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Show 1 -liiK A Good Family Liniment. Every family should be supplied with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, burns, scalds and similar Injuries, which arn of frequent occurrence, there Is nothing so good. It soothes the wound and not only gives Instant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal In about one-third th; thnc required by the usual treatment As it Is nn antiseptic all danger from blood-poisoning is avoided. Sold b all leading druggists. ELASTIC STOCKINGS 3 At-: r -p ' .1 Pf. y. t. j . . . , asm Ankleti to order. Scientific meuurr- QlM mcuts. Fit (uarintced Pil:ei right. Hj Trasses 6(ttd to 11 ,o sffoid tbe max-tmjni max-tmjni cocpiort and benefit. DRUEHI. & gRANKBN, Ji S E Cor Majnand Third iojlh Sti , sJT Salt Lakh. Citv, UTAH, UNION ASSAY OFFICE, M 8. HANAUKR. Manager. Removed to 152 South W. Tcmplo. 6AMPLKB BT MAIL AND E.X.PRF.S3 will receive prompt attention. Analytical wurk a specialty, tkxud ir price list, 130 Ye I Of unquestioned ascendency. I I 30 Years I Of steady improvement in I quality. ; I 30 Years I 1 Of constant increase in sales. , m I And Still Growing I 1 I I I This is the record of the 1 1 Remington I I Typewriter 1 Locai Branch, 172 South West Temple. Utah's best Wheat4jjw mnkes Utaii's best Flour, I PEERY'S FLOUR) PEBRT BROS .,- M , 'Kaiial Electric Belt Free Men and women who are weak, full of palna and aches, vou can have my Elec- trie Bel free until cured. I don't want any money from any one unless I cure 1 you. It Is tho best Electrlo Helt In tho World I will lend you hundreds of honn j testimonials. Write today, DB SL T. M'LAUGHLJN, 931 16th St., Denver, Colo. I C. W. BIGGINS, Ai. D. 1 I m SPECIALIST. ' V'riiM Microscopic and Analytic Physielan. Liit,& CURES Fits. Nervous Weakneasv -Neu- Sas 6 A? jolJlLr ralgla. Varicocele, Weak Spine. BUlous- fiiVltiv JBLj ness. Gravel, Sore Eyos, Lung Diseases. I KJLAllisa JSKSf'm Ttpe Vorm, D;. spepsla. Liver and KM- j WHnhJiMfK P Deafness, Catarrh, Ery- 5s4)ljuv elpelas, Old Sores. Scrofula. Rheumatism. V nwiftV X. s'lrr Jomts- Pll In their worst form. afttVvV f K Thoee afflicted with Epilepsy or Flta can SjkYVnwVjV ' permanently cured 3 v?lCTr ?4jwv l''0 a tn iileroscope we can dell de-ll ri-i:('zJnSrV 1 tPCt "alcut. Cancerous Matter, Carbonato D fl vaeS JaWtt L y ot Lime, Albumen, and nil extraneous I I m9wt3 lJ Nj s-ibstanccs mixed with the Urine or I lOfTf 'A V Blood. This is tho scientific principle of H R . n - treating Cbronlo Diseases. 9 iifh YsV JT Can b0 furtd at bis office, 8L Elmo fj ;iyV y y'r Hotel, from 10 a. m to 4 p. m. Rooms 17. fl VV 1S nd Vi' 7 t0 9 p m Cd THE KNOWLEDGE OF DISS ASH IS 9 I - HALF ITS CURE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. MAN, KNOW THTSELF. i i sTJgtM i usiii m 1 1 1 9 I DOCTOR COOK coTA"'sca-f J j PROSTATIO TROUBLES ??$L NERVOUS DEBILITY permanentlv cored no mat- df'Jk 'J&& ?l,lck k"',!" ter how long standing the BT to CO days by my own fa- dlsease. In from 6 to 20 daya. 1 mous method' STRICTURE fl 0 VARICOCELE cured In !5 days, without ri Completely and permanently cutting, pain, druga or detcn- V" ' unLW cured b new process; all tlon from business. V, .Sf&&. i dlsngreeablo symptoms soon B eJSpfHH disappear completely ami Q V7ASTING WEAKNESS W forever, It Is safe, painless H Timo of cure. 10 to 6X days, 1 Vh6sBw an,i bloodless. An absolute, by my original, ver simple vmv eure guaranteed, remedy (used exclusively bv yAL yBR' . ""' ) fSSffm&SBzBR BLCOD p0ISON PRIVATE DISEASES ' IS1 ENery ves-tlge of poison re- curod In 8 to Ui dav-H. without fl 'V; VjV.'" V moved from system without the use of polsonoua drugs. 1 aid of mercury or potash Consultation Is free and Invited, and In consulting me you may be sure tht nothing that sclenco can devlao or skill perfect has. been left undono to arrord vou a epeedv, safo and permanent cure. WRITE me In full confidence, explaining your troubles as they appeal to you. and receive by return mall my honeat and candid opinion of your case. eooK MEDieaL eo asttWffl"" W. . LYNE, f?rW00L and Wool-Growers' Supplies ) j 151 STATE ST. j ' mw&i SALOON. ' This place baa been mude famous by Its hlgh-chis goods and its courteous treatment, treat-ment, j IGUNCBERG U PERRY. Proprietor. PARit CITY. (J L AH. There's a big round reason why the ailing one should use Grape - ssBsaBH &cV-vi " DRUNKENNESS CURED. E Thouamnds DUiSjjfm , o' homes WjTflBfcS5,. "iftOs hap- ; 1 ' '' tf-ry 5j ra aJV year fcii nrMWiff Address HSMPIII Kculcy i , : I1 'TO young,- MIDDLE- S N I I n AGED AND ELDER- H " B brS I LY If ou are sexually H 1 I B9 i Q weak, no matter from n 1 1 0 w3 I B wlmt cause; undevel-"irsrlii undevel-"irsrlii I n I oro'. have stricture s, aassssssaJ6 varicocele etc MY l'EIUTL'CT APPLIANCE will cure vou No drug or electrlcltv. 7?i0.ooo cured and developod, 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Bend for free booklet 8eht enaled. Guaranteed.; Write today. R C. Emmet. 23 Tabor, blocK. Denver. Coin. . . H ' wZJl&fi&i l6iiVB6V!arH |