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Show i V" . irmsitri ahich might remit in bis being uoasinstetl. For that reason, and other, A lithograph atone company has been j With this issue Tus Tins enters he is not likely to express a preference 550- Irecs at Spnngvilte. Capital rtvv, r res formed j h cdidates; he wants the to neediest third its md.it TIMES PU3USH1MS COMFAMT. upon year, 000. (rienilship of them ail. 1 The Ceti'ennlal Farek. Mining C'-. TL annuaj meeting of the Supreme M. 1 XNNKO, EJltor and Manager, say, witn lirighter hopes, better pros-.on lust . aturdjv paid dnotl.er Alliof Council ptny National the iarmera at than iM'tter and any pects patrouage r i are. Tarrna tf Subtnpllon. 00 ance an Industrial Union met ni doui ie dll nii'ini of ; 1,R0 r . .. . , U tune since its birth. eu Var date total to he grand usual the t makn g Wsstungton this week 1 0 . Si . . , , .Peb'Uth eiosed t bO. T nu M tner. the otimr ,4J knavery inmvvdnnng IU ?. C m " U TUa b'1 -a d a iarl "f " bat r," itlJ laglf r";' past two yeara.it hMbuped np aga.nat committee tueek ai i nurk ha itmiueiceti on in tfiven out br the pn some pretty hard combinations and eti-- , Advertising organisation is n ported to lie in a bridge vih.th is to span the 'evter ruer t ill ha ual!a through the tnuth more prOperon- - condition that, When tt - i (Mtnjietetiu-roi.- i countered several it was at its last meeting The council free sailing to K cti field. Salma U' IX t? I 1 uu M iWi ,h , ., while :ie It tentioh toU?ag James forrell, a lirnktuaker, ai o has ' 1 JtMW I l 1 (ar tea ; IK ' u the face of it ait, it never lost hoe or J the f . tilth . . . into parti politics, de- - resided a iHte on the loner i vv liI organization a . . 7 ' L .uum of j West an I Third hr-wo tha fw avor ,n M M IJ I li m 0.1 street, . mate courage, bat, on the other hand, n silver. Among the ieople j years p.,,, as round dead minsbed.it tel llliie fuf flr- -t lliwr jU .. mziort, Id rcl:1, every improvement it could lor the ben- who delivered add res e a at the several j Soclmk h mlwpiMd laf 4 mil per tow fur afternoon. Tribune 13 . was . tf ijlii-re- t Congressman efit . open ,rt readers, will meetings of gold-htnbr otlts dieioyi-YkMtm jj t. uiei.t tv t.j i Rim pawn of Kai.ai- - Maj. Jerry made wet oi have u,n for Mannjure the Tims makes no promises Tus .0 f t Svateglte I Cflellff, Utah, t T, Cage of Virginia was elected president. Kwwharem .mi on box ueea seven SacaaS-Kaltar. an at ISM, future other than that it will, alue The American Press tssociation has , miet A uja!r (f o( that been llTlim try ing its power in huh branches locations h ue be. n made and conniera-under the present management, keep in PiaLVJLLE. FRIDAY, FEB. of Hongres. It made a hard fight in the . a, rt a.,ne- -- al t a tlee; hue with the polity it has pursued in senate on the nunm.at.on of ijeu. Cop-- i prc DIRECTORY. OFFICIAL the past. It will make every improve. pinger, but alien the vote was taken M. , j. If . pu retut ned last week lrom the con- - , more than twenty we against TAtE an extern!.. t trip dmu in -- outheru men t that its p itronage will warrant ; it J, W JxAd. Crmation of In nomtnatim. 'tiling j t rah. 1J a new and ' (Kiriaiit Jt, M. Hrlvhum will continue to issue a clean, unbiased dismayed. It a fight, Ut.ler the fihn SviSit-rf- l m tin gold M part .fii ,i, Kctiff tftlt Jam 1 dAiiimoiti county paper, free from religious or po- leadership of Iiepresentatl ,e l!.t tier of county aim u is ir nmcli atren-tion- , j.tr.utn Montna Kirbanti Nebraska in the house, uu the appropriat hiptnua litical discussion, it and w here the Mute Line mining object being to furn- tion in the District of Columbia bill for A i UiiHAJji district ha ubeen organized. Mt. svruznE covrt. ish a good home paper. sectarian charities in Washington, and 1leusant Pv ramid. - Cbr e fc 2 Ait Jtm A. Miner won a victory; but whether it is only O. tt. Bartel) It has been ever ready to champion, to Beets, beet- -' There is suih airy to remain to be seen when the , trTRicr s temporaiy ix.r jt ji Hite sea-o- n iJabn A. Wrt thiTbest of its ability, the cause of the bill conies hue k from the committee, to raise beets lor tke faeturv this OrW-te Grande Voun hardlv Mr that the Cutler, manager, an ,vrr . K t. Northrott people of Coalville and bumiuit county, which it was reconiieitteJ by vote of the knows what to do to keep good leelings "W6 house. IUn..