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Show Tribune lips on Today's Races Probable Winners at Belmont, St. Louis Fair Grounds and Louisville. At Belmont. Here axe tho probable winners on three r7C."raceArabo. Lord Badge Whaler Second rnce-Waterbok. Gallnvanl. Gold BThTrd race-Pegn.us. .4MMta, M F-.urth race-Blandy. Flinders Wild larnx. Fifth race-Hylaa. Arukn, Fi y 1 ng Butt res Sixth race-Race King. Red Knight. Tork. . . , W'tilher cbar; trn.k fn.-t At St. Louis Fnir Grounds. First race-Harry Feott. Kuroratkln Blr- mlSS mce.V la Mode, ATC-ld. Awakening Third ..... Crabelle, High Chance. Pretu NFour.h race-Gregory. All RaVOlr, OU Fifth rare-Lady Vashtl. Nan Ness. lt a 'sixth race-Docile. Colonel Preston. Van- yon. , . , Weather clear; track fast At Louisville First raee-Athlone. Itnska J. Ed OT. Second race-Sea Mate. Antlll'un. Henry nMnrracc-Two Penny. Ebony. Blue Oras, ''Fo-.rth race-Barn's Horn. Ck entry. Sis Fifth race Queen Caroline. The Saracen. Moccasin Maid . . . su.h race-. lent. Merino. Neva 'Welch. Weather clear; track fast. Boise Faces Elders Today. captain pro tcm. Tomas.o Leahy of the Salt ike ,-"ub Pas m somewhat ora Quandary last evening i" I-- ih- lln. -up of the Kld.-rs In trie game which Will be PUlb-l off at tJte bMbal park this afternoon with the Boise h rult Plck- "sant. lles had not shown up and this throw the make-up f th- Infield Into what mlgnt he termed n knleldoscopl- Mulligan tTl.h The Bolso lulling order for this afisrnofjri s ,. Sedlngi will 5 as follows, smith, a., llainm-.n-l. f. Kell-ickey lb. Sch lis -b. Mclntyre, lb; Knox, 1. f . McParland, r. f . lliiti-.n. e ; Vasblnd-r. Steltx and HcKlson . 4aablnder, McFarlan.l and lUnson nrrl-.d in the its fOSteraay fr-.m iig-b-n. where they fi..pp.-d oier t-. witness tho cycle roces and drew a blank check. First Defeat of the Oquirrhs. The Oquirrhs met derest ycsi.roaj i-r mr first time this season, at the hands of the Lafayeftea by a score, of fj to 12. It was un-doubtedly un-doubtedly tho fastest and t-est game In the School league so for. I ,. i, pa. 1 of lb- IJifnyettes nie t- n numerous to nam-, but certainly all plsyed ci editable game. Cjipt. Joe Daft of tho ilnhs futnlsh-d much amusement f-r the onl.-ik.rs and not a little trouble for the players by bis ever-present fighting Instinct. The IJifav-ttes w.r.. glieti unite a variety ,,f plt.h.rs having live changes In --ne inning inn-ing The batten for Lafayette was Giles and BnoW) for Oqulrrh. Hardy, catcher. Daft, Bowen. Tresldtr, BdWgrda New Ball Team Organized. The butchers and grocers of this city have .-rg.inlz.-1 a l-al-all ass .i-lallon .in I pr.-p.. to put one of the strongest clubs In the fiel-l whl.h has ever reprewnie.1 an amateur c.rgon-Itatlon c.rgon-Itatlon In this city. Several members of the Cleaveland Commercial team have been np-proaohed np-proaohed and offers mode, but the llnc-up of ih- team Is not yet complete Suits have also been ordered and It Is tho Intention of the market men to put a team t . the fion I which Will trim any of the arua-t. arua-t. in organizations In tho State. Harry James Is booked for one of the players, play-ers, along with Ames, the big pitcher for the Highland Boy smeller bunch. Travelers to Eureka. The Commercial Travelers' baseball club Is figuring on a inlx-up with the champion Lu-reka Lu-reka team at Eureka next Sunday, and expect to run an excursion out through the mining district that du. providing th- railroaders fnll to keep the engagement with the Poca-tello Poca-tello outfit. |