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Show 1 GILLIES WILL MANAGE. Has Consented to Direct the Campaign Cam-paign at the Golden Crown. It Is the Intention of tho Golden Crown Mining company, which was formally launched by Salt Lake talent during the day. to begin most vigorous rsr v hi 1 on the valuable piece of earth acquired by it In Tonop.ih, said a prominent In top 1. In the undertaking, the work to he under the Lurervislon of and tho affairs to be managed man-aged by non other than I'l.r.aJd Gillies, who has been long Identified with the Montana-Tonopah In similar aca. itv The ( rganlzatlon behind th- 1 not only a powerful one. but one that Will command tho confidence of the entire en-tire West, while developments in territory by which the new company's estate la bounded have practlcallv demonstrate! that another mine Is to bo added to the llet at Tonopah. It is the intention to begin be-gin sinking on the Gold Crow h t once, nnd to carry out tho plans abundant means havo already been assured. |