-fa- r J l Salmon its home, and how well it has succeeded . The Oetolter term of the United States among the raisers. lie could set enough InkMuirftnd t'tilleclor I J JptoJ'i beets to run two factories, and this fact . J M H.rrtiifcio . . it leave with its readers to judge. Miprenie court was concluded this week, should be . . TrrmaiHwr JRHr Iiemlt, WIImhi enough to cause tlie director . ' ... March to an and taken t. rentier adjournment K H fthraH It will continue to advocate the estab"r. ciTir to think the matter over of how they can 2nd. Two hundred and seventeen cases H I Tot.eiid it.n. y as soon ad lishment of needed industries and of the Mrlili. Jilu lck enlarge thecapactty were disposed of during tlie term, against Villisin Artli!llL as possible. Lehi Banner. 11TY. Before last at term. adjournyears it believes in progress, push Kafr and to make room for same we are selling Brigham is the seventh city in size in j tvruttttr ing the court set the third Monday hi and will , . always be fotiad March for the enterprise, and of Rniil new Tlie the Utahs state. too numerous to mention, at population arguments in the sugar Tremunt , seven largest town for 1891 is a fd-- t en that side of the fence. fiom the LouisiirnnMrr so cases, lwunty reduced will make ajealed Hew Uie prices tnatlf ol lows: halt Lake, 4SU78, Ogden, IV K.iirvW luvet In conclusion, Th Timus is thankful ana courts. stare will call examine. and 1 Hhyliin The senate judiciary committee lias 828, Provo, 5,'i''2. Logan, 5.500 , Paikl for the encouragement it has received. Iwmiiimeu H M Wrinlit t. a substitute for the resolution City, 3,400; Sprmgville, 3,lt8 , Brigham, reputed CO-O- P. 'feuebanea, W W flnff, Jr.. Jdin Wilson Its euLmription list is growing rapidly, offered by Senator Call of Florida, direct- 2,722. This doe not iuclude Mantua winch would place Brigham at 3,107. For the past three months reports and it hopes to merit a continued in- ing that an investigation of the Brig ham Bugler. tie made V, Iebs i'.ugene lave been to the effect that the United VV. H. Walker, whose crease. It feels it has given full value The tubetitute directs the judiciary comHate government wi.son the point of mittee to investigate all laws bearing joke and violin music are so well known to on and enters new it the reader, lecoguiaing the Cnhan imuirgents as upon contempt of court, and to repoit from Cache valley to St. George, paid volume with a clear conscience and a whether any additional lick If she her keeps np belligerents. legislation is Helier a visit the fore part of the week, needed for tbe protection of the rights lie say's that the people living on the this recognition will given a'lout a well grounded hojssfor future success. of citizens. river from tlie Park City bridge up are year after tho insurgents have killed off The senate committee on foreign rela- doing their portion toward the increase WASH VOX XU I LETTER. all the Spaniards and will no longer y in the population of Utah and that wotions, jirobably realizing the I respectfully ask tlse ladies to call and learn the Great ReducMedit. of thatllong Cuban resolution men in that section are not in it unless .