Show 111af If OtI O d tangleso fi rr Word doilaltlon unless otherwise KtJilod arc according U WobiU < MH International In-ternational Dictionary Llpplncolis C5i gi cP nttUfM I or PhlllipH Dictionary ur Hio piaphleal Rtfcicnee Original Coat rlbu 1r1 + t < I Antis 111 tw wiloomed oll1m 1111 kat long r for tins denarlnunt to be addressed to K R Clmdooiirn L wixlon j MoJ 1 ofltl 1133A TOLJUSTS D13S1UK t J1Jf Qr C j o = jif Cf = c v I < L r I I r u or yy0d It 1 i Ijjfhfrl I r eo J ii IL J j 5 J I Jk 3 f < tJi t > V rfflJQi lA t M 1t a Yf Y71 j 1QI fJi I f I 1ifit 11 t rl if fVU 1 > rS1 Y p lfl P UZZbEU H < I nAl d SI e 11 SHINES TIUK i yiotJ Tho wofd Ia auJcci leavens I blai est ninrmi I fKt < JJB f UouTirJltK furm 16 Wiapt n H A corner of the rcncr I slips aside A I illmiro Is taught M1 Of him wht ujnl h lrrl And mono gun mon is sects ° 11 e f AP rvlfily tho mantle lallK away I t Until from nrnyjali niltulncss I The < brighlnutfi of thu day K T B 1113TGIED AJES 1 Di51 y AO T I + C fP I L 1 P S 0 K 1 T I A K cfo Lit I F 1 S iii I I E L A N D O K I T y J 3 t P P I C T 1 II K G j JCANI I J ltti ii I I 1 6 K D I F 0 D B r < O la a lESS HI 1 X l N Kl nfulforwlf or backward HJ or down or ljKonallyfroni thu li cad upper flhinil 1 corn r Ui the lower rlRlithnnd corner nul 11011 l J A name milled to St Patrick aS 2 A name often oUvn to Hodoin rind Go s hi jnorrnn t A iltlu i often given to Stuart e coal name given TO a Uoinnn legion be tit cauio prayers of Its Christ latin were fol r to lowed by n IbundorKlnrm 1 which wan ills comlUIng to the enemy 11 J 00 JJ3CDOrBLlv ACROSTIC Fourloiter words In banyan might Its branches imiflcd And yt Folfcontcred unhear the t proud panics jildo 1 Of dlsroputo bin t Ircri I within whose shade I Bus death contrived malignant ambuscade ambus-cade II The steer I the heifer I the I cow and the ox Are all eo called In Shakespeares talks 111 t Tile tlilc t I I I of an Anterlran sovirelBii of Aid AVliu was slnin by a treacherous Spaniard bat bold VUli vlHors cloHffl with lances In the rent Now all > c Hiliitt be ready to contest V To ho i Giant till hills of Bohemia Vo may trace Ha duvloiiB course Its IiiiiMiiLimu mouth oullc ten miles wide It derives no doubt from that source VI Coequal with tin admlrahln Crlchton la I la mo Only Jmices nov Inherit his ramc I F L S k 3 nA TIUPLB ICNOT A miner I aoM flvo barrels of Hour to a fiumer who emptied thy barrels and flllc I hem with t lOUt 1018 Tlyao hr old to a fruiterer who in turn sold them to the > milli > r but at double his buying price Tlic mllltr ant rocoKiillag Hit barrels as Ills own returned to the frnltorcr with the i c < nplplat I thai I I he found tht barnIs under rise vmivil m In rnet tll only four ntnmlaril barruLs = Soon however much to ths chagrin of lilA jnllkr the barrels were traced buck to hhtihclf It war tin farmer who undertook to nlttilghl out tin angle First 1 ho ad l lrrsvril himself to Uio fruiterer You de livered only four barrels of potatoes MO yen owe the miller what you received for 010 bittiH i owe you what I ruivlvrd I ror oaii banvl ihlch Is I half what your you-r wt You arty balance youi tranfactlrma then by sending the mllll half a barrel 1 of potatoes Tln > frulterrr saw that thin was fair and agreed i to send l thf half bar rel I TIi farmer next WflII tw the mlllor Vtit awe mi ono bnrrcl of flourhe DM 11 find there 1 + duo you In addition in the halfbarril