been entertained on other places, mining camps and cattle be discontinued. Francis Grose tells us fear, by are And they to wear wigs and gowns. the Pacific coast. The Scotch friend towns, have kept up the music of the that, so late as 1760, the remains of a sergeant to the writer. right. Wigs and gowns should be left afraid for baa been very successful on a ranch waa I mortally remember I . pistol a greater length of time. As soon wooden horse were standing on the Hoods Pills arq. luliil suti to the new women who are so noon to my life the first time I was under fire. he haa In zic. where he haa as it became known that Newton waB parade at Portsmouth. California, occupy the bench. and me, around I saw men dropping all raised many fruits, but the pride of hia , to be the end of the railroad for a year. The Greatest fledical Discovery I turned cold all over, and shivered so life Is hi olive crop. In fact, the coun- and It was to be a cattle bhlpplng point, Tourhln far Kin' Evil. During the hurt two week n trust, that 1 could hardly load my rifle. When of the Age. la noted for Us extraordinary prowhisky seller, gamblers and thieves "The duke of Monmouth was passing comprising every carpet tack factory the enemy charged.however, It was dif- try accourse After bad Of he of duction olivet. hundreds. flocked there by through Hinton park, the seat of Earl in the country, ha been organised, and ferent I saw the man next me struck quired a good fortune h determined to many respectable men seeking a legit- Poulett, when one Elizabeth Parcot the price of tack advanced to almost In and a with spear, visit Scotland. While there hie friends imate business went there, too, but the made a rush at the duke and touched through th heart double tb former rate. a second I had shot down the man who urged him to take In other parts of object of the majority of the newcom his hand. She suffered from the kings MEDICAL DISCOVERY. had slain him, Alter that I forgot my and he did so, going to France, era waa to rob the cow-boand cattle- evil, had received no benefit from phyEdouard von Kllanyt, who Introduced own risks, and simply fought with the Europe, Italy, Egypt, and the Holy Land. On men sicians, nor even from, a seventh son, living picture In tbl country, died one Idea, to kill a many ot the foe as 1 hi return he wa asked by hts CaliforDONALD (ENDED?. OF ROK'JSI, MASS.. to reach whom she had traveled' ten For months It was a never-endin- g bronchial of York last week In New waa Every killed I myself. x before could in one of our c.mmoi which hi thirty-Bifor of friends discovered details nia Has last to the trip, first all the duke From battle. After miles. touching consumption. He probably took cold time I slew one of the enemy 1 felt .a he gave with a great relish. with their Boots wounds were healed In two days! A pasture weeds a .remedy tlut cures eery were killed persons without some of t his figures looking kind of Humor, from ihe worJ Scrofula thrill of fierce joy; In short. I was mad "What did you think of it all? on. At least a dozen gambling houses handbill in folio was circulated, setclot!;?. down to a Common Pimple. with the lust for blood. Juat previous asked Gen. Mile. and the ting forth the marvelous cure, and a main street, the on run were He has ti led it in over eleven hundred wa engagement. 1. bay mentioned 1 to the answered the fine. and very Europe night, document signed by Henry Clarke, mindoors were kept pen day cases, and never failed except hrtwo cases U If wnnounecd from Washington a man in the same company a my-e- lf aw and Egypt la very including Sunday. One of them, the ister of Crewkerne, two captains, a cler(both thunder humor) He has now in his that the World's fair medals are about actually crying from sheer fright; old. But I dont think much of Ihe land j "Gold Room, waa capable of holding gyman and four others lay for some certificates the seems possession over two hundred that man for It delivery. ready In th battle lUelf, that aamo In Asiar Why, ! went to the Mount of ; kind all within twenty links of yet, its of value, kuqwfi coffe? 