(faun ota Rnuuu,Con:xruKtsr J in prices made on mv winter stock. Ladies Hats and tion the other has rejiorted day, reported a they give birth to twins. Not less thau Wasiunuton, Feb. 10, 1 80. Th Park Record entered upon its Also Ladies substitute which 'is shorter and which three pair have Wn horn up there since Childrens Caps will be sold off at gieat bargains. Th half billion dollars hich investors means seventeenth volume week before .last and Childrens Underwear, Hoisery, Fascinators, "Hoods, Bonsouiething, This substitute de- statehood was "proclaimed. Wasatch and last week celebrated the event by offered te put into United State coin clares it to be the opinion of I have a nice line of Infants and Childrens Mitlens. nets and congress Wav. bonds, this week, when the bids for that that a state of war exists in Cuba and be disposed of at Cost rather than carried will which all of Coats, appearing in a new and handsome dress. now Brighams splendid tabernacle $100,000,000 issue of bouds were opened, that the United States alto ild maintain The Record is probably tho most prosfor season. over another of was mass stands ruins. a It Respectfully, ghostly spoke in thunder tones, which were a strict neutrality between the contend- completely destroyed this afternoon by perous weealyin Utah, and Th Tww heard around the world, of the soundness ing powers, and accord to each ail th wishes it may continue to thrive. Its of the of credit the United rights of belligerents. This is as far as fire. It is the worst conflagration in tbe history oi ttie city. It was valued at suWription price lias been reduced from 8tatee.And that wasnt all that tills congress has a constitntional right to go. $2 000, and tbe worst feature of all there enarmous amount of money said, and It is for the executive branch oi 13 to 2 a year. the gov- was no insurance on the building or conwhen money talks it is usually listened ernment to recognize the belligerency of tents An $800 pipe organ, Silver sacraTuts Provo Enquirer is ably advocat- to. It gave the lie direct, backed by tbe revolutionists; and after congress ment service, books, . etc., all were des- In connection with our line of the indisputable evidence of hard cash, adopts the resolution the president will troyed, Only a few benches and chairs ing the establishment of a tannery on a to the statements made in and out of ptobably do so. were saved. The fire started by poor DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC. large scale, or several of then in Utah, congress, by men in authority, tlmt it beaters in the basement. Herald, 10. It refers to the fact that an abundance would be im possible for this government We will carry a stock ot MACHINE EXTRAS WARD CONFERENCES. Weita Hansen, the daughof tannic acid can be had by the cultiva- to float a large issue of bonds w ithout we have ordered direct from the factory for all kinds of which Mn-- . Emma Han-ewasinveig ed The following ward conferences have ter of tion of capaigre. which grows abund- erasing "rota and substituting gold and binders that are used in this section of the couutry. mowers awav fiom her home, three miles south on tlie face of them. It it worthy of been appointed by tbe Stake Presidency antly and with little care in southern also carry wagons, mowers, binders and hay rakes, We of Murray, oa Saturday by two women note, ton, that the very money kings of the L. 1. S. Church : Utah. In its editorial it says; "Jlere who started tbe other and 1 a her who to man. thiugs. Call and get our prices before purchasmany a buy promised ai) "gold bond idea, and as we defy competition. was an object lesson which illustrates whose "advice Hovt-villwas responsible for all February 10 W. W. Clufl, goal watch if she would accompany them ing elsewhere, uf. VY.rth.'ckiiiL shdesire - to toe mtc. the evils of our present commercial tbe statements made against coin bond, J. A, F letter. in congress, and elsewhere, were bidders Upton, February 10 Aliua Kldredge, iidoit.mein die accepted the offer and system. A bide had been sent from tor these tame coin bonds. Unfortunate