Show INCITANT8 TO SMILe It It I strange that Morgan who Is I absolutely rolling In wealth should bo inch a mUcrly skinflint I suppose he Is I the lolden Mean one ro often bears about Ilaardlnghouio Keeper Ive brought you your hill for the post month Illlby Oh Veil had better keep It I nil IICI hrll I somewhat unsystematic In my habits and 1 I might mislay It A publican his been fined for Spry rr fl Ing drink to u constable I while on his rounds And jet the magistrates nl uD hold that the public are bound to assist the police In the execution of their duty I asked for proof l spirits but this whisky you veal to mo IN diluted to n very large extent You are In error air What I sent was proof It to It must be wuterpreof 1101 Ive Wan engaged n desperate Illrtntlon but Im tiro of It and I vlsh the girl would drop II She Theu why dont ou propose to her Voting Husband Didnt I telegraph yon not to bring YoUr mother with 0111 Yomis Wife That s what she wants to Bra ynll about She load the dliutch Two men are In love with the same sir < looI1 Now It seem strnngu that they should quarrel with each other for being of the samo mind It Is usually difference of opinion that Invites conflict con-flict The new pastor of a country church said to one of his deaeons I find hat Drotber Inkum hay very llbernl religious re-ligious views 1 Yes replied Ore dca con Brother Ilnlum Is more liberal In his views than In bit contribution |