Show COOKINO IN ITALY Tim Ib1 ll cheap < < but All Ilon tt Inknewn Altbonfli the working people limo not much money they reeelto Mtlifac tory returns from It at a rule nya an exchange 1ood la I cheap A poor man can to to market nod buy the leg of a turkey for 3 pen la aa a dainty for his nick wife or If that la 1 beyond tubs meant tin n for 2 I eva get tho head neck and feet ot a chicken aDd make a mlnealrn broth Mltlo nt a limo and pay aa you go aro two houiehold mottoes In thla land of thrift even In thn home of the well todoe At fleet Ihla neemii atrange to tia bu we are rapidly Incoming t nccuet ° mel to the ptcturi < iue Incomcnlcncen of houre kreplng and buy In email quantities like the reat Our kitchen la I a long narrow apartment paved with brick Tho working apparatua extend almost the entire length of the room It In l built out from the wall and la I In fact neither moro nor teas I than a solid block of masonry nbout twelve feel long four feet hi nil and three fed deep Wo might call ll n counter bttlll of bricks and mortar covered with A heavy atone Blah Abnvo thla hatiRn the flaring chimney cap projecting lla black cap hog mouth over Iho entire length of tno counter At regular Inlcrvnta In the alone slab there nro three openings nboul n foot aquaro and n fool and a half deep wllh a grate at the bottom of each and on Iho faro of the counter are three corresponding opening which connect with Iho upright ones below the grate and thin wets for n draught A charcoal flrn IB 1 made In each grate and IB coaxed Into Ilfo with A primitive fan of cock somber rho teakettle soup pot double boiler taucepana fry Incpana anal film kettle all joatlo one another around the edge of two of three apertures The third aperture la I reserved for atnte occaalona two being be-ing conaldered aulHclent for ordinary family tire An oven In a private home la I unknown The bread IB bought at alto tankers and the oak nod poetry at the confectioner Our Joint nro twilled on n chit In front of redhot coala which nro piled on top of lie stone Blab agalnat Ibo wall and directly under Ibo chimney Tho menu are kept thorough bailed with Ibo drip thugs from the pan which aland underneath un-derneath thn aplt and nro conatnntly turned ao that every part la I browned and crlaped In alto moat appetizing manner man-ner |