Show Additional Sports on Page 10 ARE AFTER SOUSA Elks Will Offer the Noted Musician 1000 to Judge Band Contest During Dur-ing Convention Next August The Elks are planning to give Salt Lake during the August convention the greatest band music ever heard In the I Intermountain region They are holding I out inducements I that t will result re-sult In bringing to this city during the convention many of the best musical organizations or-ganizations of the entire country The sum of 5000 hUll been placed at the disposal of Col Samuel C Park and his committee on music and most of this will be given in prlxes to the hands that make the best showing In the contest con-test lo be held hero during the convention conven-tion The first prize will be 1000 the Hcsond 5HOO and the third 25g There will ho other prizes for the best uniformed uni-formed bands und those that make the best appearance on parade Tho local Elks are also making an effort to secure John Philip Houua the great band leader to act as Judge for the contest and will offer him S1000 to act in that capacity Chairman Park bus already written to Sousa to ascertain ascer-tain I If I he will I I come It is I thought that he vould be a great drawing card and that his presence here would add much to the Interest of tbr band concert Part of the scheme Is to have a band concert conducted by Sousa and given by tin three bands that win the prizes combined Into one great organization I Exalted Ruler Vltte of Milwaukee and Messrs OBrien of Jersey CIty N Jot and alyfrt of Milwaukee were in the city yesifrday on their way home from the coait und wore shown the sights by some of the prominent local Elks |