60(t the Amsterdam house, Every at time la people. of idea of manager have abandoned the k. Boston. Send postal card for Olives. Do you know, there aln'Wny of gambUng was practiced, A scene . Bartholomews lane, London. "The few fought like a tiger afid saved th life waiting until the Beat World's fair Is A benefit is always experienced from or. wore Si raise olives thereto I one apeak j occurred In thla place day night that doubted Monmouths legitimacy held to deliver the award. the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war olive on m.'jTaoeh than they do la the that ia not often witnessed A Methodoubted no mpro.- .nwryTTTDtew. "n-TTWhen the lungs are anYlted It caused Episode, ft tHWTWfiTT whohMvfytloly Land. Washington j ,j8t preacher went to th ds ot th rUrjo,,, A smart peddler ot horae medicine ! fcLtoto awijik JIM Hi i, like aamt0f needles passing tnawyik shooting pains, " Va Oregon Is generously giving a copy v ' t. tftrtfr anointed sovereign since the days ol mlMiOQ to tO)l dlVfnO bi am through them; the' same with the Liver an atm liUMll table with and N(t every ga bllng granted, the confessor. Charles II In twenty- or Bowels. Tc.is is caused by Ute ducts n, A hnttla at Dim panmrtm. t ha book In the far east, the Mongolian races running, and the bar sen g oat its two years touched 92.107 persons. Wlse-ffiat pubUakad ty th agricultural de- Ing from a smaller comrade In, barbeing stopped, and always disappears In a far outnumber the Slava, says a correthe Rev. Mr. week after taking it. Read the label. the sergeant surgeon, says Crompartment and Is public property. rack! will fight with the utmost courage spondent, and it allowed to develop and liquid hell, the preacher, II the stomach is foul or bilious it will of the told and stood up story DisHahn, well warfare. but It failed tried la hla hand. actual Pittsburg in cause squeamish feelings at first. Russia and de- the Man of Nazareth. Before he had prosper, may over-ru- n Carl Browne, Coxeys lieutenant, will patch. Mythcs, Scenes ani Worthies of SomerNo change of diet e.er necessary. Eat stroy the fruits of ages of peaceful finished his sermon a quarrel arose at set. go on the etage with hi wife, formerly the best you ca.i get, and enough of it progress. one of the card tables and a man was Miss Coxey, ae leading lady. The play Dose,, one tablespoonful in water at bedllrltUh Forte on th Yukon. The danger Is all the more serious shot. will be a melodrama made up from time. Sold by ail Druggists. A party of miner from the headwatNot Demt and Dumb., actual happenings during the Coxey er ot the Yukon have arrived on the that It Is latent Militarism In China, It Is not Intended to give a detailed been The numbers have changed be looked whfch aa a natural account of the murders., If a gang of may upon be a Coxey army march. There-wil- l schooner Mary Buhne from rOonalaska consequence of th Ute war, would since College Place has become part ot In the east. cow-bocriprede Into town the smallest West Broadway, and report that the Canadian Governand persons who know Russia's finances before even a blow ple provocation would set their guns going, only the old numbers have difficulty In la establishing ment TREATED FREE. waa for It would necessitate the and struck, In a town near Borne the men formed going to kill. A bond election was finding places under the new. A seeker Positively Cured with Vegetati'e Remedies on commanding bluffs overof maintenance a wee combat at to an Urge whose were army liar rtrd thmiMUids of a society purpose Cmc held.8evcral special coprtables es points on Forty for lnformatkfinm thls point looking o& bcdcT hope rTn by best ph j the extravagance ot women, tbelr ex- Mile Creeh. and elsewhere along the enormous cost Tn tfie thlnly Inhabited appointed for election day. One of rniptoniR diMpprtr; to tn fU at lei Iw.Mmtvi of a who the other postman day of Eastern Siberia, wberq proJ1 Rymiit m