Show WHAT A KEY BANKER BANK ER DID FOR HIS COUNTY tile tha farmers or of one county in tennessee are aie receiving add additional 1 annual Inco income roo from new farm enterprises started since 1920 through the efforts of 0 a key bank banker e r and the tha county agent according to estimates from tho the tennessee college ot of agriculture A key banker la Is a part ot of the state bankers association voluntary field force cooperating with the american bankers association i n in its nation wlad wice plan tor for bringing about better agricultural conditions through combined bank banker tanner farmer effort new projects started in this particular county are tobacco irish irysh potato and cabbage production tor for cash crops and dairying and poultry raising tor for 11 ih sack the key banker looking for some soma athing to 0 o do tonetter to better his community first attempted to p procure a n county but anji binal to tott zat tho county to mau mal 3 tho the necessary appropriation so lj lid a and d other leading citizens made up lip the requisite funds through private subscription among farmers and ad bustness business ss men and an agent was employed up until 1926 grain was the principal farm production p ro la inthe the county the Tho banker banke r recognized iho the disadvantages ages ol of this it afforded a low cash income and tho the land lilly hilly and rough tor for profitable grain raising III his idea was nas to introduce cash crops that offered more mora return pey per acre and were wera better fitted to the county it was de aided that the county should standardize on the green mountain potato and to market it in cariola lots through lis his bank lie he sponsored tho buying ol 01 oali a car of certified seed potatoes lie he likoN likewise viso bought soma high quality tobacco seba aud and several hundred settings of purebred pure brod eggs aggi eggi these supplies v were ere distributed at cost through tho banks to the farmers 1 after considerable effort a market tor for dairy products was assured the farmers when in a national cheese cheeda company located a factory there A county appropriation was secured for county agent stork in 1928 in 1929 the cash crop program resulted sul in farmers selling wort lit bof ot milk worth of tobacco and bitty alve carloads of potatoes and cabbage mostly through cooperative sales this was some step from the 2500 worth af 0 cash chops crops in 1921 1924 the county agent says and indications are that this amount will be doubled |