Just ixcelviil from the I fiuitcrer arotlur hulrliarrei vhlch 1 will give you Afttr ilellvorlu thin 1018 toes and ic rrlvlnp lilt Hour the fanner rOIl sway having nettled the ifllriilly to tin satla fictlonof all It did not occur to caber mlllor or fruiterer until some time after wanl that whllo the taimor rccclvod pay ment for I five hnrrelnof potatoes ho had i I only delivered lour and u halt And to this day they cannot tell how the farmer mnnaijpcl to gala tent halfbarrel without cheating cither of thorn Can you 1 F L S n 1110 TRANSPOSITION Survivor of a hundred ONE Though oft bestead full sore What weapon bus at last I t undone Tho charmed life you bore The man of powders pills and knife Twaa he who laid you low Ills TWO have vamiuishuMhnt bold life Which scorned the open foe DOROTHEA ll uNf iBEEP I A cereal lunch he meant to cat Ills bread waa t of the finest But soon ho hind a mind to try A slice of fresh and fragrant ° Some Sroltlrh blood his taste Pl1ot SHe S-He asked for scones composed of Thou calling to the I waller Charlie Have you a bannock made of ° No sir youio Just too late I fear But heiis a nice ono baked of 4 Oh never mind though looking blank Bake mo some griddlecakes ol Munmvhllc ho ate and could but praise A fritter mixed of golden His plate was empty and to fill it They offered foreign cakes of 1 And from the CUKF one Monsieur Jcs Eninv f I learn they had a pinch or But ciowncd with sugar cream nnd I tilre Ho finished off with cold boiled M 1 C S n IllsA STORY OF BOOKS Fill tho blanks with titles of wellknown books Our hero R1 CU lived with his uncle In U I C near a B U The house was in n clearing In the woods on the shore ot a lake The rutMoment had onco been a largo ono though now little mote than a 11 V4 The young man wall well known as T and hunt parties engngcd him fit T P ashen trm run u out 1 > 4 n > H that region Once at the annual VUh F this youth met J 1 LJ 1 often called 110 L O 1 L She was A4 O li I with her T I R p was to becnnm T I In a lighthouse Home 1 miles away on thy coast After much piiiuliihlOn shit con clltl1 to give lip lior > 1 N Do and bocomo mlstrcsH of the B II by the hike They wre marrlv by T I V 0 run an adjulnlncr town They had one C 11 and hero we leave them happy B T B 13 BU BA A ID L 1133 EXIGMA A charm lug day In fragrant May fly Htllo mlBlriis woru me As ovor I hill llfli bank and rill On merry in uric sho here me Pu fat and dory would filn not RO Ho 1 r Just loathed I snorts bucolic lint tutllf ciilrm blx lied mo firm And dragged him off to frolic In flowering hedKo by nttonmlctn edge Tho l lltllo witch soon found me I Though thorns will prick she plucked me rollbier And lu bier fair citrlg bound meow me-ow 1 must toll what woe bofoll Twan I caiuiCd the disaster Down down she rolled In waters cold While Pug rolled even faster Though core her plight she yore no spite All day were parted novor And check to check at nigh wo seek Our rest close friend aa ever MABEL P ANSWERS 1121 Taiii iwool Tnlec JJ2V Rf bca sober HLfi Mr A was born on the 29th of Fchruarf and as ho died before com pleting fits mth year and 1700 1 wus not a lens year he had but four birthdays Tho nutrbor of hI children also was foutv JH7 Petunia rose pink bluets prlm roan violet bjitk lavender 1J23 The Last Hoao of Summer Tho last rows of Summer 3121 TliouRhtUsu I I tttugulnhhrg lini Drowned wonder owner wore row or O 11 111213nll |