Show runoff run off after rainfall affects water Vater power in the study of tha matter matte ol 01 iraln 1 j fall it tins has been gradually realized that the runoff run off ok calls for just at as much investigation as the ilion in fact it has been found thail that the ile runoff run off olt 1 Is even more variable than the rainfall the runoff run off on Is I 1 eliat I 1 lat part or of rainfall wl which I 1 ell finds its way to the streams and Is available for generating power tills this run un off Is not a fixed percentage when the ground Is very dry it absorbs nil all the rainfall and there I 1 ast 1st S no runoff run off when the earth Is rated practically every everi drop of rain 1 fall runa off on thus chett it a severe drought drou glit strikes tin nn area usually well watered tile the drop in runoff run off on Is 13 much dinoro pronounced than the e i in precipitation all of tills lias been known in a general hut but it hadj lins I 1 taken a prolonged dry spell tw make ej it really appreciated and water anter power plants that were planned from iraln 1 tall falt records without proper allowance for the still greater in ani runoff run off have guff suffered ered the recognition of 0 tills relationships relationship 1 will undoubtedly save the industry 1 bainy millions of at dollars in able Invests ments arid and 1111 safeguard il tho consumer because of J 9 alu be provided he hereafter 4 artst |