Jacob Huffman. sir ce tuen has not been heard of. Ye Utah across the entire continent. The as It terd.iv Mr- -. Hanson visited police head- - j VV. 10 is that this enormous issue of bonds E. Ouklev, February Park, SUBMIT COUNTY butcher at l'aysoti got probably seventy-ir- e should have to be made m lime of pro- John liortiu. to secure the aid of the law m purer Cents or a dollar for it, before it was posed peace, many people think the obrecovering her lost child, but as yet no Eat Coalville, March 1 VIma lesson came Tha when trate of tlie girl has been found. Trill; Marble:-:Worki- T sent away. it saddler, ject II. Evans, 8. Paddies. thereby taught is worth tlie Uockport, March 1 W. E. Pack, J. B. une back as leather, pant live or six dollars price. Shop on Lower lain Street. The senate has entered iuto a game of Rlieud. about talk much Ti too ere bee has lor it. Tha people of Utah bad to pay e politics, pur and simple, and tbe Heuefcr, Manh 1 W. V. Clnff, John Ihngha ii being a c,unp. M ,ii Class. lor transportation to Pennsylvania and hold tlie winning trumps. The Boy den, V. If. Branch. w hicli have the reuses largely led n; to . back again, nd bcaules they had to pay Republicans are being givCu a lesson out it will ,ie j Coalville, March 8 -- VP. E. Pack, tne reputation are trace f for tanning that hide in the far away against biting off more than they could James Ur. foui. that they do not com hi t altogether Shaving1 Tickets $i.io for$x.oo. Wanship, March 8 W. W. Ciuff, F. of Larreu rock. This writer ha been i state., Cao such a svstem profit' a peo-- chew, when they recognized tlie tom m it tee and became reepomiibie for leg VP. Marchant. ins j in ire of mining camps, an Tbe first triik in the game was for pay- Echo, March 8 Vlma Eldredge, Geo. tes imony to the long het-th- ut ! JOHN SHERMAN, Proprietor. a taken when Senator Jones of Nevada Ruff. OsTuesdayTast henator Jones tu ne, uniformity an stability of ing " Paik City, March 22 VV. E. Pack, F. vemiami ore. an tbe numtiei of wo- -' bill in tbe state senate fixing voted ith the Iietnoerats, of the Nuance le and had a substitute provtd VV. Marchant. pertie trora which good pay orel can committee, out of Reli ihie, the maximum rates a railroad 'may "Old tbe extract, ir.gfor the free coinage of silver reported leoa, March 22 VV. W. Ciuff, Ed- sg it if them all. Bmghatu Buhetin. charge for the tiansportation of real to for the house tariff bill. No sooner war mond Kldmlg. Vtm TH,Ledge;- points thronghdut the state. The bill tins dim than the policy of the Dnio-crat- a April 2t became ptain. They propose to Georg Ruff. JO'S. STOKER, I KOI. has many good features, the main one Dr. , use the free silver substitute to try to VV. Rock Spring, April 2o-- W. fluff, jI being that should it pass it would knock Choicest Meats in the Cotmtv, kill the tariff hill, and to do so they Surgeon. ii. vv rights Physician Should The ' the coal combi ne and of Headstones Manunients and prices as low as the lowest. have all become for the time silver men. Farley Tark, Mav 3 VV, R. P,u k, , lull become a law, coal would be hauled This resulted In uniting the Republicans, VV". Marchant. : to bait Lake from Coatyllle lor HI cents the silver Republican being more anx-io- n and Marble, ILsU-rKama, May 8 VV. VV. Ciuff, EdW. Tor to 58 , which and stove W, centslor Bramh. pass Ihe larUTbill, may mond Eldredge, t Up. tf Coalville, Utah per ton x, Tump PACIFIC HOTEL, ECHO. Almvl May S Aluta Kldreiige, C. A. . and slack cowl. From Coalville to Ogden posibly become a law, than to pass the 'Imported Granites. he coinage substitnte. whick cannot Ctdlis. iheyate would be SO cents and 12 cents Board by da , week or munthr' possibly become a law. Tbe Populist C. H. WLST, Ur w ( t..iMllnl Sortir per ton, respectively. Th bill also pro-- - senators by voting as a unit can decide n and Surgeon, shin Spscfal rates to hunting and 