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Show COMMISSION NOT READY f OR CRSSAn'S EVIDENCE AND MAY NOT NEED IT a statement from Mr. Cassatt would be necessary or desirable. "The commission has not yet determined deter-mined whether or not it will require the testimony of Mr. Cassatt. If the commission com-mission should decide to call for his testimony. It does not think the time for that testimony, has yet arrived. Such testimony should not come until all other had been heard, so that both Mr. Cassatt and the commission shall have the entire question before them, and that any statement by Mr. Cassatt shall be responsive to and cover the entire en-tire situation as it may be developed by the examination of subordinate officers offi-cers and others. "But there is nothing that stands In the way of Mr. Cassatt making any statement he may desire to make before the commission at any time. If 'his presence is called for by invitation or any other way we suppose he would come under the immunity clause." v ,y i ; . .sa1 J. CASSATT, ' President of Pennsylvania Railroad.. PHILADELPHIA. June 8. When the Pennsylvania railroad statement. Issued yesterday, indicating , thatj President Cassatt Is willing to be summoned before be-fore the Interstate Commerce commission commis-sion was shown to : Commissioners Cockrell and Clements1 today, they made a statement in which they said: "It is true that in April Mr. Cassatt signified his readiness to appear before the commission., His letter was received re-ceived by-the commission, but as It had scarcely started upon Its Investigation under Joint resolution of Congress It was unable to determine whether or not - ...--''' '" ' ' ' , - |