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Show SALT LAKE WOMAN'S CLUB Annual Meeting Is Held and Officers for the Year Chosen. At the annual meeting of tho Salt Lake Woman's club hold jestorday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs Clesson S. Kinney, the following officers were sleeted for the ensuing year: Mrs. John II. Powers president; Mrs. Theodore Whiteh vice-president, vice-president, Mrs P. N. Cook recording sec-retary; sec-retary; Mrs. Allen T. Sanford. corresponding corres-ponding secretary; Mrs William H Jones, treasurer Mrs A. V. Taylor Cl'itlc; Mrs Helen V Kimball, auditor Mrs. George Gatrell. historian; Mrs Cles-SOn Cles-SOn S Kinney. Mrs. Howard Stow.-members Stow.-members of the advisory hoard. Reports of officers were read at the meeting also and arrangements for the annual V.ri ak-fast, ak-fast, to be given Juno 6, at the Commercial Commer-cial club, discussed. |