Show Will Omrrn1 I IL Wrlnlit and l Imrbanan who were appointed bv the Corflvllle city iwmcll at their fart iMCtliiK to go ti > bolt Lake In the lnltreit LVMltlllcon tint ClawtonConlvllki case retorted the litter part ol thu week having anoni pllihnl the oliliTt ol their minion We underttnnd the Iswere In the case were InUryivwed alM Mr Claw on and tie Inner made the following proportion Mr I Clawton Inform tie ctimultlce that lor the mm of fl211 1 he would withdraw with-draw the lull from court and rtllnqulih all olaliui tn the frnnchloe granted him llengrtnl to I wire t lit H 111011 erected to the I city but la l to take tin whet now tretchvd upon them Tli 11 proportion tin nodmtand wa admitted tn the lawyer r who ttalnl tlmt wlsllo they were rtwfllcnt ol win nine tie caw for Coalvlllv the crate ol the action would In Ilkullhood exceed ex-ceed the turn asked br Mr Oliwon and thought till compromise the cheapen cheap-en way mil of It Mr CUwwn nan again nvn and told by thu coinmlttie that 1110 prololtls n would be niceplcd anil that upon lie w ttllhdriinrtl the salt and forfeiture of liUiUlm the IrHiicliltn warrant or I Iliv ntntnl turn 13fi w Mill be larw anlnl to him i Till action will without I ilunbt mwt ultli llii > aiiroval hl < H U will hrow sill costs on thu complainant and save much In I tliiin nn < l luoiierj by utojintiiK all 1I11ftllon tI1u thh he fold 009 bars are In molt fat I n uml Dud undoubtedly nriefnr Jhu tolephoni Mire noon to bv iUololif1 hens < tilt tnaklnic nuothrr I Mvtui to aid rltv |