Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY lTATI r Ntum J W Jo54 L P r5 = 7 NOA ti 1im 14 Jiirto Jha A Mirjlwll > mf llttof H VtrtU rtl wlA ft in J tnr > t Hum 1 arli 1 nr JSmloglla Eiwnt Jn mr jowpk l 1UJ > 151 B nuny OMrl A t tnhf JVIKir UlTKfUK CIHKT 06 Zhr 10 W A lla1 U n Hlflfh yi OIJBI tiuiwJi DtttKiar Cml11114 i rtDK II frt I UKISI Yall nl xtr n It r 2451115151 7r Orr rr iI IN 054 tullo Id eve Mena I tt 1 MYLa 7r5 urer I II lOw a r nrr 11T An1r II N = L J 7715 I John 74 tIt art Va n 1rrAU + tl1 tITI Yn r I l tt Lr 1 r A 24111151 wn 1 IIot HiikiHi Tnun r joiin noiioHi 5111 nnIM Itt rinafc > fl 01111 Ia 14 Thom Coil > r aUr i ienlw huZt 5eII nr J IMmbn I 7 IhIIV1I Wr4kl I 11111I 11 un I W OIIf Jr 051 2411 I l4ns I > r lurylulll Ui Uhlifeiito 1 K U 1451141 City in 1 ltlim ela I thl Union ItulUr mid Clilcuico I I A Alton UallnuvD Through I riitlniaii Mteper I ItiHmau inner Cure nml Irw ltn limii < clnnr Cart Imisu Denver dully rue Ciiinii 1i I oltlc If I lhu pmil thruuiili cur lui > 111 tin A It U OUt nmimt 11 Hfl your iguit i r ticket 7111 this Mm KI I M > I lien 1UM I kill IM L 11 l 1 oiimlu N I E H RHEAD RHEADSURVEYOH C I SURVEYOH NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCE MI 1 MIIill Juvonlle III IMKM i Youni Wnmunii I nn 1 I Contributor AndollivrUliuioli Uiotulur I n Dr J J CHAMBERS Physician and Surgeon Pity shed Ijiitruiitliii riijKldun Ortic first block east of Times Ottio i Cwilv U1e Utah B kM JAM US It HOSMEU M D IlijiUliui uiui Stimuli Calelllr I tllr at nil hour XCIt s11111 11011 Hi MntlriMlil 1 iirviit W Ilium HI s old nSldeurc 1 n u I I I I yv1 a ill I Ill SCwlaadTrSd i oat lww cuuluae 11r MooI set Ornat 5 e10ITr u Prnr Orne SOU1 spa w fan Mrun I l 11 I r + t Ina IbUN illsot lr5 waYuoq un poati eta a ur photo oath dncclpI I e 1Ioa a WrIM it I r aenupla I or n t fret ul i a u f 11uo li I 1 I xyrW wen 11 t5 A N e tn 51sow 11010wen U v s sow lwulln wupu Swat i 1rw A f CASIiOWC I J 0 eF TINTOrn WNINOra i D C J > i > rot o o f6inake room for a full line of nevI nev-I Laces and Embroideries which we expect to open i in a few days we offer our entire stock of laces and Embroideries on hand I AT HALF PRICE I 1 We have the nicest assortment i of the following named articles i on the way from the east ever opened up in Coalville I Dress Goods Flannels Silks Ladles Waists Ribbons I Newand Fancy Linings Calicoes Outings Cheviots etc and to make room for the same we are selling many articles too numerous to mention at so greatly reduced prices that it will make you stare if you will call and examine 1 COALVILLE COOP t I 0 P Maggie Salmon I I I respectfully ask the Lilies tot call url learn the Great Reduction Reduc-tion tit prices made uii nu winter lock Ladies Hats and Children Caps will lie sold < 1 oil it fjriMt bargains Also Ladies ntui Childrens Underwear Hoiserv Ia < ciiiiitor < il Hoods lion nets and Mittens have I nice Hue of Infants and Childrens Coats all of winch will be disposed of at Cost rather than carried r a over for another season Respectfully MAGGIE SALMON Notice In connection with our line of DRY GOODS GROCERIES HARDYARE NOTIONS SHOES ETC We will carry a stock of MACHINH KXTRAS which we stave ordered direct from the factory for all kinds ot mower and binder that art n cd in this section of the conutry we also carry wagons mowers oinucro aim nay rakes and many other thing Call and get our prices before purchasing purchas-ing elsewhere as we defy competition G W ROBT YOUNG Wanahip SUBMIT COUNTY MarbleWorks 111 1 = J i Bi 0 fx I S J i 4 i I I MouumeiU ant HeaiUonrs of I I Marble UtIru and I I Imported Grauite I C H WEST 1rowr j Hovtsville Utah 4111 CAVEATSTRAOEMARKS COPYRIGHTS C V I nilTAIN A P4TFNTT For rromM n hpr m I 4 i I i n < i or write U MlSNAdi av nr inMifahrmr1 art n nre l 1 111 t u mW Ir JlttSWr 1 MMmll t au I AlumniSCSB 1lie KiK n irytrS1Srat If1911 1 1 CIaI 1k1 nl Irh loot niViu n rnnnl1 MTIMI it Co rwrtM ICMIII W In in hbBi I nun lmrlew i 3 1u 9r nruunt x r 1 Lr Vubll wtlb out 111 lu i tut in > riiii i 7111 1 < pk ram sal r IwuvO MklT Iw 9lllr i i i nl v 11 i 1 a1Ihe i j t r 0 I k l I f S1 Btf ear 4 l l > wwutfre I WraiaiSljIinnoSirhlV flS5w Noel r c toB 43 rviit lhtrr hum ter xnt11tr tlnil tttml f Ifl user and I HnwraMi of n botoM wile plaiu trnmtlul hire < > how tM I UuatilMilEla MUNM COTMW ima Mmra VOUK contrMt Jill IlB A ° 1 uwar GIobB Daffier snOpt Stop on Lower Jlnin Street Everything First Class suvin Tickets tln for 10 JOHN SHERMAN Proprietor Euno Waat marker Jllh ICIJCIU IILUI Cluiuot Meats t in the County and price as low an the lowest I PAOIIIC HOTEL ECHO hoard by day week or month Special rates to hunting and fuhinig parties Good accommodations accom-modations for transients JOS STORKR Prop TINSHOP HoiitLraitde Tinware StovePipe Stove-Pipe Huh Tubs Garden Sprinkkis Galvanized Iron Xiuc Copper and Sheet Inn I Vnii L I to l made 1 and I t 1 11 I Ill Jos ph Jones TINNER Shop one block east of Stake I i House Coalvillc Utah j |