Show r THE1 r JL 1 E i7f f Ai 11 j CLe 0 m TCHXKING The name Itch King rightfully belongs to Eczema for no other disease can approach it in the intensity and fierceness of its itching It is an irresistible and overpowering itclj unlike that produced by any other disease or from any other cause Eczemas itch is torture and 1 at times so distracting that the sufferer scratches till the skin is broken and streaked with blood Scratching docs harm of course but the eczema patient is deaf to reason and reckless of consequences when the itching begins Eczema is caused by a too acid blood and the retention in the system of uratic and other waste matters which the proper l organs have failed to remove and through the circulation circula-tion these irritating poisons arc carried to the surface of the body producing inflammation and redness of the skin pimples pustules and blisters discharging a gummy sticky fluid which dries and hardens AN UNENDURABLE ITCHING into scales or bran like par TORKENTED FOR FIVE YEARS I suffered for three years with Ivczcnin tides or forms into great The doctors said I had pustular Eczema on the lower part of my leg and ankle sores or scabs These it would break out in small white pus and it hccnnc so badly swollen that 1 highly inflammatory 1 poisons tulca J mostly on my face and hands could not wear i try shoe acl was practically di5clla = ring a sticky fluid crusts would break 1 down 1 Otis d1L OWll the pores cally a cripple most of the time I spent i 1 jorm and drop oft leaving the skit rca rc-a good deal of money without relief and and glands of the skin and and inflamed t I was tormented with the had about given up hope of ever get ingrid cause it to harden crack itching and burning characteristic of the ing-rid of the tormenting disease which at and bleed This is one of disease for five years and during the limes itched almost beyond endurance the most inveterate and time Used various medicated soaps ointments When jiy attention was called to S S S oint-ments and washes but these applications painful forms of this f 1 I 1 disease 1 decided try it and began to improve seemed make me worse After talcing at oicc + rnd in a rhorc time was cured Eczema attacks the head 7 S S S a horl lime I began to improve The S S S also built np jny general face arms chest back legs the itching i did not worry ine so much health and I feel better in every way and feetill fact any and I continued the medicine and soon all I rni convinced S S S is the greatest every part of the 1013r It tiic ugly ertty tons disappeared and my knovrii remedy for Eczema skin is now aiilclcar anybodys I have I anay come in sparccly 1 scattered II 1 Swrnr > J not been troubled with it since liG Palmetto St Chattanooga Tczm tered patches or break out E 1a JximA r Urbana O in large spots but whatever the form or wherever located the itching at times especially after retiring or when the body is overheated is almost unbearable In Eczema the blood must be treated and not the skin if a permanent cure is effected Local applications 1 of washes ointments or salves allay the itching and burning to some extent but do riot reach the acidladen blood or cleanse the circulation of the accumulated waste but S S S does and by thus removing the cause the irritating eruption disappears the itching and burning ceases and the unhealthy skin becomes soft and smooth again S S S cures Eczema and all skin diseases of the Uric Acid type restoring to the thin sour blood all of its lost properties making it rich and pure again All parts of the system take on new life and inflammation subsides under the influence of the nourishing cooling blood Chronic sufferers from any form of Eczema or other i ce r skin troubles will find S S S a remedy that they can c rely upon no matter how severe the disease or how long t t it has resisted other treatmentS 1 1 Ii treatment-S S S contains 110 