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Show Utah Branch of Good Roads Association Committees to Be Named Today to Arrange for the Coming Convention, J. P Cahonn. chairman of thn Rood roads commute of tho Commercial club, Will this morning nnmo committees to m.ilte arrajigfmcnts for lh coming convention con-vention of tha Utah branch of the National Na-tional Good rtoruln association, to be held In this city June 2 and 3. These committees com-mittees will Include seven on membership, three on nuance, seven on arrangements and one hundred on reception and entertainment. Must Hasten Work. The time Is very short In which to prepare pre-pare for this COhventlOll and it Is hoped that meetings of th several committees named by Ir. t'aJioon may be held some time durlnR the day Mr. Cahoon will name tho committees at 9 o'clock this morning, will notlf the members at once by telephone, and will request the chairman chair-man of erieh committee to call a meeting for today If possible. Cahoon to Name Committees. A meeting of the good roads committee-of committee-of the Commercial club was held la6t evening. In accordance with Instruction of the board of governors for thi-m ti art with Mr Iyoucka of the National Good Roads association and render him nil the assistance possible After expressing thir hearty endorsement of the movo-ment movo-ment In which Mr. Loucks Is Interested especially that of organizing n State branch of the National t4ood Roads association as-sociation It was decided to leave the naming of committees to the chairman of tho committee, J. P Cahoon. |