1liy Denver to Uhicsgo vi Kana Uity is f vide that the railroad companies shall this game either way. If they divide Hovt Utah. Union hing parties. Good accomIanuc the and Coalville j via given Chicago A Alton Railway. furoiab cart to shippers within ten days tbe tariff bill will win tuid pais. modations for transients. I m when awav all hours excel at ofiire mf" residence at V iili.mi Hrei The friends of Senator Allison are Through Iuiiman Mreper, lu!lman JOS. STORKR, Prop . after application for the same. If tlifs and tree Reclining Chair R(l Dinner Car loudest tbe 81,11 claims of lieing lam- Cars leave Denver The Union lv ; bill Lecontes a law, Coalville will receive making daily. ented by Harrisons an- ci tic i th grfHt 'through car line of the TIN-SHO- P. k great benefit from it, in fact, will furnouncement that ,Ue would not be a nish tl relief for whuh our operators candidate for Um presidential nominahave been fgbtlng foir jeais. IV hope tion of hi party, but the bread of Home-mad- e Tiaware, Stove Uov. COPYRIGHTS. howReed, Speaker "Morion, there We think is, it may jess. Bath Pipe, TgJv, Garden I ORTitX A rtTFWI f t a McKinley and the othetswho are open cu m, wnt frAmr truwpr ard an ever, a weak point in the bill, inasmuch Qalvhnued Sprinklers, N Iron, A. tl,. who n( mr)r Bfty ytwr or implied candidates seem to think that tzosniu-- . tbe k Crea$t,adTrade-MarVoroicnan'- a M.tpda! t'al-- J it does not prevent ti.e railroad comand Sheet-Iro- n ZIjc, Cupper imt' aS, A HanrfboAk of In RtrVtJf H. lor coiuiuete they also have bet u benefited. Thera is ft wcorTt b.ioc 4eeftnatDo ffvmFntng bow to ob id OS TtiT Opeiev j Work, etc., made and Bkbchsa a Ova Orvct i 0ezirTc O titu thero rnt panies from making such terminal little doubt that Mr. Harmon would ! Uvote , Fc) and enr'tu ami a, a can erui t -- tc.'U m lea Uia uu SURVEYOR, b Co. rroefrt W.!i niron. tbroGth tnJsta k Fatu hib Repaired feonoretrom ree fit, and the e j c of.j prt -r Senator Alhxon to any ellier ofiATBV S or photo., with ewrip- - f syrev 5$ notice m th nf Hdc 4mrrikti, tre ' "tirAill onwire Sen b3U ibSLlb of tL lUdttlAattfi tret $hu or fcro!ia-J hr tu! DioiV. pj hem rb lies, ut thtic are several i'3m,atsPotent iPvt. " .ariw, ll daet fie b,:i (onl thus Is dt ft Tied, for ah1 cvnili out eot ti il invtfoT paor, wcarl. Our let pot a tore 1 hr furtb ts not hk Jv to Atil'N 1 1 OR Hew to ue - ll t.ttnn, with J f muitK wAirhp 'f5 wcM auMoubudlv .d p m soa of $n th wrti re,., cmianv Suzeifa cououie. Kwal m rcott'lHCK tho 1. fcwakt wor 4 s Tfr. thuir jrffrrt3rf' known. Wlale err w ioT frp Juvonnc InHrut ir, , Swtultee. lu itiaie tip twt ri i ab i r 4 Mr. ooMivst netn'ief Err HniiUte, itr mut j FI n coIuia. ami i a u. nit.ni tf rpy W-J biuc cast of Sttke ! ltl common" 't.tg5U jjt f tvs fiFoW tb th oTl.rri, thnt O C. j ovnc. xx e.TtHT I a e ere VkHiOTO, Coalville, Utah. iatb- - couvea - I Aal other Cbarch Literature. A COr ! J4t Bfi2LLWiTv ntingenry may vol. ni. COALVILLE TIMES. tints Eit r -- o make i 1 p-- i l4a.'.traneacte.i Atr,efW Q C ! fo r I RUa ' , i ( jh well-know- . g 1 We have the nicest assortment of the following named articles on the way from the east, ever rv opened up in Coalville: -t ftt-r- Dress Goods, Flannels, Silks, Ladles Waists Ribbons, Newand Fancy Linings, Calicoes, Outings, Cheviots, etc,. Vp ...... ... lr ..... the many articles, greatly if you yon that it COALVILLE i o J t side-splitti- VS , v AT HALF PRICE. J a of ne ii n e which we expect to open in a few days, we offer our entire stock of laces andembroiderieson hand ir nr-Ttn- a fu Laces and Embroideries -- n-- room P Maggie Salmon. 1 hum-bugger- MAGGIE SALMON. Notice. I n, e, Gr WrSrROBTrVOtJ NGrWanahip t Eld-redg- e, 1 loi-ulist- Everything First low-gra- J Js Intro-rdnced- sky-hig- J. J. CHAMBERS, and f. h. u -- i ! -- rtl r tUiathej X RHEAD. f- Joseph Jones, 1 11 1 re CA C TINNER. QO Q , . u-.re j |