Arsenic or mineral of any f description but is guaranteed purely vegetable S S S p the King of Blood Purifiers is the only known medicine that conquers Eczema the ITch kill r of skin diseases Write us about your case and our physicians will advise you without charge Our illustrated book on skin diseases will be sent free to all who desire it THE WEFT SPSCSFHC CO Uasita Ga ffl m I5tH f1 A1 fj r = B F ccUIDEr IE 1 Sj i1 Iiffii ffidtl1 U Xt I da 17 ca 11 U I t51 b W Thin rrrt Vflto r ij4 hlu Vltnlltr thopRCrlplimtofntntnnuFrenc will 011111 n I rcllrh rlJGlrlrm qulcLycuruOhl fiJ 1 iftj 11Irlllll or 1lI llllIt Lho 1nr1Uo t UrJI nxlrll A Iirt Jr1ntuocJ J1UUHlI Maltul 1n tho CTCILrkeLl1U1 JnhllunK Ntznull clitr > lulIt1J t 0 4J 11I1r1nrn to tIncr JxhuKIII r t1hll innzi1l1tIO1 r t f11 itttoinril liK uiiy cliy or nlRlil n Ill t olllcI1o iof iJiiclinrK1 which untcIiccrcU login to firicrniniorrliaR and nil tho lionornof iinnotonry cj2 > zi > rj aclf niat a iiyur iho JJitnijaaiia ClIO urinary orsiuu of till ImnurlltuJ CUfiDUriEoucugUicoa tna restorermalI vcnl oinin Q 1hnrrnaonauiTr rsnrrnoLenredh Dnalnrllshnenuurgpcrcent l lrollhht with ProdUUJ 013P DIE the only Inowil rernrdy tll cum without Ii Jpcmtloll USA tCI1rnnlllal A rrltten guuntsetFfreunudlnnurliirneiI I I i I thnt dneuoLcfec opcttualeutCUXuL3ahozUtaryW Dytnnil fr11 + 1 fnr trtBei vIjnrnnd bst 00183 rAlldre2SDiVOL DnIIil co r0 no 7claa Frnncco Cn CoclbePiti3 Drus Co Salt Lake Utah Agents i 1 1 I I PAGIF fEED Mill GO Manufacturers ot ROLLED PEED Wholesale Grain Alfalfa Seed Baled Hay and Straw ToL C22 212 I V South Tcinolu v Are Buyers c J TOCac Hd Always 01 laIEl1D 1 Satisfied u F F ih i1aL1 brria T 1 w DI J 1T I r rp l ll77t q a a ItCr s 2 tI ats ± > I BIB BOSTON i STORE Ii + B2G BOSTON STORE dnu3 1 Where Bargains Greet the Buyers Grand 0 f B 9 0 1 1Joo 1 1 7 41 Where Bargains Greet the Buyers n iifAl1 rw II L i StJ 212214216 salt Lake South City West Temple U rn m Al1 ffi II peni1 ng 0 our a r a n J I q a t r I b I 1 rL 7 1 edifkt111 I l I r I 2l321 St Salt < l2i6 Lac South City West Temple J ith 1 trots This adds Nine Thousand oJ feet of f selling to this wonderful f 1 r BKCAUS15 Our location and low rent enables us to undersell any linn I bv 20 to fiO per cent s 11S a s 1 e stare ee 0 s ace 0 1S won ousan el oorr I1ne 1 square space u 1S1AITSI M0 i other store ANVWIlIiBK is so diligent in the Interest of the buying public to which it looks for support UEt AUSI nothing but abSOILI1 ly 1cUahlc mercIHuu1ise is admlllttI here ill any prkcthut point Is or vital Ssnpott ar Bargain Center IiisllUSr1 the pekes 1 We nslt are the lows + lltllnwlI tf tll l107Icnnti wurld fo goods of the quality wc sell I F 131CA I tSI evers sale that we made in hadtcd by an a hsohute JItIEowl IUHtIllltee of alisfac tlon to the smallcsl detail a BgCA J USE everYthlslg I s done 10 promote yom personal comfort while slwjlIIIS and Lo Milt the inns enacting l1Cuhcmcnls rah 1 T And so wo might cnnLinuu to name reason after reason almost without end Is not the magnificent success of this immense bubl n a til This is Salt Lake > City FASTEST I GROWING STORE WHY ness enterprise hold example of what such methods will do Are you benefiting to the utmost extent by the policy of this house I No really careful buyer I will pass the offers we make without investigating them asE 1 ih 1hcV t Banks dont fall every day a purchase Where Bargains Greet the JJuyer God Goods Cheap Iookf Panics Dont like womymOIonccdwetClIyoULhalIL thl Is not made every day need G 0 0 d G 0 0 d S C h e a P W i t to if dsor w is important for yiii to come at once t 0 < I fVE ARE nOLLlTNG IH to secure first Choice Finest Goods J HJXLU r Evert Day fen 9 I V y Uy 9 b PSt muorns s Biggest Bargains are always aall ra al-ways selectoil first Did you ever see a dollar grow A dollar brought here this week will 6hu19 dre just about double In purchasing power the