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Show tew ' '$ $H!!HSm Mm mwSt ness can be complete X& ' ;3 l3 BH ft fiSP without children j it is her nature to love My L.VJ i, i - I-, l,,ve r beautiful and pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and wonderful remedy is always stB Jter' j$ BF M oppliedextcrnallv.and SWfrM B jft bus carried thousands S W 3 9& B M sW of women through the trying crisis without suffering. JBm M E Send ff' i ii . nlng Information Bfcl KB ShJ9 SB m$2 Of prle. to , taut g g SB STaS MS MM W The Bradfleld R coulgtr Co- Atlanta, 6a. tyg 1 rmirHrrir n i iiiaasssssHssswMBswssnsassssssssaaaBBMaiiaassMSsrBBSiaasri t:",: l Our I . Rough-Rider Shoes I Are Here. Boys! - 11 You know how they wear. Just can't knock them out. A satin calf for ranch and , x canyon wear. Boys', 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 $1.65 i'ew Youths'. 13 1-2 to 2 1 50 I .-S. Little Boys'. 10 to 13 ... . 135 - - R0MINEY 1 v Dependable Shoes, 258 So. Main St ---, ' gMeaaBMsaasesaasaaBBsasnKMBSBHBssMTMSMM-MgMMs-r-. i nisi sissi ssniani isi sa isibb s saasss s a ESS Walker's StoreTS BBBSnarjSTiSSaaHBBBBBBBJSBBsSSBaBiaaBBananSSHBBBBBBBBBSBaa A Notable Wednesday tsid Thursday Special from the Men's Corner. Half Hose-45c Pair; Should Be 65c and 75c. j I This beautiful line of Hosiery comprises silk lisle, gauze lisle, embroidered effects, etc, In blues, browns, tans and the rest of the up-to-date colors. , , ; As an inducement to mid-week buying I Wednesday and Thursday--45c tho Price, plj T TWO-HOUR WASH GOODS SPECIAL. S tl&rZ ) 10 TILL 12 WEDNESDAY MORNIN G I dfl&Stffi&Afc'&ti S week concludes the great May Wash Goods Sales. Every item ffiJWtj 111 " department marked with a view to make this the busiest week l W WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIALS. B -e I ) 100 MARSEILLES BED SPREADS. ? -T J ) I-'ull size, 2x2i, worth H 76. J J -! 10 TILL 12 WEDNESDAY MORNING 99c. - 5 1000 YARDS ERENCH ORGANDIES. MADAM PETRI'S 10 TILL 12 WEDNESDAY MORNING 39c. ENGAGEMENT 1500 yards sheer batiste e Beautiful floral designs, worth 25c. With this store expires next 5 irday 10 TILL 12 WEDNESDAY MORNING 10c. evening. To close out her line of ele- gan1 hair switches, etc., everything will 25 DOZEN PEQUOT SHEETS, go at Half Price. . Slze Slx90 regular $1.00 value. Samples of Face Creams Free. 10 TILL 12 WEDNESDAY MORNING 79c. H Demonstration In Suit Department. Limit 1 dozen to the customer. " : BBSSBSBBSlBaSaSaSBSDSSSHHiSSSSSBejeBBBBBBSBJBB GROSSEST 50 SHOE t eful selection of M and experienced fw jeiKa i n construction Q JBffjgj js Crossett satis- I (7m o test is In the j le Crossett shoe, 111 xMW 111 I n Illustrated cjitatuf I 1 I 1 I T1AKES LIFE'S WALK EASY I : 5 W. MBMMmMMnnmanMMnmMMM'-JiMIIM.-. 7 rpl AS J fl-.! LI f J for all women's rains and i-KlJ lirllinir mrHflrll ili-.vlii,-hiv-u!.;.ttliemen- IllV VIU llVilUMI tiiLvi.- !l,)l.llh;K.,VL,u;inJ cures headache, backache, dragging-down sensations, dizziness, leucorrhea, and female disorders dis-orders of every form and degree, is Wine of Cardui. It will purify your blood, tone up your nerves, brighten your eyes and complexion, and strengthen your constitution. For oyer 60 years WINE Ji AA 1 1 1 Woman's OF mKV&Jl Strengtiiening Medicine has been the stand-by of many a home, where it has been successfully used to relieve female pains and to build up the systems of several generations of members of the family. It has won for itself a reputation for merit and success, which no other medicine can duplicate. Sold in 1.00 bottles at every drug store. Try it. WRITF US A f.lETTEl? freely and frankly, in strictest confidence, telling us I GIVE MY WIFE Cardu," Vf:'' Dr. 6.P Walker, ol Mote, Ark.. all your synrrtoms and troubles, We will .-nd I , , ,, "which Is the highest proof ol a doctor's confidence, free advice On i ':tI" sealed envelope). Address, readies' Advisory Dept., The ChatUi- I I use it in my practice and recommend it to my patients and unhesitatingly say that It is nuoga Medicine Co.. I Ihajtanooca, Term. I all that you claim lor it, in female disease v . ; , : s288jiB8m fffftttBKKBBmSBBio . . . -itSHHiiiBI COMING ANNtJAL VISIT-COMING -THE GREAT Fioto Shows CIRCUS BEAUTIFUL MP MAMMOTH MAfiASERIE TO DAZZLE AMERICA'S MJLLIONS WITH THE SPLENDOR oftheCRIENT New $100,000 Awe-Inspiring, Gorgeous A JjjjPhk 'er'or!r, t6i Psapfa mrSMaf1 ' 7 VbS4cJ9 25 Han ni Ptnlos lh finut Ib tht orld. 21 fun.ir Clssni 24. Lliaat ind Sacrod Cell!. 60 MdjIcIioi. 3 Band. I Brilliant CM of Gold and . of EltVianlt tnd Civil- Plush, lh BullMki coi- cidi ol Camils. coittinid ired ollh illnricilii. In clioralnj, belawilid ! EiotjIHH Onnd Itlttl Ohtrt- hcrtihi and eJolh of gold ' m,8t. Enchmtlng, 14 Bin Hur Arabian Slalllont. Accorapllihed, Biaatifil. Big Be Zco of dan and Ulhi mi Oricsful Rmlbg Curiout A-iloilt. Dancing Oirls. New Features, Innovsllons, Revolutions and) Real Noveltlee, Deoorated with Favor and Full of Triumphs of overy Kind. THE PARADE TEUS THE STORY EVERY MORNINC AT t 0 A. M. Frca Japanese Daylight Fireworks, Free Horse Show holloiT fhe Parade Come to the Circus Ground Two Performances Dally, 2 and 8 P. M. nOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER Salt Lake (2ity, One Day Only, THURSDAY, MAY 25 I Show Grounds, Main and 8t.h South. ADMISSION, 25c FOR THIS DAY ONLY. msml n r () for Suits guaranteed In overy way X .J. it ltd made to your measure in our ri) (i) workshop rlsjht HERE IN SALT J. LAKE. 5) 1 IDEAL TAILORING CO., I 149 SOUTH WEST TEMPLE ST. 2 |