Show I 1 L LIVE S T OCK COMPARE HEIFERS AS BEEF MAKERS well finished light animals are most popular I 1 prepared by the united states slate lg department of coture service in the meat producing of well bred heifers heffers and steers recently the united states department ol 01 agriculture and seven stale experiment stations luns Ions disproved sunie some of tile lie arguments which wye bern been ad advanced 11 in support of the longstanding poeju dice against heifer heet beet one or of the most interesting an and d im facts discovered by the linves tl gators Is that the from well finished heifers heffers Is equally as pula palatable lable us as that from froin steers when the two are slaughtered nt at tile he same game age more alore over in these experiments the dressing percentage of tile the helfers was fully as high as that of tin the steers in the couise conise of tin it studies on oil the relative merits of the two sexes us meat producers the investigators llop wise ise found that yearling helf rs drill harily reach an all acceptable market nia nn fin ish more quickly and at al Il lighter gillet weight than do stee slot nf af illar breeding anil and feeding 1 I i 1 ws of course that hint heifert heifers become sooner than the steers when the feeding Is continued these research findings are signify cant in view of the present market lemand demand for care n misses asses of nf good finish the department says the housewife likes to buy small hul but bell pit finished cuts of beef slie she likes steaks thick it if not otherwise too ton large and would buy roasts more often if slip could always got gel them small enough the well finished light heifer before she becomes rul ful nils fills these requirements tills this study has uncovered some facts which should be of marked benefit not only to the consuming public hut but also to the producer the meat packer and the re taller the department says the agricultural experiment stations of arkansas colorado michigan missouri mississippi ohio anil and illinois tn in operation cooperation co with the united states department of agriculture red fed out about head of cattle about half of which were heifers heffers and halt half steers during these experiments |