Show NATIONAL 4 H CLUB CONTEST Clit chicago no ill april 29 alore than in in county state sectional becton il and national nati onil prees ea is is at tone in in the second annual national nat ciul 4 1 11 II meat animal livestock J iv estock contest which win wilt ill occur luring dunns 1031 it is is announced announce by the national on boys and girls club work these awards for foi Anic rica s most bstanding anding junior anibal ciul nil nien men are aio being affred by thomas thoma E wilson ilson prominent ati i packer ind and chairman of the national corn committe mitte on boys and an 1 girls club work 4 II 11 club members having haing three thieo years experience iunce including 1931 who are regularly enrolled in in one or 01 more moie meat animal livestock projects pi ejects 1 namely biby baby beef bied beet animal market pig pie breeding hog bog market sheep or oi breeding sheep are eligible gible to compete for foi the state stae and national prizes less experienced club members may compete compels for county awards the project records ind and tile the general records of contestants will be the basis abnis on which awards will all be made A gold filled medal of honor will vill be presented to alic th highest seon scoring iii county coun 4 11 club member in in each county count of the united states fro 1 lom the records of county win neis state club leader will select their winners ii neis the highet highest scoring individual in in the state will receive a WOO gold watch vatch the winning 4 11 livestock club aber of ench each of the four extension divisions of the united states will re le ceide ed educational icat ional trips to the tenth national boys and girls 4 I 1 II 11 club congress in in chicago nt the time of the international Inte national live stock expositor deposit ton on three national winners will v bo be selected from these trip winners ly 1 y a committee of state club leaders dui der ing tl tle e week of the national 4 II 11 club congress congi T end and ag ngn 1 I cultural cult uial college scholarships will be ba awarded tha in tin the corded 0 their tank rank |