remofei. districts The free book of love bend for dress. taste and Martin. At named Texan a was pensive was in In the act of opening a letter box. tU&b of miraentoQfl cure. Tf day's treatment trre supposed boundary line. A large com- visions are expensive and means of them women rose in arms, entered the club- was between a by mail. If yot order trial send We In 'ttemps to there the quarrel are polls Canadian of military police pany Tbs postman, in place of answering pOStfefffe. J. H. H. tvKRKN A Rgns, Attentv. Ufe, py if loom In force, and tore up their paper busily engaged In exploring the country communication aadly primitive. , him and a big Irishman, who called you order trial return tlUj aivrtleemfea& W it. Again, Russia needs a harbor that himself McCluskey, but whose real shoved the Inquirer aside. When the before the very eye of th recreant for mountain passe both in. Alaskan was repeated the postman put TITH AERWOTOTt CO. Com hiW tW world's will never freeze. she Is taking name was Arthur Delaney- -. The result Inquiry lords of creation. Let this be a warnand Canadian territory. A loop of Forty measures to utilize True, mud in business, bocanso it has reduced tb nat of his finger 'on his lips and gave another one of own wuut power w 1 B on her was death of the it wm. U has many brain h of eight shove. ing. that quarrel Mile Creek run Into British territory, ami mtpplte lu goods atid repair coast northern the of U Kola, 5 fa Uotfa, and she men and one woman and the wounding to reach the moat valuable mines It door, it chu ud do fortml) & four and The inquirer thought the postman determined to have another In the for leu nmnrj than The Corean Minister of the Houseof an equal number. After the election deaf and dumb, if not for American miner to rf is necessary It aiake run plug and the but tfcTF crazy, but that Is no reason why shs was over i hold haa Issued a proclamation an- pass through a small portion of foreign Htwi, Otoivaiutd McCluskey and Martin met postman after closing the letter box, tn ai r i A lilting nouncing the Intended aeleetton ot a territory. The river I very narrow, could not make sure ot a third In Ko in the Lone Star saloon and renewed which he had made Towix Meet Bhix Maty away iid Filed changes in the Coirera aod new contort for the king. According and the police have erected on towering rea. and realize the Russian saying;. the quarrel. A proposition was made aTT Frame, btoet On on numerals movable hours of T nmra the application it ndl giving We hadnt a Grfraury custom the Issue of d farthing, and of a and accepted to go out on the street te a IIIM of aniclee ina it riU furnish until cliff fortresses which completely guard sudden weve single tbt said: collection, b? t tb usual a ot whole gsmutry It 13 irakc effect prothe prtea. got thle proclamation has shilling. and settle It with the flat. Both men Tanka ac4 Pump of ai! kind, good for raulor . th travel on the river. At neveral to speak wben We are Utfcrftsdnritt grt Fittwr Strei. Cbkua the the box is noLaUowei laldflfrthclrhPltsnniTBtartcdTor hibiting for the time being the marriage- other polnts breast works, substantially ftoaejt be would I open. discharged f all girl between 1J and 17 throughThe World Morrhant Nvj, street Martin had a gun hidden tn his If I were seen built of stone, have been erected, and. to speak then. What la it PARKERS out the country. Thirty or forty girl t Recent statistics qf the mercantile boot, and Just s the door was reached whole, the action of the police HAIR BALSAM are to be nominated, and from among would indicate that preparations are navy of the world give the total number he went down after it. Intending to kill youHewant? Cwuw tad Woof (; die kale, then gave the desired Information. rronaotei a laxunant frmvth. them will be flrat selected three, and being - made to accommodate large of sailing vessels now afloat measuring the Irishman. McCluskey waa too Sfaver Fall to Baatora Ony York Sun. New Hair to ita Youthful Color. will on on of the three