Show monticello CREAM SWIFT COMPANY buyers of CREAM EGGS POULTRY G S STUART manager dr drw W J rogers 11 DENTIST DOLORES COLO R NE special series of articles on mm W IN M 0 WIN M n a a ly R M aw y ar th 0 0 gy 0 F SAN alu G U U hl 71 CIS T J jo L I 1 ill VI YMA N just the thing to send to your friends to tell them of the beauties and romance of san juan this series will appear exclusively in the an u an R eco d send asid a subscription for your friend a A 2 6 I 1 ca kz oese 77 7 7 ol 01 F for or sale 10 choice dahlia bulbs 1 al different kl canna bulbs to 10 cents each tomato wid and cabbage plants 1 cent each postage 10 cents extra awill will trade for good wheat or bran flour mrs lottie larzen laisen moab utah NOTICE TO CREDITORS J S estate of william E weight kl deceased creditors will present claims with ih i vouchers attached to A B ba barton r ton at utah on or before july 25 1931 TB A B BARTON administrator firt fira publication Public tron tion may 21 1931 last publication june 11 1931 1031 NOTICE ace OV MOTION TO APPOINT GUARDIAN AD LIT 1331 13 31 IN thi THE r P COURT OF THE TI SEVENTH JUri CIAL DISTRCT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN JUAN STATE or OF UTAH THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OP OF BERKELEY BERKELE Y a corporation plaintiff vs EMMA EMATA E CUDNEY et ct defendants TO HELEN CUDNEY AND EMMA E CUDNEY till THE PERSON WITH WHOM SAID HELEN CUDNEY RESIDES please take notice that on tuesday the day of june 1931 1031 at the courthouse in the city of monticello county of san juan state of utah at the hour of 1000 A II 11 or as soon there fater as counsel can be heard plaintiff will move the court to appoint a guardian ad litcy litem for the defendant helen cudney on the ground that ald aid defendant is is a minor under the age of 14 years and resides out of this state that is to say that said minor resides with said emma E cudney at new canton state of illinois in making said motion plaintiff will use all of the papers and files in this case and the decree of distribution in the matter of the estate of charles Clarl cs W budnev deceased now on file in tho the office of the clerk of said court dated this day of april 1931 RICHARD W YOUNG KNOX PATTERSON attorneys for plaintiff first publication day april 1931 I 1 last publication cath lay day may 1931 SUMMONS IN THE F r URT 1 I atik SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRCT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY 01 0 SAN JUAN STATE OF UTAH THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF BERKELEY a corporation plaintiff vs EMMA E CUDNEY also known as emma cudney a widow THE monticello NAT N A T IONAL FARM LOAN association a corporation successor to the piute national farm loan association a corporation SARAH BELLE LANGFAHL HELEN CUDNEY FIRST DOE SECOND DOE and THIRD DOE and EMMA E CUDNEY a as guardian ad of helen Cu cudney Illey min defendants the state of utah to the above named defendants Y you are aie SLIm to appear within ito hin twenty f lays ays va ii e the service of this is summons suni morn urn you if served w within the county in ahl which iab this action is brought 1 is e wi within thill thirty days daya after service sc ivice and d defend e antl tt tle neove vove ac artioli and in case of ef y your our failure so to do judgment will vill be rendered lend cred against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court and a copy of which is served upon you this thi action is brought to foreclose a mortgage moi in the above action on the following described lands landa situated and being in san juan county att state of utah to wit the tha west half of section ag 26 twp tap 31 34 S R 25 E S L M RICHARD W YOUNG KNOX PATTERSON attorneys for plaintiff Plain tiT first publication pub cation leation 3 day april 1031 1931 list last publication flay day may 1831 1031 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TUB SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OP OF UTAH WITHIN AND FOR SAN JUAN COUNTY estate of mihal michael dooley diey deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at his hia Tesi residence dence in monticello san juan county utah on or before the day of june 1931 i CHARLES BURR Amun first pub apr aar 23 last may 31 21 for the tha accord |