Show intermountain news briefly told by busy readers NEW LAWS IN EFFECT WILL WORK OLD MINE TOMATO ACREAGE LESS COAL RATE KATE REDUCED BOISE IDA among the important laws enacted by the last session of the idaho legislature that became ef teethe effective this month are the old age pension the direct primary the marriage law dequir a five day notice before issuance of 0 a marriage license the oleomargarine license tax placing a 5 cent per pound tariff on uncolored and a 10 cent tax on colored butter substitutes utes the 00 90 day divorce bill the income tax and the electric power tax levying one halt half mill per kilowatt hour tax on all power gem aerated crated within the state SALT LAKE CITY CIT UT organization niza tion of a new venture to go into commercial production of quicksilver and gold from the properties of the old sacramento mine at miss mf cur utah lias has been announced OGDEN UT seven seten million tomato plants will be sent here from moapa nevada tor for planting in weber county fields according to 0 officials of the utah canners ass association ocla last year ten million plants were required by the growers BRIGHAM CITY UT an arrangement ran gement by the railroads concer concerned has been made to reduce the rate on all classes of coal from utah mines to brigham city by 25 cents a ton has been announced PRESTON IDA A shortage in the preston city water supply la Is ex pecked about june I 1 to last through the summer according to the water master of the city WENDELL IDA A car load of ten guernsey bulls has been shipped to california they were viere consigned by the thousand springs ranch and are reported as the largest shipment of guernsey bulls ever sent scat to that state SALT LAKE CITY UT A reduction of under assessments m L ants wade made last year is reported in a statement sent to the county commission by the county assessor showing shoeing assessed property values halupa in salt lake county for 1031 when assessments tire are completed by tile the state tax com it Is estimated the reduction will emch eighty mu alons springville SPRING VILLE UT the work woric of transplanting tomato plants being received from moapa nevada neinda Is g ping on contracts for the tomato crop this year total approximately acres which alch la Is 40 per cent less than the 1030 season OGDEN UT an old time celebration of the four fourth t h of july has been ec de decided c aided on by the herman daker baker american legion post SALT LAKE CITY UT on the face of tile the spring florec forecast ast for may utah has substantially reduced acreage and production but the country as a whole will pile biffle up a surplus much larg 1 irger gr than han for last year or the average for the past five years the crop estimate ty ky the government crop tan 1 an places the utah crop at nearly three million bushels compared t to bushels last year sear A ref re in acreage planted of approximately the five thousand 1 Is i J PROVO UT more alore th L hundred thousand dollars thin din d in to have hav ben been donw don n utah county liy by frost the strawberry crop la in the orem section suffered heavily MOSCOW IDA several hundred dr ed prospectors many of them experienced perien perlen ced cea miners out of work because of hard times are roaming through the mountains of the state panning gravel in out of the way streams looking for gold SALT LAND CITY UT city will be visited by several thousand abd L D S mutual improvement association and primary association workers june 11 to 14 inclusive clu sive when they assemble hero for the annual conference of thosa organizations the program for the tb four days includes a pony express espres ce celebration le bration a pioneer tableau exhibits demonstrations finals in activity contests an outing at salt air a series of lectures institutes for community leaders and a general conference BONI IDA the regional forest office at ogden has notified the tha boise forest office that cost of the forest highway projects planned for this season in idaho will bo be the largest project Is the 11 B miley mile of road between idaho city and lowman other projects included on the list are ketchum to clynton construction of section between chalias end and robinson bar banks to garden valley to construct ten miles along the south fork of the payette river at a cost of one hundred thousand dollars soda to freedom warm river to yellowstone and several others LEWISTON IDS IDA in thankfulness to the great spirit for banishing winter and bringing spring the nez peres perce indians held their annual dance near here idano IDAHO FALLS IDAA IDA A plan for leasing ag acres of storage pace apace from the government was approved of by representatives of 22 canal companies owning rights in the american fulls falls reservoir at a recent meeting negotiations will bg opened with the offic bals in regard to the plan |