Show BIG WATER SUIT Receiver Asked for American Falls Canal and Power Company TRIBUNE BUREAU U L I and C Building j andOgd II May 10 J William M Bostaph Mnrcni Skcen J ml TJrnmmlt and Moroni Skecn Jt In behalf be-half of themselves and other t stockholders stockhold-ers of tho American Fall Canal and Power company vs the American Falls Canal I and Power company T W Shnrt Iff Lymuri Skoen David I Tracy Caleb arry Levi B Jlammon T D Skoen and Elizabeth D Tracy IK I thin Illle I of a big suit Hud In the District court yesterday Iho plaintiffs allege thai they arc tho owners and holders of certain uock of ho defendant company and that the de oridinls constituting a majority of tim joard of directors are In actual and l full control and usurping wrongfully and 1111 lawfully tho powers anfl functions of the corporation that the t defendants Shurt Iff Tracy Parry llamman I and J I D Skecn nro slock holders who are usurp Jag and wrongfully exorcising lie duties and powers of the president and officers thereof that the plaintiffs t I not owning a I majority of tho stock are unable to got redress by action of I hu stockholder1 The plaintiffs ask that a receiver bo appointed ap-pointed for the company to take full charge and direct Its affairs and that Iho defendants bo enjoined from disposing of any of the stock of live company W S Maglnnlt and R S Fnrnsworth arc plaintiffs attorneys Inquest of Gco Yam An inquest scat held vostordnv ovor the remains of Goo Yam the Chinaman who wna shot and killed Wednesday night by burglars Thft Inquest was held before Just Ice Wnrdlelgh the 1 evidence being about as already published Tho jury brought In a verdict of murder at the hands of parties unknown Brevities Judge Mnglnnls loft last evening for a months visit East The law linn of OGe it McCormick has been dissolved by mutual consent H U Henderson and Herbert R Tae mlllJin have formed n law partnership to commence June 1st W H Myers was arrested yesterday charged with larceny In appropriating > a certain watch the propert > of Rich Butler Gospel mission 2158 Washington avenue sorvcts Sunday 70 II m topic A Spoiled Boy Cottage moot Ing next Wed m dav 71 with Mrs Earnest Gcorgo Gutch administrator of the os tito of Charles 11 Thorpe dccoaacil Is 1OUV lo bring suit ngilnst the Inlon PlCltlc Coal < ionmpn < J ny for tho sum of J20 OCO tVa damags for the death of the said Thorpe JDoeumbci llrd last V Tomorrow night the Opera Prince and Peasant will be scon at the Grand Og den people will lie particularly1 Interested itt this I piece afe i lrmmi nit Maltrwe I the li I brettist Is known herebeing former h mmiititgei I Of GIOIHOO pnrlc and lhc miui who buIlt Il |