Show 11 u daei the blye mountain foods 4 11 held their first regular inee meeting thurs day clay may 14 and elected the following officers president deni norma norina perkins vice president ries ident thoret baton see sec rotary ard rd treasurer trea amer mildred black ong fong leader dixie perkins reporter re josephine bronson the following are members of tho the club norma morma perkins timm barton mildred black dixie perkins pel kins josephino bronson shirley redd alene alena hansen hanen faun jensen genevieve Gens I 1 bronsch Brons cn vera wood ephin evans josephine valton by JOSEPHINE BRONSON friday last a group of enthusiastic girls gills met at the school house for the second ecord sewing division of 4 H club vork under the di direction of mrs mis J M redd jr officers fo for r the ensuing year as follows oral chal barton I 1 vice president clent irene black secretary treasurer pearl frost IN 0 s t reporter porter ic maxine redd song son band gand cheer leader venice redd i 4 by next time we expect to have a name and symbol MAXINE REDD |