Show WOOL MART STAYS DULL boton baton mass blass may 14 owing to continued weakness of wool at london auctions accumulations of short fine wool from past clips and slick slack mill interest the market mailet in shown in march has prated wool movement to mills is Is very cry slack free lance operators ope in in the west purchasing on mill orders have practically completed their work independent moe pendent dealers have reduced bids and buying is is less active 0 ates atea are aie that independents is have bo bought aught fully pounds domestic wool since the season opened and may get a total of 3 pounds or 01 about as ai much ii as last year large houses are aie said to he be soliciting consign consignments ments from g glowen rowers who are aie not willing to sell at bid prices any man ca can n figure out how generous erous ho he would be if he had a little more m money ney a many i young man who asks for a girls hand deserves the fathers foot |