moment you are aL the door lpt v crai Your Choice of Any 7 8 0 l J i More goods out of OUR NET BIG U Zf 4 9 5 Our Mighty Basement Bargains f t1 l STORE than we ever expected Yean v bur S10 Ye-an d X12 Trimmed Hat fSJ + aIfj F c t 1 > r1J 1 l r cannot keep the crowds away It is an in Our Store this week IJ e f 9 incurable disease with us to sell cheap 6t OeD yards of Remnant Print in 2 to 50 large C5 Chenille 51 Tablo 49c I + laJ j We cant help It Wc presume thats tale l TIllbIIEJ1our Choice of any Hal In Our Store NONE RESERVED J yard yard lengths per ° QI 72 C Covers while they last fpf tl l f what draws the crowd Whispering it la > J t I 200 pairs s 1 Pillow Shams 29c rzI r A 1 I = jf candidly l to you wo have the lergcst t mG n GOOD GOODS CHEAP Y BICYCLES Your choice pair I ii1 a fA i I1J ffi and most complete stock of new antI 50 Mons I and Ladles standard 1 1002 std C J at ll1r If c S l Ire I iiIL l l > i 3ff1 plc tr s Wheels 5 our choice while T 1295 3000 Ladies Combination Stock Collar i 4 1c t t th J f + l mo r c L lkp Tellable merchandise ever shown InCome I 1 uE r t In-Come Everybody I Come Quickly I they last at 4 + JJ and Bow worth up lo 05c 10c 1 d t t r n t Ftt t irRr Jf ifi iff1 Salt Lake and we arc selling it at our I tort i 1c ii V Truth Ih Mighty and 1 Will Prevail 1 1000 spools DOc Baby Ribbon all color Your choice rk q lilt t 1fir K lt m r fulck shot prices if you want old 4 J he people art finding ou that when HO yards on a spool 25c liOfiO yards Tennessee shirting 4c ij + r I 1r t t Hllcs shopworn lOd5 chat have laid 1 we advertise a SI article for oU cents i while It lasts t 1 i i t r rr Half price fIlJl + rllllt t ti ri f1c iil1Cf r1IJ 1 1 = 11ttr tj r7 i 011 shelseS fOt the past scats don t come to us we th eEU m lr weve got it This h what lllls our 100 j t Chenlle 1 11 1 I Table OK 5000 yardS 1 N Ol I4111JtfI t1J f 1 I tr Hori with customers rain or shine hIYe 25 C i choiceOuting 31 c Ilrl lot 1 l r clan t keep that hind Some oC the other fellows do Its ° Covers while 111l = Flannel Rem nants aldu ° 2C Is dita J 1 1hls It is that Is I doubling our business yard Jfj I r J l l tl ik1 theh old time hlgh plIces that do the business for them ills f r L sr rapidly Toll the truih the whole d flr I rl i1 iJ truth and nothing but the truth and 1rt i1 i M 11 I f 1 I il J I OUR ZlIOIro IS r fO FORGE TO THE FRONT IN1 ylr rJ r R II I Jn the end yon hnvo a sure winner 11 JI0 1 h 11 lt f I 7 PHIS HOL AG8 OFI USrLT G D COMPETITION to II tC fiIlT g 9L l 1 o The prices nI quote 1 for all next week lBA RGA It NS A RE R If H PE n LJ J It1 + If I I 1 1 1 rt i d tn t t l il 1d J are far and away in advance of anything 1 rt l lijit 1 S I II I Ylu I hi l 1 llri r + You must hMC that Ictcnnlne WIll In your business i t4rti < art i l any-thing you will woe elsewhere You will k rt tt Ih t + Iil II 1 tt like Cacssuliu ce up our mInd lo hum your bridges behind l J tg1i I rg find ihe goods on our counters and just They are ready vtaory IIHTlel In every department on every floor In cvcrv I 1 i1Iltlrr1t II i 11 I 1 rrl f be-hind you and make ictreat forever impossible We have aisle I The 1 values The wisest will I 11 1 1 w 1 11 J as represented 1 fe 1e yl 1 ues vary IC sc l ty get here early and be well repaid oi ll f 11 s 1 f S + I i J 100 doxen r for their corning 1 ra t r II i 1 IL il nailed 0111 Cash Banner over our door as Nelson nailed Ladles I Lawn t r < < > J n Wrappers fIrt I I fP f V t f Just the thing for summer wear value soulIf we were not sure thiit our clothes were better than any other clothes 1 1I I I jJ I wi i H his flag to the mast determined to sink with our ship 1C j A fiI G t 0 1 for this sale sold ai i the snmc prloe do you suppose we could say iS li 1 t I ill 1 I il I I Ii J 7K2 I l p MONEY BACK IF VE AKI3 NO TTJGJ1TV < 1 II j II I J1 1 tWij i r 7 L1 H irlI I III J Here arc prices that arc world boaters lf 4 3cQ I I l j