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Show j HEN'S SIDE OF TROUBLE . V - sssBBssBBBSBBBaasssssssaa ISmelter Strikers Tell Why They Quit Work at Bingham. iSNGHAM " JUNCTION. July , 8.-The etrntXre at the United States smoker give th- ' jjjds of the trouble as follows: -C May 1 the mechaalce at the United ttat id 'smelter sent ths following request to ths p fUcIals of the United States smelter: , Wa, the ordersigned machinists and ' ma-iehtnists ma-iehtnists helpers." blacksmiths and blacksmiths' kslpera. weald respeetfuUy reqoest that a ntter ' hour day be granted us. with- ten- hears' pay. ' We furthermore request, that eight hours be j granted -us on 8unday .and on all legal boll-T boll-T " days recognised by the State or Nation., and i 1 i that eight hours1 constitute a day's work under If . the roof of the smelter for all mechaalce and i 'their helpera "Oonceesions of this kind have been made In Montana and Colorado, even to the extent of i eight hours for every amployee. We would also say that should the price of copper go below be-low 10 cents, we will cheerfully drop baek to . the, old scale of wagea and hours. "This request was presented to Mr. Raaie-toa Raaie-toa about slay 15, and after waiting eighteen aaya our committee was granted an Interview, without sny satisfactory results further than to say;- 'We might have nine hours with nine knr? pay.' which we declined. "Mr. Hasletoa admitted that 34 bad bean granted' the mechanics st the new smsltar at Garfield," for nine hours, but that the 26-cent nM had been given them for car fare. And sttU he refused to give us S cants for car y fare, when It eosta us 70 cents for ear fare to t the city aad return; besides, we have to lose ,' from one to three hoars to go in and back. "Will you kindly state through your valuable eascr that' we are not asking the United Btltes' and Bingham Con. Smelter companies to raise our pay? We simply ask them to shorten -our Knars end 'let the pay remain the I same. We went so far as to withdraw our re-eueet re-eueet for eight houre under roof of m altar. I Sundays and legal hoUdaya "We beUeve when a nine-hour day la establish estab-lish ad the company will never know ths difference dif-ference and by . a little extra effort on our i .,ert. as much will be accomplished as was I done tn ten hours before: end we wilt be placed I on an ecual footing with other mechanical departments which receive 94 for nine hours." |