Show MAJ MYTON IN TOWN Will Assist in the Prosecution of Alleged Al-leged Sellers of Whisky to Government Wards The late traIn from the East last night brought In MaJ and Mrs II P My ton from the White Rocks Indian agency The Major stated that he had come out to ashisL 1 in the prosecution of Nasty lack Morrison and Thomas Labrum who are to bu tried In Judge Marshalls court Tuesday on tho charge of selling whisky to the I Indians Five Indiana from the reservation are making their way to the clly overland to show that they arc alive and so prove it was whisky they bought and not the compound that in commonly sold to the red men as a substitute for whisky The lIst Ingtilshcd quintette IB led by Provo John brother of the famous cruy Indian who hits lived asa as-a hermit ever since lie incurred ostracism ostra-cism by killing hiM own mother On lh way from the agency to Price MiaJ j and Mrs My ton met the to companies com-panies of the t Twelfth Infantry I recently recent-ly l transferred from Fort Logan They wore marching I toward Duchcsne and although only twelve miles from Price were evidently suffering from the heat and tlUH tIn t-In regard to the reservation leasing proposition MaJ Myion said he thought the matter would be allowed to rest pending the disposition of the bill now pending In Congress ind which will give 1113 parties having concessions con-cessions from tho Indians the llrst choice of mineral lands |