the final choice the and. as tons for over gun taking 25.570, with an aggrehim, Cum geetp dw.pg a bir fgjaag. at various fifty of quick along points troops squkda - glc.ettd KM at Dijar tit ' , Mc, fall the boundary and particularly In the gate tonnage of 9.323.995 tons. Of this away from Martin, shot blip dead. fib Utt Objection acand was himself Great Britain up number gave mines. the games first with Cluskey However, placer vicinity of Mildred So you are going to be marwhy non ycd buy com? The Berlin Industrial exhibition ol the police are very kind to the Ameri- 8,793 ships of 3,333,607 tons. The quitted. sail your products aod write ta nt far a TBoircFRg, week? ried in "Nota succes. 1898 promise to be Infgrinetiflg bow ta make big money on ihMw Martin had a host of friends, and they can miners, rendering them every as- United States to second w Uh 3,SS4 vesYes. In read Blanche the of corn on maraiue. Inform, fixed for petrbaea withstanding that th time end in many ways be- - sels and 1.362,317 tons. Norway to vowed vengeance on hia slayer. Hla en pacnltta rut C. g tiM tklM be married with the. ring At'in .,amiHIbook Will filrt&dv sistance possible yon Uhette . haa death-led been X. Chlcw, to what always thirdr Wlth nearly l.000 less vessel glowing small favor and endeavoringT elapsed, many application ore still be- to allay suspicion orunpleasanrtnqul the United States, hut nearly the known as the "big killing'' la Newton. ceremony than I Indeed. In believe No, reformed Trade-Mark- s, ing received, and the administration rles as te the objects of sneh warlike same amount of tonnage. Francs occu- There were three dance halls across the government, and I object to find It necessary to enlarge their origcoming In what was .known aa attrack the detachments Small railroad eighth Swerank, only Exanfnatio and pies Adrira aa to Paietrahmfy of be;wei inal plans. Th principal building, for preparation. ho) for lirrtArGnida, ft How to Or Park." In one of them the big under the domination of a husband by Inven.wm. In citizens clothes have visited all den and Greece. Hyde tired gttwem: nrsss meter rule. Ti.nrjL VAssmrar, which spate of 40,009 square In regard to the steamers England killing occurred. McCluskey was a ring mining campsTreroit-noltrin- g had originally been allotted, will now the Important n one of them. Martin's at 5,771 vessels count with the What hanger-o0 10.000,-00surrounding Country,. nearly cover 53,000 square meter, and some Urjnt Item la th World. tons. Germany, which cows sec- friends kwore they would kill him and their object was they do not state. of the group which at first were InThe great artificial lake situated at 826 steamers of 1,396,771 tons wbo took his pari. The engagement a Yukon ha who p Thomas ond, Buckman, miner, bulld1 ia-jected tfl for part Pf tb? t Mc( program IVOMr'Vv has bcenWrertM'mok forthree olrpi "trr4irrffaB Ing will occupy a separate halL Tn the Full Business, Shorthand. Ben Art , In the fray. Udaipur, Rajpootana, India, covers an was killed while the early four years, speaktsg of the military 861.598 tons; or Cluskey United States In round the figures, e principal building. square miles. The and Telegraph course. Oldest. Largest erected by the Canadian police, holds fourth pUce. with 447 steamer He had two holes through hla neck and area of twenty-onbuilding and engineering Industries will posts nd l!est in Nebrahka. main dam which meaonry was btudents can helps to conlead scattered tons. "AH fortifications are and about, built enahgh 703,399 said; tblr cover 4.000 square meter; metal Induswork lor board. Beautiful Catalog free. to fine of Immense tkl water 1,000 to body make who his anyone body ace which to These of relate through stone, portthrough figure only and heavy oan meters; 7,600 square machinery try. F. F. ROOSE. Pres, Omaha. 95 feet high. Engineers vessels, and do not Include discovered hla grave Imagine that he feet long by and electrical appurtenance. 