f f i at yo lMjjt f Zi I n i1Ilb1 II I While they last you get cm when they are gone Y Qs td s rmaW o 4075 f 775 H 75 J I + + r i a J itl t joull miss cm Lrrji 4 0 Pit t 1 ir4 For the same blue or r prI r1i I I j II 11 500 pairs oC the celebrated Douglass 53 and S350 gear fC For the same allwool black allwool clay For the same fine Riverside lb 1 r I Ij f4 I II s s shoes every day th IK week between the hours of 10 and i r 1 t W w oj r o worsted cult that the Riv-erside worsted suit j b I h I IJiJI + ± 1 I 11 and o and 4 ocl oclc we will sell these famous Shoes t + 1 to t r r suit I that you would others ask li to that you have been f p at art E 4 i 1 Ali for cl I for oJ 13 Paying 520 for elsewhere 7 t Lrt lI < elsewhere pa8 1 I It pay where 69 Pall ft at r r ar n W n r v t I fff m o C j P II < I 1 I 1 L k I + The L l ii s + Dont buy I Shoe until you pay us a visit 3t takes but Suit Spring for fll r tit 1 the < Boy I M 1 a few moment lo convince you how much cheaper we I 1if ill U a = tltl 1 are than others 1000 pairs of Men s Womens and ChI d l St Ioys very often ire I critical people it 1 I s I I r dicns sample Shoos on sale this week I Y 1 I I > ff x + It r + knowing what they want and Insisting I J I 4 oj c I 0 f ew f + ti 9 yr i a c i lul upon getting U We would bo pleAsed t C I S5c Shoes for 2 1 i t f 1Z I2i Shoes for 75 r rf J n to have I these critical I boys and thoir SI7i Shoes for to 0 100 r Y r > 7 parents know how really excellentend j r x 00 Shoes for la l and I I 1 I Rrjres e L 00 0 t iJ r t H ros a bargain unheard of in the s ffi conQtt world y e 1 r how very beautiful our Spring ClothIng fuil 0 Lro Shoes for lf > 0 n lhe i C sl1 asl R a t l Cloth-Ing Is and it is aluays priced s fairly I L SiOO Shoes for 2110 j the K A Lucky I I Buy = p r 100 Shoes trot 2IS Ill 500 of Iho rleh r acre No j51 Royal r + Ili l t i G iOO boys and children sample wilts 1 I oelidt 1 Vorcosipi I Corsets lotail t price 200 the Q ° j on sale this week < nt the actual wholesale ru 11 he t ioriel 1 ovor drab only on sale all thin 4 1 I C w t whole-sale 1 price which means a Having to Basement Bargains or ln wool until they are gone 4 7 71 you of nll least onethird A 3 ultlhls f 0 a o ihl tr 300 c Cord Silk ilottol f J 9Sc tr p l t week for 12 A + C fi suit this wool for 1 v Crystal 01 1 Such as you but c never soon before A S J suit this week l for S12S Hoititr They arc r wonderful bnrgalns fllsu 200 Alaska and Golf Corsets the kind r L buy now when they arc gone youll I 16 Pi ° 1 hitss n T nOO Loo botllos Perfume Basement toad nalr that you have been paying lit cents for r f = > mis 5 cm Waists worth 1 350 price 1 a uS r f Illne lsCmenlo I2c r our little price this went I dlJr 1 WSS t orhIt 1nl + 46c d C S 500 samples Meni I Dress Shirts value rOO 5c Rubber Balls Basement J ly rlr t x eJ9 up to SI 10010111 A Q0 1 price lOo tlr n choice ro 0 all sizes while I they tlshaotte t I 1000 lic Tablets Basement price Ic the Read the Little Prices 1 300 Ladles 7Cc Night Gowns Basement 5 cite a ale i e r ces last Base-ment price 38o ctlle if Host Calico mad IL 115 allwool clay worsted 1500 Silk and Woo Skirts Cn Ladlrs Toe lnrk Snteon Potti rea t tlrfe d 11 Ret J nonce Illvrld Overalls tlc fiuils nOOJ7P 1 aJi a n BB 11 I 1f4ts coits rjiisoment price r 3c tUe cite t Lovl Straus rilln lc urns allunol 1 Kultn Hfl i t IOOO yard luc Toil Dccosmer Biso Mins l Working Shirts lOo I 300 samples In Lndios Walking Skirts lr mcnt price 70 fo lint Mnun r pi cd r Wnrklng t PanLT Sic Monr Jioivy Shirts inc positively every one will bo sold at Your choice of any one of our 512 ill i j 7Ji7 2 IL FIB Good Outing I 1 Klanncl Jc Mens Jloooed Undorwoar u 3Hc Its actual wholesale price < 175 1 I and 1G Skirtn this TO 7K I CO gross DC Embroidery Cotton is a1 hells 150 l Hair OSc lintOAShoes h h Ji IS All wool Skirtn from P ° week O0 > J bIJf ID I Busomont price 1c tar I o r u b a |