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Show RUNNING FOR DATA. Operations Now Going on at Utah Copper Company's Mill. Frank G. Janney, general superintendent superintend-ent of the Utah Copper company's big plant In Rlngham canyon, and who will undoubtedly purtlclpato most actively In the construction of the bigger plant at tho point of the mountain, departed for the Damp ugaln during the afternoon after af-ter several hours' conference with Manager Man-ager Jackllng. Superintendent Janney says that he Is now running for determinations determin-ations that shall nfford the data and Instruction In-struction upon which to rear the larger plant rather than to maintain uny great output at the canyon mill. T'ntll this data Is eleveloped the tonnage reduced at tho Rlngham canyon plant will vary. However, the corotiany can afford the loss ef temporary profits incurred b this experimental ex-perimental operation as It will be fully reimbursed by the more profitable results re-sults that shall be achieved at the larger mill. Superintendent Janney says thai DS proposes to have the Information which shall guide, the company In the construction construc-tion of Its new plant so e-oncluslxe and so minute that when the- new mm is finally completed, the management will know exactly what to expect of It. In this work he Is not only doing much for bis own company, but much for the enlightenment en-lightenment of mlnlnc circles generally. Strike In Gold Reed. A mKi;e from Tonopah sa a Hrlk of Importance hose ten made on the Standard claim of th- Cold Hed Mining company, located lo-cated rtt Kawich The strlkr was made In a body of talc on the 100-foot level, which returns re-turns assays tunning from $10 to V3. The entire fno ef the tunnel Men In the talc unci un-ci rered. The tunnel i t,ut twenty feet from thf foot of the chart. The pews of th- Mrlkc wan bruUKhl to Tonopah by A. C. Wardl-. Mining Notes. Idvlees from Altu Indicate a mos, tlirfuc. tory condition nt the property ,,f tin Albion compnny. William Ilntfleld loft for Park City vejter-daj vejter-daj morning, where he went to Inquire into the conditions nt the Wnhash. Joseph nuh. who has boen mining for so lonjr a time ,.n Irleh mountain, out nf Hiko wev . leave for camp ngnln tomorrow Herman Hill, actively lde(fP,i ,Vth bro. Jcernge circle here for many yoara. came In I.rl'ie " " -vc,t,,raa' accompanied by his William C. Ochs reappeared on tho Mreot yeaierSaj ;iti.-rn.ion to meet with eongratula- 11 1 u many friends and mining circles generally. KnKlneer Street of the Newhoue mlnv leaves for the southern camp nealn tomorrow after having ninde the nrqunlnumce of a nw Deby daughter at his dwelling. Fred I M l,. ,t formerly euperlntendent of the Tonopah company, nnd now following his proWjilon of mlnlnc r-ni ln. rr In Iow Aneele. i- renew In sequalntsnces in Tonopah this week. Newt Danjron. has gone Into the Deep creek Country, nhore ho Is conducting nn examination examina-tion of mining properly for Kastorn riunis ant which It Is not unlikely win result In tho advent of a new crowd In those diggings. M.il Whiting repr.-si-ntlng I. "n stern Interests Inter-ests In the Hiickhorn group of mine;, . Ophlr hns returned to the city to remain Indefinitely Ho expresses himself as very much pleased with rriiults that have been achieved under tho management of Mr. Levy, Thomas Brown, for many veara Identified with the mines of Illnghnm. hus arrived from Stnlellne. where he reports conditions pro-voklngly. pro-voklngly. If not distressing!--. tranquil However, How-ever, he hns not loct confidence In the ultimate ulti-mate recovery of those diggings. John W I-nngley. who abandoned the pit Of the local exclmnge to WOO tho goddess n Tonopah, has returned to his offices In that camp after an absence of several weeks In s.in Krnncisco. in his new field of usefulness Mr. Ijingley Is making the most emlaldc record. Simples of high-grade gold bearing ore are exhibited nt tho offices of :roker WHIIani it tiu-uIt that tell or another sensational discovery dis-covery In Nevada camps. Mr. Tlbbale Is not prepnred to release particulars Just vet although al-though visibly exultant over the wealth to which asays certify. Senator W A. Clark has pun ha.ed the hnlf Interest of his two co-piirtners In the black It i k mine at Butte The property Is an old silver producer, located In the North ButtQ district, and Is at peasant under lease to sonm Iowa men. who aro working under the name of the Elnckrock Mining company Ooldfleld Sun. A strike, showing assavs running run-ning from V) to ls) pr t.jn, has been made Id Reef, midway between Tonopah and Goldfield The ftrlko was made hy Mr Kiel-he Kiel-he f.-r. In his own ground Tho rich ore was found the h.mglng wall, and It Is thought -vlll show Up a vry high gtadf Of oro |