Show 0 I 1 V vegetable getable stew makes 0 0 0 complete meal III 0 11 ts 13 A substantial stew made of several different vegetables Is liked for change once in a while when it Is ser vedon toast it Is almost a meal in itself the bureau of home economics of the united states department of agriculture recommends the method 11 of make it described below the children will enjoy a savory vegetable stew fora for a midday mid day lunch and it will be good for them acup 1 cup diced dicea salt alt 2 cups diced dicea po pork tato S cups diced dicea ruta asp tsp sage baga turnip 3 2 cups cupa hot water ismall X mall onion vi 4 tap salt bait tip tap pepper vry fry the diced dicea salt pork until crisp remove the pork and some of the fat from the skillet and brown the onion and turnip in the remaining fat add tie the potato salt sali sage and water cover and simmer until the turnip la Is tender remove the cover aad cook until the stew has thickened somewhat add the browned 1 salt a it pork peper and more salt it if needed serve with crisp toast |