Show L balsam of myrrh PARKERS HAIR BALSAM shaam 11 danaroff stepi imparts color md and 8 baady wars to art and faded ash oe nd dinv inv 11 m at I 1 F f chero clr SHAMPOO ideal for la connection with balsam makei the tha hair oft t and fluffy 60 cents centa by m mall it arti flats blizak hiscox chemical work a NY stomach troubles headache and dizziness if your stomach is sick you are sick all 01 over it if you cant digest your food you lose strength get nervous and fee as tired when you get up as when yoi went to bed for 10 year sTanlae has restored to health and activity many thousands who suffered just as you do mr daniel of stiles st philadelphia pa says bays 1 I have riot not had a dizzy spell or a headache since taking my nerves are in better shape and I 1 can enjoy a good nights sleep let help you too it corrects the most obstinate digestive troubles relieves gas pains in in the stomach and bowe bowels las 9 restores appetite vigor digor and sound sleep is made of roots barks and herbs costs less than 2 cents a dose get a bottle from your druggist today your money back if it help you kill MAUS without poison a now exterminator that thai wont 1111 livestock poultry dogs cats or oven even baby chicks 1 K R R used about the home barn or poul i try d with absolute safety as 9 it contain cont alne ne n deadly poison kroie K R oie ade of as T 0 mended on ded by US dept of Agriculture even dried 1 under the con na ble anu tee me x imura strength used by county agents inmost in most lat 1 ing campaigns money back Cuaran tn in fai X R oabe original aquill e at erman I 1 direct lf dealer o ot cannot t supply you X R O co springfield ohio MERINO KILLS RATS ONLY Y A TONIC AND golden colo some time ago I 1 t took oo 00 k dr pierces pierce favorite Fa prescript pt ion chene whenever er I 1 would feel ave the need of a tonic and to build me up in health and it always gave me entire satisfaction I 1 am glad to recommend the prescription to lomeii women who need a ri reliable liable medicine of this kind mrs 0 L halli Hall E ath st druggists fluid or tablets advice 1 li free to users men of dr I 1 berwa medicine jut just write to dr rier or coi caio in buffalo NY N T alair the symptom blank alilea it 1 found in ortry inck ot dr ri arces bamily medicines enclose leg lea it 1 you want a trial r kaso ot of any ot of yu ar r V beedle e dlee salt lake cites newest west hotel J 9 r 4 HOT HOTEL E L TEMPLE SQUARE rooms tuc Tile baths radio connection in very every room RATES FROM also ji opposite dionn Tabe ERNEST C ROSSITER mgr W N ua isalt salt lake city no 20 1 |