10,100 holes commanding ths paths and rivers. It Is the largest dam In the that say by aa&dlag for aur whaaala A a lead m'ne. man struck or paying had those armed croft could withmen few properly coasting square meter. The German colonial ex- A emptied in on Money Saved and ratal! prfoa Ust of Dry the McCluskey side shot nine of the world. Clctbtng, uracariaa, hibition, for which the government has stand a Urge force of soldiers. The lake and Inland navlgrtlon. Aithlteci-urRouru Furoiyfcltigt, Yoraltera, clothing, 1itmw, long-hor- n crowd, and did it In a novel Fu-land Building. Ooode, Dotlong, Jewelry. UdiW granted a considerable sum, will cover police themselves are Famishing A Forcible Whirlwind. way. Knowing that the fight would and the commandant aaya the forts 40,000 squar meters. .'! HAYDEN BIOS, dull, -On onq, of the calmest forenoons of occur, this man, P.lley by name, went are to shelter the provincial police. Th liiilUh Army, to make himself felL He had last week two Peak Island, Me., fisherWith capital ot only 810 Francte Some of the very richest placer mines The British regular army condsta or prepared STOVE REPAIR. VMS on him. At the first men were startled by the sudden de- -, Owings built a slxtecn-stor- y building of the Yukon region are under the imtwo regiment of lp guards, one if four a he of Stw Rgpln gun deliberately walked up scent upon far 4,M dlffcrgnt tam pop in Chicago five years ago. He couldn't mediate command of these forts, of horse guards, seven of dragoon while tn White Head 1 guards, to a Texan and shot him In the eye, passage, of them, UeaglM htUjaaltg.keb a whirlwind of sufficient MAraagm pay the mortgage, however, and the which ten have been erected this year. and sixteen of light dragoons, a cavthen running his arms between the force to lift the bow of their boat fairly property pasted out of his bands a few Is The three Infantry alry. raiments arms and body of the dead man. made out of the water. or An An-ldays since. His $10 are gone, but just ninety-nin- e It lasted hardly half U IU of of ftm line, and shot will barricade human at a think ot the fun he has had. a minute. Early in the war. before Lee had and a rifle brigade, beside the taff and W. 5. Tfc'OMAIIA, 52, 189.1. demonstrated hla as the colonial corps, which are consljered to from a safe ambush. After the fightWben writing to advertisers, mention went a horse mounted Hard and In Times he out, The commercial travelers are hound Southern leader, he was severely erkl- - form Honn7. ing pai t and parcel of the English left. The dead at the big killing At Szegedln. In Hungary, there has tbiapaper. to have free Area. They are simply , clsed on more than one occasion by a army. were speedily disposed efrand the been a renewal of poisoning for tho sake tired, they say. of putting up at hotel certain General Whiting. Whiting had of Insurance money, the relatives of the wounded taken care of. TT1 wlih cold rooms, and being obliged to stood at the head of hts class at West Now If somebody will writs a play murdered persons dividing the payfor , them. The landlords Point, and was considered a very pay heating the all I tougfe hmpw Ujas for an actor profession! will be In Japan paper coats oiled and thus ments with the persons who provided who advertise no extra for fire will bright and tn um by capable man. Gao day the" stage. os represented biccga made waterproof have been la use for the poison. Sixty arrests bare been r do the business. . , jjent Davla,' wishing an officer for some NSUMRTIO Tribune. made so far. at least tea centuries. f ' TUB TIMES CORNER. " 1 -- y il It ia it 1 Savar-ICndln- 1 U. t. Os p-- Ls.a;it'r em r, Wby . Ma-so- Kit Jt re e is y . rf - - able-bodi- i . 1 1 court-martia- ls Cln-clnn- s,nnttttr -- court-martia- red-coat- Sarsaparilla T'- - e2u.-U)c- KENNEDYS Scotch-Anierlca- t. .- j n, I - ' n, . tho-atratc- glo made-inquiri- m-- 111 Bos-phoro- us; -- time-honore- -- Patents. if sce-wcc- Prsitce-thtrdf'wHteW- i- t - - 4 , sea-goi- e i - 1 lit. v- v i 7I tefca I,. foot-guar- ? d, Pres-hereaf- tf ' U 1 A M |